1.11.1 サンプルデータ一覧

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Data Type Examples1.11.1

This page includes additional examples of the data types, based on common usages and questions

Primitive Types

String Patterns








A boolean true value:

A negative integer value:

A high-precision decimal value:

A stream of bytes, base64 encoded:

A unicode string:

A uri that points to a website:

A uri that is a urn:

A date of birth:

An approximate date of birth:

The instant a document was created, including timezone:

The instant a document was created, expressed in UTC, with milliseconds:

<active value="true" />

<score value="-14" />

<pi value="3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510" />

<data value="/9j/4...KAP//Z" /> <!-- covers many lines -->

<caption value="Noodles are called 面条 in Chinese" />

<reference value="http://www.hl7.org/fhir" />

<id value="urn:isbn:0451450523" />

<date value="1951-06-04" />

<date value="1951-06" />

<instant value="2013-06-08T10:57:34+01" />

<instant value="2013-06-08T09:57:34.2112Z" />

A uri that is the root oid of HL7:

A uri that is a uuid:

A code:

A code with single internal space:

A numeric id:

An alphanumeric id:

<root value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883" />

<id value="urn:uuid:a5afddf4-e880-459b-876e-e4591b0acc11" />

<code value="acq4+acq5" />

<code value="Question 4b" />

<id value="314" />

<id value="alpha-gamma-14" />

A PDF document:

<document> <contentType value="application/pdf" /> <language value="en" /> <data value="/9j/4...KAP//Z" /> <!-- covers many lines --> <title value="Definition of Procedure" /> </document>

document : { contentType : { value : "application/pdf" }, language : { value : "en" }, data : { value : "/9j/4...KAP//Z"}, title : { value : "Definition of Procedure" } }

Since the JSON examples have the same structure as the XML, only XML is shown for the rest of the examples.

A reference to a DICOM image via WADO:

<image> <contentType value="application/dicom" /> <reference value=";wado_details..." /> <hash value="EQH/..AgME" /> </image>


A primary key from an application table (an OID in the space allocated by HL7 to some organization to further sub-allocate):

<identifier> <use value="official" /> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." /> <key value="123" /> </identifier>

<identifier> <use value="official" /> <system value="http://www.acmehosp.com/patients" /> <key value="44552" /> <period> <start value="2003-05-03" /> </period> </identifier>

A patient identifier defined by a hospital:

In this case, the period is used to track when the identifier was first assigned to the patient.

An identifier that refers to a patient FHIR resource on a particular system:

<identifier> <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986" /> <key value="http://pas-server/xxx/patient/@443556" /> </identifier>

This is not a resource reference - it's a logical reference by the patient identifier.


<identifier> <use value="temp" /> <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986" /> <key value="urn:uuid:a76d9bbf-f293-4fb7-ad4c-2851cac77162" /> </identifier>

UUIDs are often used for temporary identifiers, though this is not necessary.


<identifier> <use value="usual" /> <label value="SSN" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn" /> <key value="000111111" /> </identifier>


  • US SSNs are often presented like this: 000-11-1111, the dashes are for presentation and should be removed, as specified in the definition of ssn-us
  • The use of "usual" means that this institution prefers to use SSN when identifying the patient

A medical record number assigned on 5-July 2009:

<identifier> <use value="usual" /> <label value="MRN" /> <system value="urn:oid:" /> <key value="2356" /> <period> <start value="2009-07-05" /> </period> </identifier>


A simple code for headache, in ICD-10:

<code> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10" /> <code value="G44.1" /> </code>

<problem> <system value="http://snomed.info/id" /> <code value="128045006:{363698007=56459004}" /> </problem>

A SNOMED-CT expression:


A simple code for headache initially coded in SNOMED-CT and translated to ICD-10:

<concept> <coding> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10" /> <code value="R51" /> </coding> <coding id="a1"> <system value="http://snomed.info/id" /> <code value="25064002" /> <display value="Headache" /> </coding> <text value="general headache" /> <primary value="a1" /> </concept>

<unit> <coding> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2" /> <code value="tab" /> <display value="Tablet" /> </coding> <coding> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> </coding> </unit>

<diagnosis> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/id" /> <code value="128045006:{363698007=56459004}" /> </coding> <text value="Cellulitis of the foot" /> </diagnosis>

A concept represented in an institution's local coding systems for unit for which no UCUM equivalent exists:

A SNOMED-CT expression:

In this case, there is no display element, because no display is defined for Snomed-CT expressions.


