The Letter

Your display of strength has caught Khrushchev off guard. He did not expect such a strong backbone from you, especially when discussing missiles 90 miles off the American coast.

He sends word, by letter, to you offering a deal.

He promises to remove the missiles from Cuba if the United States agrees to remove it's missiles from Turkey.

You have 3 options facing you now. As President of the largest free country, what do you do?

1. Agree to take the deal. The missiles in Turkey are old and inaccurate. In the event they would need to be used, it's likely that they would miss their targets. They are in Turkey more for show than for use.

2. Reject the deal. The United States does not negotiate with countries who are willing to put millions of lives in danger.

3. Wait. Unsure of what to do, you decide to sleep on the situation. The likelihood of an attack taking place while there is a deal on the table is minimal. Taking a day to think about it won't hurt.