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12/2/23 WSOP HALL OF FAME updated thru 2023 Championship

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Thank you Uncle Bob for opening your home and your yard to the crew - we had, what some will say, was the best selection of table picking we have ever had, others will say it was an "OK" seating of tables, and of course there are some who think Neil and Eddie P did a crappy job - thus the pressures of celebrity.

We had a little bit of a delayed store today as Rich Southard, a man who missed one event in the first 19 years missed his third end of the year so we waited for Ed Pascocello last month's third place finisher, who was a little bit delayed by a couple of post work bourbons. Edward stepped into Rich's spot to pick the tables at 6:34 and cards were in the air by 6:45

We all very lucky to have had the first two hands won by Scott Davis but the question on everyone's mind was - who would win the last?

We had a couple of early rebuys by Jason, Al and Eddie P, and at 8 o’clock, Eddie found himself all in, in a three handed pot and he was an odd man and first eliminated. Not since Jim Mccarthy 18 years ago did we see an early exit like this with the sun still shining, and we were quickly down to 11 players. On the next hand at the next table Al found himself all in, and not since Ed Pascocello three minutes ago,  did we see an early exit like this with the sun still shining, and we were quickly down to 10 players.

And, if you read this every month, you get the gist of what happened for the next 4 hours -  Neil hit four of a kind which was also good enough for high hand for the night, Scott Davis was very low on chips with about eight or nine people still playing,  Scott battled and made it to heads up, Uncle Bob, who wins at least twice every year got his first one of the year, and I'm sure he’ll get another one in the next couple of months - Davis, Brucato and Martucci ended up in the money  - all in all it was a very, very enjoyable night. We all missed Rich and Scott Boles dreadfully, however, Some people did remark that it was a little quieter.  that not sure if there’s any correlation between the missing players and the noise level or maybe just upgraded acoustics in Bob's fancy new renovated room, but,  the food was spectacular, it seemed everybody was properly hydrated and I’m counting down the minutes until August.



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, for the most part I’m gonna keep this short and sweet, just like Mike Abate -  I didn’t take too many notes this month, and my memory is not what it used to be (Shut it Neil), I gotta say, though, while I played poorly and was distracted for 2 hours counting money, I had a very enjoyable night we got a guest visit from Rich Mangine always nice to see and spend some time with as well as Michael Abate everybody likes Mike, well, I like Mike at least - we were missing Al, and Scott Boles, and unfortunately Scott Boles streak comes to an end of being voted most handsome of the night. Hopefully we’ll see them both in July.

To the game multi buy turbo with a bounty, Eddie P won the fist hand, but the question on everybody's mind was, who would win the last. We went round and round and round before having our first rebuy of the night and then all of a sudden Tom Brucato and Jay Fern decided to see who could waste more money, doing about 5 rebuys in a row, losing all the hands to Rich Southard, and the tone was set for the night. Overall we had 16 rebuys (( of them by Tom and Jay) - not sure where the 16 rank in the pantheon of rebuys, and I could look it up now but it's late, and I'm tired and I have a very busy day tomorrow of waking up, making eggs and drinking alot of coffee, so back to the "stuff".

At some point in round 7 we realized we had no idea what the hi hand of the night was, someone claimed it was a full house and we all jsut accepted it, but eventually Neil got a bigger house, and it held and he won the money/ Neil also knocked out six players collecting $250 in bounties plus making it to the final four along with (somehow) Scott Davis who at one point down less than 2000 chips with 12 players left in the tournament battelled and grinded like only he can, taking home fourth place money, Eddie P continues his very solid season cashing in the third place finish and getting some much needed points to stay up to the top six but our heads up battle was a huge stacked Neil Martucci vs Richard Southard, who was a last minute entry due to some logistical and transportational issues, but they battled long and deep into the night Neil‘s chip stack almost insurmountable until Rich hits a couple of hands, avoids a couple of rivers, and gets within one double up from taking the chip lead but tonight was not the night. It was all Neil Martucci -  first place money all those eliminations  - collecting all those bounties -  high hands of the night and yes also winning most handsomest son of a bitch of the night.

Love you all 



As we do every month, and pretty much have done for the last 20 years, we got together on a beautiful Friday to play some cards.


