Other Races

Because of the nature and background of the Dhe'nar, we only allow dark elves as brothers and sisters in our family. But what about the other seven races found in the Lands? They are not excluded from joining our numbers, although the capacity in which they are allowed is different.

It should be known right off the bat that no halfling will ever be allowed in a Dhe'nar family in any capacity other than an appetizer. Given certain histories and backgrounds not listed here, this race simply isn't compatible. So please, don't even ask unless you like being laughed at.

Humans and giantmen can only serve in the capacity of servants and slaves. This isn't to say that you'd be forever treated like dirt...some servants become well-loved and anyone who enjoys this kind of roleplay could probably have a good deal of fun as someone who serves the Dhe'nar. Umesha'ae, as they are refered to, are usually accorded the respect and influence that they deserve.

Half-elves are problematical. More than likely, you'd only be able to be a servant or minor functionary unless you had a rather phenominal background and roleplay history that would allow you to fit in. This has only occured once. A word of warning: do not try to be half Dhe'nar. Such a thing does not exist, and we would never allow someone claiming this into the accepted members. Such claims are, in fact, often met with attempts at retroactive eugenics.

Dwarves would fit right in as dark dwarves. Granted, it isn't the same as being family, but you would be welcomed as a friend and ally once you had proven yourself as all others must. Please make certain you read the background on the Dark Dwarves before deciding to do this.

Elves and sylvankind are accepted into the family as something akin to cousins, and are refered to as Shorn'ri. When Noi'sho'rah ascended to be with the Arkati just before the Dhe'nar split from the rest of the elves, he stated "always the Way lies open, even to those who have lost it." This references the other elves. Because you are not Dhe'nar by blood, you would not be allowed to hold a seat on the Obsidian Council, or any other position of influence and power. But members of the Temple Caste could be priests and priestesses, etc.

The way for a non-dark elf is a more difficult one than for those who could be full-blooded Dhe'nar, make no mistake. You have more to prove to gain your acceptance, and scant reward for that effort. Be certain you have read our History and the Elanthian history through carefully before making this choice. However, if you're up for a roleplaying challenge, this could be the place.