5.13 OrderResponse リソース

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Resource OrderResponse - Content5.13

A response to an order.

The resource name as it appears in a RESTful URL is [root]/orderresponse/

The response to an order indicates the outcome of processing the order itself - whether it was accepted or rejected, or is still in process. The order response resource does not itself convey or represent information that arises as a result of performing the actual order, but it may have references to other resources that do have this information, in order to link between the original order and its outcome.

There may be multiple responses for a given order. For some requests, a responding system may issue a sequence of responses, where each response replaces previous responses as the original order is processed/performed. In these cases, each response should have the same logical identity, and the multiple responses are different versions of the same overall response.

If there are multiple systems responding to the request, or if there request may have multiple different responses, then the different logical responses should have different logical ids.

Resource Content5.13.1

<OrderResponse xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <!-- from Resource: extension, narrative, and contained --> <request><!-- 1..1 Resource(Order) The order that this is a response to --></request> <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When the response was made --> <who><!-- 0..1 Resource(Practitioner|Organization) Who made the response --></who> <authority><!-- 0..1 Resource(Any) If required by policy --></authority> <cost><!-- 0..1 Money How much the request will/did cost --></cost> <code value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 The status of the response --> <description value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Additional description of the response --> <fulfillment><!-- 0..* Resource(Any) Details of the outcome of performing the order --></fulfillment> </OrderResponse>

Alternate definitions: Schema/Schematron, Resource Profile

Terminology Bindings

Search Parameters 5.13.2

Search Parameters for RESTful searches. The standard parameters also apply. See Searching for more information.