This kriti is on the presiding deity at Sri Rangam and partly on the Rama shrine in the same temple. The raga name is in the anupallavi. From Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by T. K. Govinda Rao.



रङ्ग पुर विहार

जय कोदण्ड –


रघुवीर श्री


अङ्गज जनक देव

बृन्दावन सारङ्गेन्द्र

वरद रमान्तरङ्ग

श्यामळाङ्ग विहङ्ग तुरङ्ग

सदयापाङ्ग सत्सङ्ग


पङ्कजाप्त कुल जलनिधि सोम

वर पङ्कज मुख पट्टाभि राम

पद पङ्कज जितकाम रघुराम

वामाङ्ग गत सीता वर वेश

सेशाङ्ग शयन भक्त संतोष

एणाङ्क रवि नयन मृदुतर भाष

अकळङ्क दर्पण कपोल विशेष

मुनि सङ्कट हरण गोविन्द

वेङ्कट रमण मुकुन्द

सङ्कर्षण मूल कन्द

शङ्कर गुरु गुहानन्द


Translation :

O inhabitant of Rangapura! Victory to you who incarnated as the warrior (vIra) Rama (ramavatAra) in the Raghu dynasty, wielding the bow Kodand.

O beloved (antarangA) of Ramaa (name of Laxmi), you are the father (janaka) of cupid (angaja). You are swift (implied) like king of deers (sAranga indra) in giving boons (varada) to the to celestials (deva). (Some translators thing it has a reference to Gajendra moksham). You who have Garuda (vihanga) as your mount (turanga, literally horse), you are dark-skinned (shyAmala anga), whose sidelong glances (apAnga) are compassionate (sadaya), who is present in good company (sat sanga).

O moon (soma) of the ocean (jalanidhi) which is the Sun Clan (pankaja apta kula, literally friend of the Lotus, as the lotus blooms on seeing the sun)! O Rama who was consecrated as King (pattabhirAma), face (mukha) blooming like a lotus (pankaja)! O Rama of the clan Raghu, you vanquished cupid (jita kAmA) (implied: in beauty) by the lotus-like (pankaja) beauty of his feet (pAda) alone! You who are dressed as the bridegroom (vara Vesha) of Sita who is on the left (vAmana anga) ! You who recline (shayana) on the great serpent Sesha ! Delight (santOsha) of devotees (bhakta)! Your eyes (nayana) are the Sun (ravi) and the moon (ENanka)! Your are soft spoken (mrudutara bhAsha)! Your forehead (kaPola) is like an unblemished (akaLanka) mirror (darpaNa)! O Lord Govinda, you are remover (hara) of the sufferings (sankata) of sages (muni)! Venkataramana! Mukunda! Sankarshana! O Primordial being (literally mUla=source, kAnda=stem/trunk)! You who provide joy (sham kara)! You who make Subramanya (=Guruguha, His newphew, also signature of the composer) happy (ananda)!



tube upload by Srinivas Dixit