If you were there tonight, you know we were missing Rich and Stan, Rich missing only his third event in 20 years, we hope to see him in June, and Stan, an original founder and, other than Rich, Tom and Scottie D, has played in more Brooktown events (206) than anyone else, but quite possibly may have appeared in his last event.  If it is, Stan certainly has made his impact on this league and I’m sure on all the guys that have been a part of it. If you remember from the oral history of Brooktown, Stan had a significant role in getting this league off the ground and, just like all of you is an important piece of the league success. He will also always be remembered for telling the casinos he was part of charity, and for years supplied the league with free decks of cards. Thank you and good health.


Now to the game, 4 years ago we combined two games, favorited and beloved by all Omaha HiLo and deep stack poker - Fern Brucato and Pete having won the previous three… the night started off very excitingly with the first hand being won by the two guys who picked the tables - Scottie D and Jay Fern, but the question on everyone’s mind is who would win the last hand.


2nd hand if the night Brucato would hit 4 7’s


After 20 years just when you think you’ve seen everything we had a unique occurrence tonight Luke dealt himself four of a kind -  He didn’t win any chips, hell he didn’t even play the hand,  but it’s always nice to see something new.


Scott Davis strikes first blood with a scoop monster pot versus Eddie P who is the first player of the night to rebuy and Scott Davis sits with most of the chips on the table – in my opinion it would be almost impossible for Scott to lose this tournament tonight. For the second month in a row defending  Champion JStu is first man eliminated.


And just before the break, Al finds himself all in with a call from Jay Fern who, for the second month in a row, catches a straight flush to the 10 and knocks out Al and at the break we are down to 11


Then it really started to get crazy. At one table Scott Boles got a straight flush to the six then at the other table Pete got a straight flush to the eight and then on the subsequent hand uncle Bob got a straight flush to the King!! Four straight flushes in one evening it’s only 10 o’clock….(spoiler: there were no other straight flushes for the rest of the night.)


Good news for me and I guess for you, albeit it for different reasons, was I was still playing so I didn’t have the opportunity or time to pick up the phone and continue to recap and writea long drawn out email -  so we’re gonna fast-forward a little bit to the merge. As you know in deep stack poker there are still many many chips and play so your final 8 of Boles Brucato Pascocello Martucci Uncle Bob , Luke, Fern and Scott Davis were ready to play all with reasonably healthy chip stacks, and the battle begun.


We had a little bit of this a little bit of that couple of guys won some hands a couple guys lost hands (give me a break, its 2am – I’m tired) and eafter KOing Uncle Bob, Scottie Bolles, Eddie P and Luke,  your final four were Jay Fern and Scott Davis who have won all four of the event so far this year -  Neil Martucci low on points after having missed last month and Tom Brucato winless in his last 21 events. Would Fern continue his dominance and win his 4th of the year? Or would the Fern Davis combination continue to monolopize the wins or would Brucato or Martucci plot along to a victory.


A little bit more of this a little bit more of that happened and after Fern and Neil ran out of chips, we were heads up Davis versus Brucato. Davis with a decent chip lead to begin with both players playing aggressively , and with both players all in a Brucato gets a scoop to reduce Davis’ chip stack six or seven big blinds, but they don’t call him the grinder for nothing and 30 minutes later after a hard fought battle Scott Davis gets career win number 32 and Brucato goes home a big fat loser again.


Thanks again to Augie man for hosting us. Appreciate it very very much. Uncle Bob wins high hand. Brucato wins 4 a kind. There’s a carryover next month for four Aces and the new four of a kind pot



Ladies and gentlemen, boys gabagouls and gabagals - it was Poker night!! After 3 great months at Augman's house - Pete donned the apron, fired up the stove, opened his doors, and set up the tables for April Poker. 

Both Scott Davis and Scott Boles not only picked spectacular tables, but each of them even won the first hand at their respective tables, with Scott Boles hitting 4 8's right out of the box for a quick 4 of a kind pot win. The question, however, on everyone's mind was, who would win the last hand.

