Community: Income Support

*Note: These contents are assembled from several web sites, some of whom are now defunct. Although I have the documents in my records, I've provided the current links to available items. Copies of material from defunct sites, as well as my works, are provided below. Copyright belongs to the authors and/or publishers of the material according to the information contained in the documents. An internet search of the titles or of content from the material should be made for referencing purposes. The owner of this web site only claims authorship where indicated within the material.

Comparing incomes when needs differ: Equivalisation for the extra costs of disability in the UK -2003 — Equivalisation of incomes for household size and composition is accepted practice when measuring poverty and inequality; adjustments to take account of other variations in needs are rarely made. This paper explores the financial implications of one possible source of additional needs: disability. Using two UK household surveys, we seek to establish whether there are extra costs of living associated with disability, and to quantify them using the ‘standard of living’ approach. From the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion

Disability Assistance Package - Supported Accommodation- Response to the discussion paper -2007

Financial Capability and Poverty Discussion Paper July 2004 — The objective of this discussion paper is to review available evidence from the research and practice of financial literacy as a complementary strategy to asset building. The first section reviews various definitions of financial literacy and proposes financial capability as an alternative. The second section reviews the major initiatives underway.

Financial compensation versus community supports: an analysis of the effects on caregivers and care receivers 1998 Synthesizes research and evidence on the effects of financial compensation on caregivers and care receivers as compared to other community supports in order to better understand its potential as a policy for supporting information caregivers. From: Mount Saint Vincent University, Department of Family Studies & Gerontology

INCOME SUPPORT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES -2011 — Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario all maintain separate income-support programs for the disabled. This paper examines the criteria applicants must meet for each program and traces variations in monthly payment levels in relation to political exigencies and inflationary pressures affecting the cost of living.

Turning the Key- Assessing Housing and Related Supports for Persons Living with Mental Health Problems and Illness

WHY FINANCIAL CAPABILITY MATTERS: Synthesis Report on Canadians and Their Money: A National Symposium on Financial Capability held on June 9-10, 2005 in Ottawa