Old Age

Average Dhe’nar lifespan ranges from 500 to 1000 years, depending on caste. Obviously, members of the warrior caste tend to have shorter lives than members of the Temple or Warlock Castes. Although this is the average range, it is not uncommon for some Dhe’nar to lives for several millennia. The oldest recorded Dhe’nar, after the Fall, is some 5000+ years.

However, after 2000 years, a delicate balance must be maintained in these eldest Dhe’nar. The age-old magic bred into the Dhe’nar while in Rhoska-Tor begins to take hold and often consumes these elders after only a few years. Their diet and living conditions must be carefully calculated and maintained to contain and shape their changing physiology.

After some years, sometimes centuries, other times mere decades, these eldest Dhe’nar become incapable of consuming normal food. They seem to subsist purely on magical energies and they spend much of their time pursuing more sources of power upon which to feed.

Some warlocks and priest have managed to remain alive long after this transformation; however the methods they use are closely guarded secrets. Dhe’nar who live this long become bitter, cynical, jaded, as they begin to feel their immortality slip away, however their lust for power, and thus ascendance, makes them forces to be feared.