
The Obsidian Legion has its roots in Sharath. Throughout the many thousands of years that the Dhe’nar ruled and conquered the lands surrounding Sharath, they learned the merits of adding other races as soldiers to its armies. Many an Elven city, human stronghold, and troll conclave has been sacked by Dhe’nar forces over the years, and many of the survivors of those battles made the decision to side with this unstoppable military force. All true warriors notice strength and valor in battle, as too did the Dhe’nar warriors notice that some outsiders were indeed worthy of fighting as allies within their ranks.

While the Temple caste of the Dhe’nar has shared its doubts about such practices in the past, and do indeed take strict measures to insure no Dhe’nar interbreed with the Legion, the Temple caste are very aware of the usefulness of non-Dhe’nar forces and make no effort to stifle it. As for the Warlock caste, often their true motives and opinions are secret. The Warlocks have been known to use some of these other races for their own shady experiments, and oftentimes inject the Legions with mutated creatures of their own design, forever pushing forward the envelope between science and the macabre.

As the Obsidian Tower established itself in the northern port town of Wehnimer's Landing, it realized that it had to deal with the local populace slightly differently than the Dhe'nar in Sharath. Due to sheer numbers, and the Tower's lack thereof, the Tower's leaders decided to approach prospective allies, rather than enslave them. So, building and expanding on the slave armies of Sharath, the Ta'krak'th established the Obsidian Legion. Its soldiers are not precisely slaves, nor have they reached the somewhat exalted status of Umeshai, but their loyalty to the Tower is absolute and unwavering.