Fitness Week 10

Post date: Nov 11, 2011 3:26:18 AM

(Original Date: Sunday, March 14, 2010)

Week 10: Weight = 189.2

Sun: a day of rest

Mon: 2.68 mile jog outside (28:49) Push-ups 2 x 30 reps, Sit-ups 2 x 30 reps

Tue: a day of rest

Wed: 2-mile run on the treadmill 18:21

Thurs: Push-ups 4 x 30 reps

Fri: Weights (Chest/Arms), Sit-ups 3 x 30 reps, 2-mile run on treadmill 19:57

Sat: a day of rest

Notes: Wednesday’s 2-mail run on the treadmill really sucked, I had no energy and just could not keep a good pace. I was breathing hard the whole time and it turned out to be pretty discouraging. It’s strange… some days I feel like I have all the energy in the world with energy left over after the runs, other days I feel the run takes everything I have just to finish. I’ve never been a big fan of running. In fact I was on the track & field team in high school and did everything from long jump to javelin, but always tried to get out of any running event.

I had hopes of really improving my speed and scoring quite high on my army PT test. I am now just looking forward to doing as much as possible now in order to pass comfortably.

Even though Friday’s run on the treadmill seemed much worse, I actually felt much better with the workout as a whole. I had a great workout at the gym and did the run last. I knew I was already pretty tired, so I walked a lap and then ran a lap at a pretty fast pace and kept alternating. Turned out to be a pretty long run time, but I did get a good workout.