4.20 DeviceCapabilities リソース

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Resource DeviceCapabilities - Content4.20

Describes the set of data produced by a device.

The resource name as it appears in a RESTful URL is [root]/devicecapabilities/

There are 4 device related resources

  • Device - An administrative resource that tracks individual devices and their location. Primarily used for attribution of actions to devices
  • Device Capabilities (this resource) - Defines what observations a device will provide when another device connects to it
  • Device Log - A raw report from a device at a point in time. Must be paired with the correct Device Capabilities resource in order to be processed
  • Device Observation - A report of observations from a device

The device capabilities and log resources are used when communicating with a device, either directly or indirectly. When a channel is opened with the device, or its proxy, it first sends the Capabilities resource, and then a series of log resources. The FHIR JSON format is used in this case. (TODO: What's the communication protocol?) The application that receives the log resources may choose to merge the log with the capabilities statement to create a device observation, which is suitable for wider use within a EHR/Clinical record context. The Device Capabilities and Device Log resources may be used in a RESTful context, but in many contexts this will not be very useful - the data should be converted to a device observation for normal RESTful use in a patient care context.

Note that this resource is entirely concerned with devices that report data; interacting with and controlling devices such as infusion pumps etc. is not in scope for this resource (no solution for this yet). This resource is based on ISO 11073.

Structure of the Device Capabilities4.20.0.1

A medical device is conceived of as a measuring device that is capable of reporting a series of groups of measurements on a regular basis. The device capabilities resource describes the kind of data that a medical device reports. Devices are conceptualised using the following main structure:

  1. Device - The actual device that external systems communicate with
  2. Virtual Medical Device - A medical-related subsystem of a medical device. The virtual device that may be part of the containing device, or a separate device that may be communicating with it
  3. Channel - Groups together physiological measurement data and derived data
  4. Metrics - A piece of measured or derived data that will be reported by the machine
  5. Facets - Additional data that qualifies the metric, or contributes to its assessment

Very simple devices may have only a single compartment with a single channel and one metric, while complex devices may have multiple items at every level.

When the data emitted by the device is converted to a Device Observation based on the information in the capabilities, and known local context, the Metrics level usually corresponds to a single Observation, but this is not appropriate in all cases.

Resource Content4.20.1

<DeviceCapabilities xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <!-- from Resource: extension, narrative, and contained --> <name value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 The name of this device --> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of device --></type> <manufacturer value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Company that built the device --> <identity><!-- 0..1 Resource(Device) Identifies this particular device uniquely --></identity> <virtualDevice> <!-- 0..* A medical-related subsystem of a medical device --> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Describes the compartment --></code> <channel> <!-- 0..* Groups related data items --> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Describes the channel --></code> <metric> <!-- 0..* Piece of data reported by device --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Describes the metrics --></code> <key value="[string]"/><!-- 1..1 Used to link to data in device log --> <info> <!-- 1..1 How to interpret this metric value --> <type value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 Quantity | Coding | Array | string --> <units value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Human Readable units of data value --> <ucum value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 UCUM units for data value --> <template><!-- 0..1 SampledData Array template (fixed values) --></template> <system value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 System for coding --> </info> <facet> <!-- 0..* Additional clarifying or qualifiying data --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Describes the facet --></code> <scale value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Factor to apply to raw values (default = 1) --> <key value="[string]"/><!-- 1..1 Used to link to data in device log --> <info><!-- 1..1 Content as for DeviceCapabilities.virtualDevice.channel.metric.info How to interpret this facet value --></info> </facet> </metric> </channel> </virtualDevice> </DeviceCapabilities>

Alternate definitions: Schema/Schematron, Resource Profile

Terminology Bindings


  • Inv-1: On DeviceCapabilities.virtualDevice.channel.metric.info: If the type is "Quantity", units must be provided (xpath on f:DeviceCapabilities/f:virtualDevice/f:channel/f:metric/f:info: ((f:type/@value = 'Quantity') and (f:units)) or (not (f:type/@value != 'Quantity') and not (f:units)))
  • Inv-2: On DeviceCapabilities.virtualDevice.channel.metric.info: If the type is "Coding', system must be provided (xpath on f:DeviceCapabilities/f:virtualDevice/f:channel/f:metric/f:info: (f:type/@value != 'Coding') or f:system)
  • Inv-3: On DeviceCapabilities.virtualDevice.channel.metric.info: If the type is "Quantity", ucum must be provided (xpath on f:DeviceCapabilities/f:virtualDevice/f:channel/f:metric/f:info: ((f:type/@value = 'Quantity') and (f:ucum)) or ((f:type/@value != 'Quantity') and not (f:ucum)))
  • Inv-4: On DeviceCapabilities.virtualDevice.channel.metric.info: If the type is "SampledData", an sampling template must be provided (xpath on f:DeviceCapabilities/f:virtualDevice/f:channel/f:metric/f:info: ((f:type/@value = 'SampledData') and (f:template)) or ((f:type/@value != 'SampledData') and not (f:template)))

Usage Notes4.20.1.3

  • In very simple devices, the device capabilities will be fixed for every device. In particular, there will be no identity reference. With devices such as these, the system receiving the data must be aware of the device identity and the subject so that data can be interpreted correctly. More sophisticated machines may identify themselves as part of their capabilities declaration.
  • The device log resource specifies the key values on the metric and facet elements which are used to link a piece of data in the device log to the metric and facet definitions in the this resource. See the Device Log resource for more information.

Search Parameters 4.20.2

Search Parameters for RESTful searches. The standard parameters also apply. See Searching for more information.