Announcement Day

Post date: Nov 6, 2011 11:01:06 PM

(Original Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010)

Today I took my boss out for coffee for our weekly meeting. At the end of the meeting I let him know that we needed to get all our projects done by April 1st because that would be my last day….I’m joining the Army. A look of shock and disbelief came across his face. I wanted to give the company as much advanced notice as possible. This way they will have time to find a replacement and the transition should be a lot easier. After answering his questions, we then returned back to work and he had to immediately inform the owner and general manager. I then submitted my official resignation. It will be very hard and sad leaving this place. The company is great and the people here are good people. I made a post on facebook and it had an overwhelming response. The official company announcement went out later on in the day. I have been stopped many times throughout the day with people wishing me luck and giving me encouragement.