Denied In Florida?

Appeal, Appeal, Appeal

If you have been denied coverage or reimbursement by a Florida insurer you have several options. Please remember there may be deadlines for responding and filing an appeal or a complaint, so do not delay.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulations

200 East Gaines Street

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0305



The Lawyer Referral Service at the Florida Bar can assist you in contacting an attorney in Florida with expertise relevant to your situation. By law, the Office of the Attorney General may not represent private citizens in legal disputes. The Lawyer Referral Service may be reached at 1-800-342-8011 (FL only) or 1-800-342-8060 (National). The Florida Bar’s web site address is

The Florida Department of Financial Services’ is the state agency charged with regulating the state’s insurance industry. Within that Department is the Division of Consumer Services that provides public outreach and serves as a mediator in disputes between insurance companies and consumers. The toll-free number is 1-800-342-2762. In Tallahassee, consumers may call (850) 413-3130. On the web:

NOTE- A transcript from a court case involving Lyme disease included testimony by an insurance executive. Bottom line- insurers sometimes flag Lyme cases and have been known to deny patients claims initially to save money, but they usually will pay the claim if an appeal is filed.

NEVER let it drop when you are denied. Fight for your rights! And make it easier on yourself by getting help from the above agencies when doing so. Some of them have been very helpful in the past.

Information provided by Lucy Barnes-