So for those of you who were not here (Neil and Stan) we played a brand-new game - double board hold 'em which I think had some love from the crowd. I think people enjoyed it time will tell as of right now it will be on the calendar for next year. One person we know who really enjoyed it was Rich Southard, as something we were starting to think would never happen, happened as Rich took down the 16 month accumulating pot and hit $ aces (  for $1165 and a new pot has already gone live - let’s build that baby up.

But back to the game fortunately for me I was able to stay long and fight and battle and finish in fourth place so this email is quick. I don’t have time to remember what happened or talk about when people got eliminated like I normally do when I’m sitting on the couch miserable that you bastards are all still playing poker.

Scott Davis, somehow was able to finish 3rd, after not having more than 10,000 chips for about 4 hours-  and then we were heads up with Rich Southard, the man of four aces, looking to end the longest losing street of his illustrious career against Jay Fern already a two time winner in 2024 ready to battle. It was the 10th time the two of them would face off mano

 vs mano, with Rich having won 7 of the previous 9 events -   They fought long and hard into the night 1:40 in the morning until finally Jay came all the way back from the brink of elimination with his third win in four 2024 events becoming the first man in Brooktown history to accomplish that feat -  Jay also hit a straight flush, which ended up giving him the high hand of the night and that’s it kids  

Thanks again to Pete.

 Thank you to Scott Boles and Scott Davis for picking great tables. I had a wonderful time. Glad I got to see everybody as always.



For the first time in 2024 all 15 players showed up and they were in a giddy mood. The Jays,  Fern and Stuart won the first hand  but the question on everybody’s mind who would win the last.

Our winner tonight after 24 rebuys, would take home the third largest hand prize pot in Brooktown history, $756, and the 4 ACES pot, after not being hit again, rose to $1090.

It seemed like everyone, win or lose, had a goof time, and that's really what mattered most. As you can see by the time stamp it's late so I will stick to the facts - Brucato won the 4 of a kind, Davis had high hand.

Scottie D, played very well in the final 4 to secure career win number 31, after 4 2nd place finishes in this event, and Scott Boles joins Davis and Fern with his 2nd cash of the year



12 of us gathered on a historic night tonight as we held the 250th event in Brooktown history and oh what an event it was - we were missing three of our finest in defending champion JStu, Pete Costello, and Luke but we made the most of it, and Together we made history

Scott Boles (and Eddie P) won the first hand, but the question of the night is who would win the last…

What better way on this historic night to start off with some history, for the first time in 20 years, two players were all in with the exact same chip count, and both were eliminated causing an actual tie for 11th and 12th place as Tom Brucato and Neil Martucci tied for last, and 11th -  not even making it to the break, Neil was done at 8:25 and started heading home and Tom Brucato hunkered down on the couch with just his thoughts his phone and to write this email.

I hope you’re ready to read because I’m ready to talk, and have nothing to do for the next 3 hours…

So let’s think back on our 20 years, after missing last month, great to see Richard Southard and Mike Altilio healing and strong, Stan newly retired, showed up and hit four of a kind early in the night to put $60 in his pocket, which, probably by 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon will be on the crisscross table at the ocean.

Congratulations to Scott Boles who on this historic 250th event, won the handsomest player of the night award coveted by everybody and thank you very much to the Augman for hosting us for a second month in a row. The pizza was delicious and the accommodations were spectacular.

Aug always with a nice array of snacks, but got meTo thinking, what percentage of the people who consume Tostitos Scoops eat them dry (no dip or salsa) most of the time? You know, just plain, as one would with Doritos or Cheetos?


How about this for a surprise, the third man eliminated tonight is none other than four time repeating points champion Scott, Davis, who will be driving home from Delaware for the second month in a row not being the points leader, for Scott it’s been an amazing run for with his  consistency, and his number of top 4 finishes the last four years are probably unparalleled in the annals of Brooktown history, but he would give up all those points championships for one more bracelet around that wrist of his. 


And how about this, right after the merge with seven players to go for the second time in the night we saw two players all in the exact same ship count and two players called them - something that had never happened in 249 events happened twice in one night? Well, No, Jay Fern and his trip seven had to ruin a glorious storyline (well for me at least not for him) Unfortunately Al was eliminated well again not unfortunately for me but Unfortunately, for Al, and at 9:50 PM we had seven players looking  for a February win. 


