Another Surprise - Day 60

Post date: Nov 19, 2011 1:42:36 PM

(Original Date: Monday, June 14, 2010)

These entries are from the remaining letters that Brandon has mailed to me - the next several days up until Day 62 are letters that didn’t make it to me before I left to Georgia. His writing at times can be a bit difficult to determine his words... bare with me, I do my best, especially with army terms.

We slept in until 6:00am this morning. I had CQ duty at 7:00 which worked out fine because breakfast was at 6:30. During CQ duty, me and Pvt. Cock just sat at the desk and watched everyone clean for an hour. After our shift, we went up to the bay and had to start the process of cleaning out our lockers. I guess we’ll be living out of our duffle bag for the next few days. We were in for another surprise with DS A-Hole he played music for us. Our PG even came around and took requests. I had to choose one of the greatest songs of all time, Fade to Black by Metallica.

3rd squad, my squad, was chosen to pick weeds in the parking lot.… lots of fun… in the hot sun. After lunch, the company headed over to the photo store and everyone picked up and paid for everything we ordered way back in the 30th AG (reception). I got some of me, one of my entire platoon, a picture CD & a movie they made of clips from our training. I decided against the yearbook, which I’m glad because they combined Bravo & Delta Company together. It seems most of the pictures are of Delta Company.

We then had an opportunity to go to the PX and get milkshakes too. The lines at both places were ridiculous. It's always crazy on weekends. I did wait for the PX though because I needed to get another bag to put all my crap in. When we arrived back we got phone calls for about 45 minutes or so which was great. I was able to chat with each of my kids and my wife… perfect.

After chow and some cleaning in the bay we were allowed to watch “inglorious Bastards”. There were technical difficulties again at first, but we finally got everything going on the small screen again. Farting from the audience added to the soundtrack along with lots of giggles after each one was let loose. When we were ½ way through a DS from another platoon came in and said, “it’s 21:00 lights out, this ain’t no college dorm.” So we had to stop the movie and go to sleep.

Random DS Quote: “12 inches, think about it.” (Our cool DS states this often anytime someone starts talking to him)