Tired - Day 87

Post date: Nov 24, 2011 1:54:50 PM

(Original Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010)

As noted yesterday I found out that I had hall guard shift with PFC Metal first thing in the morning 12:30AM until 6:30 AM. I tried to take a nap at around 10:00PM, but all I did was toss and turn until it was time for the hall guard shift....so much for sleep tonight.

The weekend hall guard shift, like any other shift is assigned one area for clean up. When I checked to see what we had I saw it was the laundry room. Not too bad, the laundry room is pretty easy to clean up, I thought we could have them done in 15 minutes to a half hour and be able to study and play on my laptop for the rest of the shift. The sergeant on desk had other ideas though...he had us clean the bathrooms and the day rooms as well. FML! As if having this hall guard shift wasn't bad enough now were doing three duties along with it. PFC Metal and I work well as a team though and we knocked them all out and had the sergeant inspect them all.

After our hall guard shift was over we both spent a little over an hour getting our room and lockers squared away for the coming inspection. We took the rest of the time we had left to take a small nap for about an hour. We woke up and went to the 9:00AM formation and waited on the sergeant as usual. The sergeant finally came out and said to come back in a half hour. So we went back inside and shortly before the half hour came up, we were told to wait outside our rooms with our lockers open. We waited...waited...and waited some more, then finally the sergeant started checking out each of our rooms. He got to ours and checked everything out pretty quick, we were now good to go and ready to finally start our weekend.

Even though we were both pretty tired, PFC Metal and I went over to the PX and the commissary to pick up some supplies and also eat some food. I was getting hungry and that was overpowering my need to sleep. Once we got back though we both literally passed out. I was only planning on sleeping for two hours, but it ended up more like 5 hours.

Woke up and studied a bit, then took some tests that we have to have completed before the 6th day of our class. We ordered Chinese food for dinner and had it delivered. We then had some Crown Royal and Coke with an ex-roommate to celebrate his coming graduation. Turned out to be a pretty good night.