The results on a urinalysis strip:

<value> <code value="+" /> <option> <code value="neg" /> </option> <option> <code value="trace" /> </option> <option> <code value="+" /> </option> <option> <code value="++" /> </option> <option> <code value="+++" /> </option> <isOrdered value="true" /> </value>


A duration:

<time> <value value="25" /> <units value="sec" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> <code value="s" /> </time>

<result> <value value="40000" /> <comparator value="&gt;" /> <units value="mcg/L" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> <code value="ug" /> </result>

<dose> <value value="3" /> <units value="capsules" /> <system value="http://snomed.info/id" /> <code value="385049006" /> </dose>

<cost> <value value="25.45" /> <units value="US$" /> <system value="urn:std:iso:4217" /> <code value="USD" /> </cost>

A concentration where the value was out of range:

An amount of prescribed medication:

A price (coded using currency codes defined in ISO 4217):


Range of Quantity (distance):

<estimate> <low> <value value="1.6" /> <units value="m" /> </low> <high> <value value="1.9" /> <units value="m" /> </high> </estimate>









Titer (Ratio of integer:integer)

<result> <numerator> <value value="1" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="128" /> </denominator> </result>

<charge> <numerator> <value value="103.50" /> <units value="US$" /> <code value="USD" /> <system value="urn:std:iso:4217" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="1" /> <units value="day" /> <code value="day" /> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org" /> </denominator> </charge>

Unit cost (Ratio of :Quantity):


23rd May 2011 to 27th May, including 27th May:

<coverage> <start value="2011-05-23" /> <end value="2011-05-27" /> </coverage>


The output from an EKG device:

<sampledData> <origin> <value value="0"/> <units value="μV"/> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> <code value="uV"/> </origin> <period value="2"/> <scale value="2.5"/> <dimensions value="1"/> <data value="-4 -13 -18 -18 -18 -17 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -17 -18 -18 -18 ...."/> </sampledData>

A Simple example

<name> <family value="Everyman" /> <given value="Adam" /> <given value="A." /> </name>

<name> <family value="Contrata" /> <given value="Mary Jane" /> </name>

Composite names

These cases can be quite ambiguous - is "Mary Jane" one name, or two? Different systems, and data enterers may treat this differently, and the person themselves may not know. Parts are allowed to contain spaces, but systems should consider how to treat these cases. Composite names separated by "-" should be treated as a single name part.

A common pattern: a person is called by a name other than that expected from their official name (first given name in most cultures).

<name> <use value="official" /> <family value="Chalmers" /> <given value="Peter" /> <given value="James" /> </name> <name> <use value="usual" /> <given value="Jim" /> </name>

This same pattern is often encountered with immigrants, who retains their real name for official use, but adopt a localized name for everyday use:

<name> <use value="official" /> <given value="Piotr" /> <given value="Andre" /> <family value="Sczypinski" /> </name> <name> <use value="usual" /> <family value="Skipper" /> <given value="Jim" /> </name>

Karen van Hentenryck is of Dutch origin, and the "van" is a voorvoegsel.

<name> <use value="official" /> <family value="van"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-21090#qualifier" /> <valueCode value="VV" /> </extension> </family> <family value="Hentenryck" /> <given value="Karen" /> </name>

See the Extensibility Example for more information

Complex example from Germany: Dr.phil. Regina Johanna Maria Gräfin Hochheim-Weilenfels, NCFSA. This example shows extensive use of multiple given names, prefixes, suffixes, for academic degrees, nobility titles, and professional designations.

<name> <use value="official" /> <family value="Hochheim-Weilenfels" /> <given value="Regina" /> <given value="Johanna" /> <given value="Maria" /> <prefix value="Gräfin"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-21090#qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="NB" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </prefix> <prefix value="Dr. phil."> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-21090#qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="AC" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </prefix> <suffix value="NCFSA" /> </name> <name> <use value="maiden" /> <family value="Hochheim" /> </name>

This example makes use of the ISO 21090 extensions to carry the rare ISO 21090 qualifier attributes "AC" and "NB".

