RBK Photos - Day 40

Post date: Nov 22, 2011 12:32:12 AM

A photo of one of the day rooms in RBK. A number of people hook their laptops up to the flat screen and play movies.

(Original Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010)

This morning we did running and it kicked my butt. After our normal warm up we jogged as a company for a while and then we arrived at a hill. We ran up and down a couple of times which was killer, and then jogged back. I was drenched in sweat and my legs felt like rubber for the rest of the day. A good workout!

The rest of the day was pretty normal so except for a funny incident in class. We had a guy actually fall asleep and hit his head on the desk. Everyone next to him couldn’t stop laughing, it was pretty funny. I’ll post some of the pictures I got this last weekend of RBK that I haven’t posted yet:

Overheard Quote: “We are professionals. We are not Burger King, you can’t have it your way!” (A sergeant talking to people coming late into formation)

Our hallway used by Charlie Company

Our nice individual showers

Our cafeteria (the RFAC) all clean and with the flat screens on the wall....only if I had time to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the news.