William Nichols

Dr. William 'Bill' L. Nichols

From Spotlight On Lyme, Vol. 5, No. 4

July/August 2000 Issue, p. 10

IN MEMORIAM Bill Nichols was a good man, a true friend, and a fine scientist. He had suffered from Lyme disease for twelve years before taking his own life on April 12, 2000.

Bill was desperately ill from the complications of the disease, which was in his spinal column and his brain. For the past two years, he had to struggle to get out of bed, often became disoriented, and was unable to drive a car. He was also losing his eyesight and his ability to walk.

Unable to continue with his research, Bill found that he no longer had the energy to concentrate, and was terrified of losing his faculties.

He suffered from terrible headaches, debilitating tremors, skin lesions, and cough and eyesight problems, which kept recurring despite the massive doses of antibiotics being administered to him. But he struggled bravely, and was kind and gentle to the end, always trying to help others in any way he could.

It is with deep pain and sorrow that I write these words for a very special friend who will live in our hearts forever.

Roger and Marilynn Girsmore