Japanese example in the three forms: ideographic (Kanji), syllabic (Hiragana) and alphabetic (Romaji).

<name> <family value="木村" /> <given value="通男" /> </name> <name> <family value="きむら" /> <given value="みちお" /> </name> <name> <family value="KIMURA" /> <given value="MICHIO" /> </name>

The three forms are differentiated by the character subset each contains.

Russian example in the two forms: cyrillic, and latin:

<name> <family value="ЕМЕЛИН" /> <given value="ИВАН" /> <given value="ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ" /> </name> <name> <family value="EMELIN" /> <given value="IVAN" /> <given value="VLADIMIROVICH" /> </name>

In Russian usage, these names are known as the domestic and foreign names respectively. The two forms are differentiated by the character subset each contains.

Scandinavian example: Erikson is the family name. Jan Erik are the given names, and Östlund the family name of the mother, which is taken as a Mellannamn.

<name> <use value="official" /> <family value="Erikson" /> <given value="Jan" /> <given value="Erik" /> <given value="Östlund"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-20190#name-qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="MID" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </given> </name>

This example makes use of the ISO 21090 extension to carry the culture specific ISO 21090 qualifier attribute "MID" for the Mellannamn.

Then Jan Erikson has a daughter, Karin, with his wife Margrete Hansen. The first communications of the new born name is "Margrete Jente" (Margrete's Girl) and the mother's family name, not the given name (Karin). The father's Family name is not used at all. This is a known temporary name assigned directly after the birth of the child.

<name> <use value="temp" /> <!-- use could be OR+OLD, depends how record keeping is done --> <family value="Hansen" /> <given value="Margrete Jente" /> </name>

The baby's name is subsequently changed to the fathers' family name, and to use the mother's name as mellomnamn.

<name> <use value="official" /> <family value="Erikson" /> <given value="Karin" /> <given value="Hansen"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-20190#name-qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="MID" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </given> </name>

Later, Karin gets married to Per Berg, and decides to adopts Berg as her family name, and also decides to use Erikson as the mellom navn. (Note: Karin could have chosen to use another mellom navn, e.g. the family name of her mother, her father or other family names as specified by naming laws of the country in question).

<name> <use value="old" /> <family value="Erikson" /> <given value="Karin" /> <given value="Hansen"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-20190#name-qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="MID" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </given> </name> <name> <use value="official" /> <family value="Berg" /> <given value="Karin" /> <given value="Erikson"> <extension> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/profile/@iso-20190#name-qualifier" /> <valueCoding> <code value="MID" /> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/EntityNamePartQualifier2" /> </valueCoding> </extension> </given> </name> <name> <use value="usual" /> <family value="Berg" /> <given value="Karin" /> </name>


HL7 office's address.

<address> <use value="work" /> <text value="1050 W Wishard Blvd RG 5th floor Indianapolis, IN 46240" /> <line value="1050 W Wishard Blvd" /> <line value="RG 5th floor" /> <city value="Indianapolis" /> <state value="IN" /> <zip value="46240" /> </address>


Home phone number:

<telecom> <system value="phone" /> <value value="+15556755745" /> <use value="home" /> </telecom>


A series of appointments for radiotherapy:

<schedule> <event> <start value="2012-01-07T09:00" /> <end value="2012-01-07T13:00" /> </event> <event> <start value="2012-01-14T09:00" /> <end value="2012-01-14T13:00" /> </event> <event> <start value="2012-01-22T11:00" /> <end value="2012-01-22T15:00" /> </event> </schedule>

<schedule> <repeat> <frequency value="2" /> <duration value="1" /> <units value="d" /> </repeat> </schedule>

<schedule> <event> <start value="2011-12-23" /> </event> <repeat> <when value="ACM" /> <duration value="30" /> <units value="min" /> <end value="2012-01-02" /> </repeat> </schedule>

BID (twice a day) (no start or end specified):

1/2 an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011:

Note that the end date is inclusive like the high date of a Period.