Speaking of February Valentine’s Day is Wednesday. If you need to get somebody a card do it today do it right now you’re reading this email you should be doing something more productive.


I gotta be honest by now I was kind of a little tired a little bored  - Fern with six left was all in low stack doubled up two hands in a row and suddenly became big stack, and he Proceeded to knock out Augie and Boles and now there’s three left. The good news is at 11:30. We’re almost home. 


I wasn’t looking but apparently Fern went runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner to knock Bob and then he was ready to go heads up with Eddie P - it was 11:40,  Jay had about 55000 of the 63,000 chips in play but Ed promised to give Jay a battle and good for not giving up, but with that said, I told him I would give a 15 minutes, and then I want to go home….Ed fought gallantly but it was not to be as tonight it was Jay Fern’ night to shine, as Fern goes back to back and belly yo belly with 2 wins in 2 months. Fern achieved this accomplishment in 2006 winning Jan and Feb and is off to a spectacular start here in 2024.






Annnnnnnd we’re back, not sure if I’ve got many words left in me after the very detailed, oral history I spent the last four weeks writing so let’s get right to the meat and potatoes.

First off as I’m sure we noticed Mr. Mangine has retired again, as always the events are open to him any time (except Nov) and hopefully we’ll get him out a couple of times this year.

Also, we lost Richard Southard to maybe or maybe not having Covid, congratulations to Stan on his retirment party which I’m sure is still going strong and rocking at this hour of the morning, and our thoughts and prayers go out to Mike Altilio who is hopefully recovering and will get together with him in February.

Thank you Augie for a tremendous job hosting. I thought it was an outstanding night and I had a lot of fun and a great table.

Luke wins the first hand, in the second, hell, he even won the third, but most importantly, who would win the last...

Eddie P cashes in the first bonus part of the year with a four of a kind in level 2

High hand of the night that would go to our host Augman with straight flush to the seven, we did do a second four of a kind pot which no one hit and come February four aces pod will be more than $1000

Our final 4 somehow, as always included Scott Davis, who probably should’ve been first man out, Pete Costello, playing terrific poker the entire night, and 13 full houses didn’t hurt his cause either grabs 3rd, but our heads up Hold 'em game came down to our host Augustas versus January Savant, Jay Fern.

Jay, who missed out on the final table by a mere 50 points last year, mark my words will not be denied this year as he starts off with win number 25 and our 20th year, which will be full of surprises and special events, is off to a great start.

 Final order. Finish can be found here on the website. January 2024

You can also relive, or watch for the first time the 2023 Championship Trophy Presentation and the 2023 Championship Acceptance speachs at those link. I thought both guys did an exceptional job.






As you know by now, tonight was the Final event of year 19 - cards were in the air at 6:53 table seating had Scott Davis followed by Eddie P, Pete, Uncle Bob, Rich, Luke J stew and Neil.


First hand was won by Eddie P, but most importantly, who will win the last…


First round in the books other than a four of a kind (no prize pool) hand from Pete, which took a couple of thousand from Uncle Bob very relaxed, enjoyable tournament so far.


Not much action the first 3+ rounds but 25 minutes before the break, and round 4 Uncle Bob and Luke get tangled up in a hand  - Luke with AK can’t get away from Uncle Bob and a straight and we’re down to seven players


Chip Count


JStu 8100


Rich 1750


Bob 16000


Pete 8950


Ed 4650


Scott 17600


Neil 22950


As we come to the end of round 4, Rich and Eddie P, the two low stacks, both under 1500 chips end up all in against each other Rich turns over pocket aces, Ed Ace Three, it comes down to the river with Ed having flush draw outs and an inside straight draw out but unfortunately for Ed, he doesn’t get any help Rich -  doubles up and Ed is left with 450 chips to start round 5.


Ed is all in again on the next hand with one caller in Neil and survives, and then is all in again on the next hand at 24 versus 79 and Ed survives again  - are we about to witness the greatest run in Brooktown history?


At the 15 minute mark of level 6 Eddie P found himself again all in again, Pete thought long and hard and made the call. Ed showed 69 and Pete showed K4  Ed survives with four hearts on the board one coming on the river and we’re still at seven players.


