Lyme Misdiagnosed As

Lyme Misdiagnosed As...

"It is now realized that the disease can mimic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s Palsy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuritis, psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, heart failure, angina, irregular heart rhythms, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma and lupus, eye inflammatory reactions, sudden deafness, SIDS, ADD and hyperactivity, chronic pain and many other conditions."


List of Lyme Misdiagnoses

With Documentation


Lyme Misdiagnosed As...

ALS- Lou Gehrigs


Cancers Tumors Cysts

CFS Fibromyalgia

Depression Anxiety

Eye Disorders


Jaundice & Hepatitis

MS Multiple Sclerosis

Neuropsychiatric Assessment



Panic Attacks


PLEASE NOTE- The controversy over Lyme disease continues to severely disadvantage and mislead those living with other medical conditions who may actually have Lyme and tick borne coinfections.

Please remember:

Lyme tests still miss up to 75% of people with Lyme disease

1 month trial of antibiotics is not sufficient to help people with chronic Lyme disease

Tests for tick borne coinfections were not performed prior to most studies, altering the outcomes

Certain University based doctors / academia are driven by funding and must cling tight to the long disproved theory that Lyme disease is easy to diagnose and easy to cure

Funding for Lyme and tick borne disease research has been extremely poor

Countless people with Lyme (millions) have not had the results of their cases published

Those who have been receiving the majority of the research funding are part of a tight-knit group that has little to no experience with actual patients

Many in the "tight-knit group" have been shown to have financial interests in the outcome of Lyme research