
Roads and modern means of transportation are available. Mangla road is located one kilometer to the west of the village and Dina/Mangla bypass is located about 400 meters to the east. Both roads are very valuable to the village as they provide links to the other surrounding towns and cities.

Houses are constructed with bricks and cements. Streets are paved but not wide enough for vehicular traffic. Sewerage system is defective and causes health issues during rainy season. There are no proper arrangements to dump the waste water and household debris.

There are no health facilities or medical stores in the village. People travel to nearby towns in case of medical emergencies. Some volunteer nurses are available who may provide immediate medical care/first aid.

The village is equipped with modern facilities like electricity, telephone and internet technology.

Natural gas (Sui) connection is not yet available for the village residents. They have to purchase woods, gasoline or gas cylinders for their daily household needs. Biogas raw products (animal's waste ) are another means to fulfill the household energy needs.

People use modern mean of cultivation like tractors and other machines.Mostly people depend on the rain for their agricultural needs. However, now they can utilize water from Tin Pura dam ,as well, through Irrigation system.This system is a new development in the area.Some farmers rear cows,buffaloes,sheep,goats and chickens at home.

Farmers are major milk and wheat suppliers for residents, though dairy products are also available in the markets.There are grocery stores available but they don’t fulfill all the need of residents. They go to nearby towns mainly for grocery shopping like meat and fresh vegetables. Mobile grocers also visit the village on daily bases to sell vegetables and fruits.

There is abundance of places of worships like Masajids, Imam Bargahs in the village.