4.22 DeviceObservation リソース

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Resource DeviceObservation - Content4.22

A set of observations produced by a device.

The resource name as it appears in a RESTful URL is [root]/deviceobservation/

There are 4 device related resources

  • Device - an administrative resource that tracks individual devices and their location. Primarily used for attribution of actions to devices
  • Device Capabilities - Defines what observations a device will provide when another device connects to it
  • Device Log - A raw report from a device at a point in time. Must be paired with the correct Device Capabilities resource in order to be processed
  • Device Observation (this resource) - A report of observations from a device

The device capabilities and log resources are used when communicating with a device, either directly or indirectly. When a channel is opened with the device, or its proxy, it first sends the Capabilities resource, and then a series of log resources. The FHIR JSON format is used in this case. The application that receives the log resources may choose to merge the log with the capabilities statement to create a device observation, which is suitable for wider use within a EHR/Clinical record context.

Structure of the Device Observation4.22.0.1

The Device Observation is a simple wrapper that groups a set of actual observations together and extracts the common elements that are the same for all of them. In addition, the DeviceObservation resource has some additional attribution and context information.

Resource Content4.22.1

<DeviceObservation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <!-- from Resource: extension, narrative, and contained --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Type of device observation --></code> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Identifiers assigned to this observation --></identifier> <issued value="[instant]"/><!-- 1..1 Date the measurements were made --> <subject><!-- 1..1 Resource(Patient|Group|Device) The subject of the measurements --></subject> <device><!-- 1..1 Resource(Device) Device that produced the results --></device> <measurement><!-- 0..* Resource(Observation) Actual measurements --></measurement> </DeviceObservation>

Alternate definitions: Schema/Schematron, Resource Profile

Search Parameters 4.22.2

Search Parameters for RESTful searches. The standard parameters also apply. See Searching for more information.