Works & Essays

These writings include philosophical essays on the nature of the Way, fictionalized accounts of our past, and other works that keep our shared history alive.

Duk'sa, by Highlord Starsnuffer Sunslayer - otherwise located under The Warrior Caste as the Shadow Hunters are one of its subcastes.

Regarding the Way, a Treatise, by Lord Mnar Akurion

The Departure, by Lord Kree Morlain - a fictionalized account of Tahlad's departure, relating to this part of history.

Understanding the Departure of the Dhe'nar, by Lord Doctor Silvean Rashere H.S., D.S.A, Patriarch, House Chesylcha - a Faendryl's biased perspective regarding this part of history.

Official Lore, as released by Simutronics

Dark Elven Languages - a description of the Dark Elf, Faendryl, and Dhe'narsi languages.