Eight minutes later, Eddie P finds himself all in  for 2800 pocket 4’s Scott shows K4 of hearts, 4 comes on the flop, but also two hearts are on the board, the turn shows another heart, and now Ed needs to match the board for a full house to survive, but it doesn’t happan and the dream ends, and we are now down to six players.


15 minutes to go in level 7 and Pete goes all in and JStu makes the call -  Pete turns over 44 and JStu A8 and here comes the eight on the turn and for the second consecutive knockout pocket fours send a player home.


We are now left with Jason Stuart, who came into the tournament has the long shot and four past champions


And one hand later, the matchup we always expect Uncle Bob vs Scott Davis, Uncle Bob, pushing all his chips in Scott Davis with a snap call, uncle Bob shows QQ Scott shows 10-10 and doesn't get any help and suddenly Scott Davis is now the short stack


As we take our final break, the chip count is


JStu 29500


Uncle Bob 24000


Neil 14000


Scott 11000


Rich 3000


It doesn’t take long after the break Before our first past champion is out as Neil 88 vs Rich Southard KJ and the 88 stay true are we are one elimination away from the money


With seven minutes to go Scott Davis finds himself as the short stack and is forced to call Neil all in on his big blind. Neil shows AQ . Scott turns over K8 Neil gets the ace and we are in the money with Neil getting his 11th cash in championship games and JStu2 for 2 cashing in the finals.


With 3 players to go and the chip lead JStu finds himself calling Neil’s all in (12,000 chips) - Neil show AA JStu shows suited A7 - the flop brings JStu his 2 clubs and a 7, and JStu looking for a club or 7 to take Neil down, but much to Neil’s surprise he survives and the current chip count  with 1500/3000 blinds


Uncle Bob 30,000

Neil 27,000

JStu 24500


JStu calls  an uncle Bob all in with a flop K25, uncle Bob shows the K7 Jason A7 and on the turn comes Jason’s 8  and we are heads up for the championship


2 time Champion Neil Martucci vs 18-1 Longshot Jason Stuart


Heads up Chip count


Neil 43000

JStu 38000


As we approached one hour heads of poker, it was the longest final event heads up battle in Brooktown history the flop comes out K68 rainbow, Neil goes all in JStu thinks Long and hard and finally says, “OK, Lets gamble” and makes the call, Neil a 90% favorite with K10 vs. Jason’s pocket sevens we see a 5 on the turn and a miracle 4 on the river for a runner runner straight and Jason Stuart is your 2023 champion.






It’s SATELLITE night!!


For those of you skilled enough to finish in our top six, and didn’t have to battle for your life tonight - congrats - but there were 7 other players (Al and Richie were unavailable, and Boles did not qualify) who had to play in the toughest, most grueling, most competitive, most exciting, sexiest and best played satellite table in the history of BROOKTOWN (I actually don’t know if any of those things are true I’m pre-writing the fluff part of this at around 1:30 in the afternoon and I’ll fill in some details as the night goes on) and I know you’re all excited to see how it played out.


Our starting chip counts were

Fern 10,000

Costello 9500

Brucato 9000

Altilio 8500

Stan 8000

Augman 6000

Luke 5000 


Seating was set randomly and is as follows Fern, Luke, Pete, Brucato, Altilio, Stan, Augie.


Luke sauntered in about 15 minutes late, but went right to work as the low stack accumulating chips often and by the start of level 3 he was one of the top chip leaders -  Brucato unable to get any traction had fallen to the bottom of the pile


With 14 minutes to go in level 3 we have our first all in - Augie in and a call from Mike - Augman turns over pocket Aces, Mike gets no help, and Augie doubles up


With 35 minutes left to go in level 4 Altilio raises to 800 Brucato goes all in for 2100, Mike thinks long and hard, but folds instead of calling the 1350  - Brucato turns over pocket 9’s,Altilio shows pocket jacks. Brucato lives to fight another day


With 29 minutes to go before the break - level 4 we find Augman all in with a flop of 8-6-3. Stan makes the call and turns over J8 but Augie shows KK  - nothing on the flop or then, but on the river Stan catches a 2 outer 8 to eliminate the 2020 Brooktown champion and we’re down to 6.


