JFK Hospital- Letter To Inform


Good morning,

More than one seriously ill Lyme disease patient has contacted me because a proper diagnosis was missed at your facility and they were denied necessary treatment as a result. This allowed their condition to worsen and in the process they received multiple misdiagnoses. I am writing today to ask that you please educate your doctors and staff about Lyme and other tick borne coinfections so your patients aren't left to suffer or sustain what can be irreversible damage.

I am sharing some links below with up-to-date information on tick borne diseases in Florida. Please share this information with everyone at your facility so they are not only more informed, but are more sensitive to the needs of people in your community.

Since there are multiple strains of Lyme disease in Florida that are not able to be detected using current Lyme tests on the market, please remember- treat the patient, not the tests.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. If you have any questions please contact me at the email address above.

Lucy Barnes


Lyme Disease at FloridaLyme.org


Tick Borne Diseases- Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


Recent articles describing various strains of Borrelia found in Florida that are not detected using current tests


Scientific articles on ticks and multiple diseases found in Florida


Sent by website form on January 12, 2016

Received by JFK as documented below.


JFK Medical Center

3 Minutes Average ER Wait Time

as of 12:15am EST today

Thank you