About Me

I was 36 years old when I started this. I've been in the I.T. field for the last 15 years. I am married and have 3 children ages 13, 11, & 9. I live in north central Washington State, but grew up in western Washington and have never lived outside the state.

My whole career has been spent in the newspaper industry. I’ve supported everything from MS DOS to Windows XP and Mac OS 7 to OS 10.6. There has even been a little OS/2 and Unix thrown into the mix.

I like to play & watch basketball. I love spending time with my family, going on vacation, watching movies, and riding my motorcycle.

Why Join? and Are you crazy?

These are questions that I get asked a lot.

Let me first say that I have had the desire to join the military since my late teenage years. I think I was a little afraid of commitment at first. Later on in life after marrying my first wife and having kids it just never seemed like the right time.

Serving my country is of course number 1 on the list. I am advancing in age and getting closer to the age limits allowed in the Army, so it’s now or never.

I would like to finish my bachelor’s degree. I have an associate’s degree with two years of college down. The Army will pay for my schooling while I am enlisted, so I am going to take advantage of that.

The experience working for the government in the computer field will be good for my career. I will also gain secret clearance. There are a number of jobs that I can take advantage of when I leave the Army.

The health care coverage for me and my family. Health care costs seem to be going up every year much faster than my pay. I'd like to take comfort that my family and I will be taken care of while I'm in the Army.

The experience of traveling around the U.S. or the world. I have no fantasies about seeing the world, but I do think it will be interesting to live temporarily somewhere that I have never been before. I look forward to the adventure and the excitement that this will bring.