Chip count at the first break at the end of level 4


Pete 15150

Luke 13650

Stan 12600

Jay 7550

Mike 4500

Tom 2050



10 mins to go in level 5 Brucato is put the test again as he pushes all-in with A10, Luke call with  pocket sevens, Brucato has two live cards, but definitely needs help. Fortunately, a 10 comes on the turn, and he survives again.


On the very next hand we see a harmless flop of 10-7-5 or so we thought until Mike Altilio shoved his final 2000 all in and Stan called - Mike turned over 10-9 but Stan had A-10 and suddenly Stan had his second knockout and we were down to five players.


With only six minutes to go in level 6 Brucato pushes all in and turns over A-10 Fern and Luke fold but Pete calls and shows A2, it’s a harmless flop but Pete’s deuce comes out on the turn, and this time there’s no lifeline for 3 time champion Brucato and we are down to 4 players.


With 11 minutes to go in level 7 and a flop of K96 Luke pushes 1500 and Stan goes over the top all in for another 2000 Luke with a quick call, shows KQ versus Stan’s K-  10 and ladies and gentlemen we are one elimination away from the final table.


And – before the clock struck midnight, we have our final two -  Pete and Luke will advance in two weeks and join the top six players in the championship. 2 time, and defending champion Jay Fern, getting short stacked, made a push, trying to win a big pot. Luke made the call, won the hand and that’s a wrap.



Just the facts tonight boys, just the facts, and a I'm even going to do less proof reading than normal so Mike Altilio will have a field day finding all my mistakes!!!


Small but comfortable group of 11 players tonight, just about everybody locked in to their playoff position with just Tom Pete and Ed with a chance to pass Jay and grab the last seat at the final table.


Pete won the first hand, but the question on everybody’s mind was who would win the last.


There was a myriad of four of a kind hands, with Stan hitting the first one for a $120 winner thanks to the carryover from last month.


We did not start another four of a kind pot even though we had five or six additional four kinds on the evening, we will start fresh in 2024 with a new four of a kind pot, and the four aces were not hit, and will go into next year with that pot starting at almost $900 for January.


Back to the event, Tom was knocked out in seventh place Jay’s only hope for Pete and Ed to be the next two players eliminated. At the stroke of midnight Pete went all in and was unable to get any help as Uncle Bob took Pete down and the final seat at the final table was left to either Eddie P or Jay.


Five minutes later, we saw Rich Southard all in and a call by uncle Bob, Rich is ahead after the flop nothing comes on the turn, but Uncle Bob catches a six outer on the river, sending Rich home but more importantly punching Eddie P's ticket to the championship event, and sending Jay to the satellite.


Uncle Bob and Neil, statistically the top two heads up players met for the 3rd time and for the 3rd time Uncle Bob defeated Neal. It was Bob's 4th win of the year and 28th all time and Neil, by lasting until the final two was able to achieve his goal of playing every single hand of the tournament.



Boy and girls, it is the penultimate event of the Brooktown WSOP 2023 season and let's get right to business - thank you Peter as aways for feeding all of us, it does make me wonder though, do you think in your lifetime, you’ve eaten more beef, or more chicken?

Either way, we settled down for a beautiful night of Deep Stack Texas Hold 'Em (possibly for the last time) and the first hand was won by Pete, but the big question was who would win the last hand???

People seem to be very excited and having a good time - 13 players ready to kill it. Rich Southard very fortunate to hit four of a kind first and get the carryover from last month for 140 beans

We made some, at least I think, fun tweaks this year with regard to how the seating was selected for events, and that will continue into next year, although November, which is the final event of the year and as people battle for playoff spots seating will be random.  Speaking of random - Always trim your wicks on scented candles

I would be remiss if I didn't congratulate Scott Davis on clinching his 4th consecutive points championship (BROOKTOWN WSOP HALL OF FAME) and 6th overall. A record which most likely will never be broken. With that said, Joe Rogan has the number 1 podcast, but I don’t know anyone who listens or talks about it, do you?

