Pregnancy & Lyme


Reports are mixed- with some good and some not so good outcomes- for children born to mothers who have Lyme disease. Concerns have also been raised about infected Lyme mothers passing the Lyme (Borrelia) organism to the infant while breast feeding. Below are medical articles you may wish to review if you are a patient with Lyme who is pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant.

Please see the site dedicated to

Dr. Jones and our precious children with

Lyme and tick borne diseases

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More Information

1986 Lyme Pregnancy

Bartonella in Newborns

Birth Defects

Ehrlichiosis Report

Female Hormones

Gestational- Live Births

Lyme During Pregnancy

Lyme & Pregnancy

Pregnancy Outcomes

Stillbirths Confirmed by CDC

Syphilis/Lyme Pregnancy