Weekend Wrap-Up - Days 128-9

Post date: Nov 27, 2011 1:47:00 AM

(Original Date: Monday, October 25, 2010)

This weekend I didn’t do much. I was able to talk to my wife and kids which was awesome...always love that. Although most of the time after that I get a little down because it makes me miss them all even more. I got a haircut on Saturday and watched the UFC fight streaming off of a laptop in the day room. The only problem is that the internet was so slow here that it ended up having to buffer a lot through some of the fights. The only one we actually got to see was the main event which was a huge surprise to everyone when Brock Lesner got his butt kicked.

Right after the fight PFC Metal and I had a hall guard shift. It’s a bummer because this is going to be our last weekend here at RBK barracks. After we test out of M3 we move back to the company barracks. It just happened that the weekend shift rotation landed on our room, so we had to do a 6 hour hall guard shift and stay up until 6:30 AM on Sunday. I then slept until 1:00 PM which kind of wastes the entire day.

We had recall formation which took forever. Normally the sergeant walks through pretty quickly checking everyone’s shave, haircut, dog tags, and ID card. Sometimes the sergeant even has the student leadership do it. This time however the platoon sergeant in charge decided he wanted to take his time and do a thorough inspection. He finally finished and we took off and headed back to RBK.

After the new student leadership here at RBK got chewed out after the inspection the other day, they have been coming up with all kinds of new rules that are going to be enforced. Looks like I’ll be leaving at the perfect time.

Now a little about my health....my feet seem to be doing better. They are far from being normal again, but I see a huge improvement. I just think they don’t care for being in the boots from 7:00 AM until a little after 7:00 PM. I’m coming down with a cold or something. I know there were a number of side effects listed on the smallpox shot and this may be a result. I’ve had a headache for the last few days and now I feel like my chest is getting congested....wonderful! Let’s hope I can self medicate enough to get me through this week. Maybe I can pick up some extra vitamin C at the shopette this week.