How many of you realized tonight was the 245th BROOKTOWN event, and as I look forward to 2024, 3 three things immediately pop into my head:

1. We will celebrate our 250th event (March 2024) 

2. We will be celebrating our 20th season in existence (Planning a Huge anniversary Event Mid-Year)

3. No one thinks they’re an idiot, but mathematically 1/2 of people are below average intelligence.

Back to the event, regardless of the results of the November event, Scott, Rich, JStu. Uncle Bob and Neil have clinched seats at the final table, while Luke, Boles, Al, Augman, Mangine, Mike and Stan have been eliminated from finishing in the top 6 and will be playing strictly for Satellite Chip Positions. That and take a moment to say the word “crisp.” Feel how it starts at the back of your mouth and ends at the front.

Did we talk about the spread Pete put out, people love to eat breakfast for dinner, but do any ever eat dinner for breakfast? I wouldn't but If I owned a strip club, I'd call it Club 80085 and it would have to be in the calculator font.

That's all I got this month kids, as we move the calendar ahead one more day, I ask, has anyone see the Netflix series Blue Zones? It's about these few, select parts of the world, where the average lifespan exceeds 100 and the documentarian was looking to see the common thread, after 4 episodes, I can break it down into these two basic ideas, eat less and socialize more. So, we get together once a month, swap stories, tell jokes, and, yes, socialize, as for the eating, well, I don't see anyone in this group eating less anytime soon , but I am determined to increase the average lifespan of all players in BROOKTOWN WSOP! 

By the way, why hasn’t a fast-food chain come up with beef nuggets in addition to chicken nuggets?

The four aces continues to not be hit and is now at $775.

Your final four were Luke, Rich, Edward, and Jay stew with your final order of finish being 



Happy September, boys, the league gathered tonight at Augman’s house, the pizza looked delicious, and the desserts were plentiful.

Right out of the box,  Al won the first hand, but the question on everybody’s mind tonight was who would win the last.

Only two rebuys in the first round, and not much more excitement in round two or three, but by the time round 4 wrapped up, we had a grand total of 18 rebuys, with Pete and Stan leading the way with four apiece. There were six players who did not rebuy at all.

Eddie P hits 4 Queens to take home last month's carryover, and this month 4 of a kind pot for $145

In addition to a top 4 finish a medicated Mike Altilio hit a straight flush and took home the high hand the night.

Uncle Bob, looking to tie a Brooktown record with his third consecutive win, fell just short as he finished in fourth place 

Mike Altilio battled tonight and took home third place and Scott Davis who was a last minute decision to come and had a 12 o’clock flight leaving out of Washington DC to Disneyland began a heads up battle with Neil at 1:15 in the morning - Neil had his own 2 1/2 hour drive once the tournament end it to the lake house, and Augie and I were sitting here with nowhere to go and one minute to get there.

The heads up battle did not last long as both players were aware of the long trip home and played ultra aggressive, and in just a few hands Neil defeated Scott Davis heads up for the 5th time in the 6 meetings between the two.



It's good to always get together ,and it’s crazy to think we only have 3 events left in the season, but we were fortunate to have a wonderful evening (well not for me #foreshadowing) at Mike Altilio‘s house -  a huge thank you for an amazing meal, I was unable to start my "focus on better health and lower my carbs intake" because as you know, you only get so many summers, I am a fat bastard with zero self control and I thank Mike for going above and beyond with a magnificent penne à la vodka, outstanding burgers  a very tasty sausage and peppers and crunchy hotdogs with your choice of sauerkraut or sautéed onions. The man even finished in the money (#Foreshadowing)

I am not sure what was going on with the TV for the first few hours but there wasn’t much to watch with regard to New York sports anyway tonight.

But as far as poker was concerned - first hand of the night won by Augie Lamalfa, but the question everybody’s mind was, who would win the last hand…

H.O.E. it’s always a big favorite, the guys love the H.O.E.  The H.O.E is exciting, the H.O.E. is unpredictable, the H.O.E makes you want more H.O.E. We all played some H.O.E. tonight, some longer than others

Uncle Bob, last month's winner, had the first overall pick for his table, saw two of his players as the first two guys eliminated Eddie P followed by Tom Brucato -  this caused Rich Mangine to move over to uncle Bob’s table but it didn’t take long until Rich Mangine got rivered by uncle Bob and at 9:30 we were ready for the merge.

The first man knocked out at the merge was Stan, he was fortunate enough to have his coffee as players were merging, but while it may have warmed his tummy, it did not help his cards, and Stan finished in 8th place.

