Dr. Jones

Dr. Charles Ray Jones & His Kids

Dr. Charles Ray Jones is an international treasure- a courageous, selfless, inspirational, and outstandingly gifted clinician who has helped thousands of the most severely ill children with Lyme and tick borne diseases from around the world to regain their health and their lives.

Dr. Jones is what we all wish for in a doctor and in a human being.

Please help him keep his doors open so he can treat as many children as possible, especially those who were deemed "untreatable" by so many others.

Please visit the website dedicated to

Dr. Jones and his kids!



To Donate to Dr. Jones Legal Defense Fund

Please make donations payable to:

"Pullman & Comley Trust Account for Dr. Charles Jones"

Mail to:

Elliott B. Pollack, Esquire

c/o Pullman & Comley, LLC

90 State House Square

Hartford, CT 06103-3702

Please note "gift" in the memo field


Tribute to Lyme Friends- Thank you Dr. Jones!



Dr. Jones Interview- click here.


For the history of the Dr. Jones legal battle, click here.


For more information please see subpages below.

Lucy Barnes
