Coming of Age

Many years pass for young Khanshael. They serve as combination apprentice and page for the elders that train them. Over time, they become more and more confident with their skills and abilities within their chosen professions. Their skills increase to such a point that their mentor can teach them no more. Their mentors set them free of their tutelage.

Some Khanshael, at this point in their lives, find new mentors and teachers to help them develop and hone their chosen skills. Others find a new profession to learn.

Eventually, however, all Khanshael are given a test. Often, they do not even realize they have been chosen for this task. Others approach the task knowing full well what it is they undertake. The task varies depending on the individual, and is often discussed for some time privately by the elders who know the dwarf the best, those that have trained and taught him the majority of his life.

This trial is known by the eldest Khanshael as the Trial of Ascension, the shardak'oschek.