Yellow Vision- Mepron (Atovaquone)

Mepron (atovaquone)

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Mepron may cause the following symptom that is related to yellow vision:

  • Corneal verticillata

Medical Source Information

Yellow highlights indicate symptoms related to yellow vision.

Ocular side effects have included vortex keratopathy during postmarketing experience.

Side Effects to Watch

Watch closely for the following side effects and notify your physician immediately should any of these develop:

  • Abnormal bruising or signs of bleeding such as bleeding from the gums, nose, digestive tract, vagina (females), faintness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or rash (signs of problems with blood clot formation)

Lab and Diagnostic Tests

If certain symptoms develop, ask your physician whether you need the following lab tests or other diagnostic tests (if you've not already had them):

  • Blood tests to assess normal clotting - in people who develop signs of bleeding such as abnormal bruising or signs of bleeding including bleeding from the gums, nose, digestive tract, vagina (females), faintness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or rash


  1. Vortex keratopathy associated with atovaquone. Shah GK, Cantrill HL, Holland EJ Am J Ophthalmol 1995;120:669-71.
  2. Product Information. Mepron (atovaquone). Anonymous Glaxo Wellcome, Research Triangle Park, NC. PROD;

Multum version: 154.0 (Jun 16, 2010)

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