10 Days...Really?

Post date: Nov 12, 2011 1:40:17 AM

(Original Date: Friday, March 26, 2010)

Wow…looking at the countdown clock I saw that I have 10 days left before leaving! It still seems a little unreal. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m going on this crazy adventure. As the time gets shorter before I leave, my calendar seems to get fuller and fuller. Tonight we are having some friends over for our weekly UFC movie night. For a while now we have had friends come over to catch up with all the old UFC fights. We have all of them in our Netflix queue, and tonight is number 68. Good company, good food, good beer, throw some violence in the mix… what could be better? I will miss these nights.

Tomorrow I have my best friend coming up to finally remove his car that has been in our driveway for the last few months. My wife was getting a little worried that it was going to be here forever, one less thing to keep the house from selling. This weekend we’ll go watch my kid’s basketball tournament, then I will be heading back for my last week of work. I am going to try and get most of my stuff packed this weekend so I can get everything checked off my packing list.

Checked on zillow.com out of curiosity to see how many houses have sold in our zip code lately. The answer… 1. Really?? Only 1! The market really sucks right now. It shows that there are 319 houses for sale and only one has sold recently. We have reduced the price by $5,000 and plan on reducing it another $5,000 in a couple months. I really don’t think the price is the problem, especially after looking at the statistics for our area. The economy just really sucks right now. In fact our neighbors house is for sale as well, and I just found out it is in foreclosure. As a last resort we will have to rent the house once I get stationed somewhere. I do not have any desire to be a landlord, but perhaps it may work out for the best. If we can rent the place for a year or two, the economy may pick up. Perhaps we will be able to actually break even or (dare I think it) make some money from the sale.