
I. Noi'sho'rah (80,000 - 55,000 years ago)

II. The Departure (50,000 years ago)

III. Rhoska-Tor (50,000 -45,000 years ago)

IV. The Dhe'nar settle in the jungles of Sharath (45,000 - 30,000 years ago)

V. The Fall of Sharath (30,000 - 25,000 years ago)

VI. The Great Fire (25,000 years ago)

VII. The Rebuilding (25,000 - 20,000 years ago)

VIII. The Dhe'nar Empire (20,000 years ago to present)

IX. The Dhe'nar in Recent Times (150 years ago to present)

Appendix A. Some Notes on the Dhe'nar