On the subsequent hand, our point leader, Scott Davis was all in with two callers, after the turn Augman fired Al folded , Aug and Scott were heads up, both showed their hands, and both had 3 kings, with Augie significantly ahead, but alas, I had a whole Scottie D farewell written up, thinking Scott was gone, but I was wrong,  Scott Davis rivers a Flush, won't be going home any time soon (#Foreshadowing) and  is right back in the ball game. Speaking of Scott how is this for a little piece of trivia so far this year in the 7 events that we have had the players picking the tables, Scott has picked all but one time.

But back to the game at hand, two rounds later not only has Scott Davis survived his all-in hand versus Augie but as we rolled into the middle of level 11 Scott Davis eliminated 4-time Brooktown World Champion Rich Southard, and now Scott is the chip leader with six players remaining.

And no sooner do I walk in the kitchen (to pick on the tortellini) and dictate into my phone the results of the Rich Southard elimination, I walked back just in time to see Scott Davis take all of Augie‘s chips, and with five left, Scott may have an almost insurmountable lead.

With five players left one of them, only one hour away from his birthday was looking to be the first player ever to win an event on his actual birthday, but unfortunately he ran into uncle Bob - both Al and Bob both flopped a flush, but Bob had the ace and at 11 PM we’ve got our four players in the money - our host, Mike Altilio, JStu, Uncle, Bob, and Scott Davis.

All four players made it to the final level, Scott Davis and Uncle Bob had the huge chip stacks - Bob first took out Mike, then followed by JStu and for the 7th time in the history of Brooktown, Scott Davis, and Uncle Bob were heads up.

Tonight - just like last month was Uncle Bob’s night, as it only took a couple of hands and one lucky card to go back-to-back and belly-to-belly for career win number 27 and his 3rd of 2023.

Stan won high hand with a straight flush, but there was no 4 of a kind so that will carry over to September - and speaking of Carry over - the 4 Aces pot will be approaching $700 next month.



We got back together after the longest break of the year, people missed each other they hugged some even kissed. It was good to see the boys again and most importantly, great to see Stan back and looking terrific, we missed you Stan. Well, at least I did I can’t speak for Neil. 


But time to do what we all came here to do. No not make fun of Scott Boles, but the play Omaha hi low poker - some people’s favorite game other people’s least favorite game some people mediocre least favorite game some people fifth or sixth favorite game doesn’t matter it’s not the point let’s get to the action.


First hand of the night was won by Jay Fern. Hell, as a matter fact, Jay won the second hand of the night, as well, but the question on everybody’s mind tonight was who would win the last?


Before we get to that, as always, I want to thank Luigis and Uncle Bob, food was outstanding although as I am dictating this on my phone, I’m in the bathroom pooping, ( foreshadowing I did not win because I’m in the bathroom pooping and they’re still inside playing -  sorry for anybody who went into the bathroom at about 10:54 PM)


Bu, back to the action, we had 13 rebuys tonight, (down form 21 in this event last year) led by uncle Bob, who had the maximum three.


Yada yada yada…Our final five came down to Rich, Uncle Bob, Neil, Scott Davis as always, and Stan. You would think the son of a bitches would give Stan a break the man had a serious health issue. Nobody even sent him a basket of peaches, or something from delicious orchards, and they even had the nerve to knock him out in 5th place Stan Didn’t even get a cash not even a sip not even a taste.


Rich continued to run into some bad luck on the hand that eliminated Stan he was the chip leader, and put Stan and Bob all in, but UB caught a 2 outer and decimated Rich’s chip stack and Rich was all butt done within the next hand or so. Scottie D as always was still there grinding, at no point was Scott’s chip stack ever higher than 8,500 but his survival skill were good enough for 3rd place and his 5th cash in 7 events.


 So for only the 2nd time in Brooktown history, we’re going to go heads up Uncle  Bob vs. Neil Martucci - 2 Brooktown Hall of Famer‘s, Neil literally played every single hand tonight right up until the last hand of the night when uncle Bob took him down for his 26th career Brooktown victory and 4th at his own house.


Really fun night. Enjoyed seeing everybody,  next month we’re playing Neil’s favorite event H.O.E. at Mike Altilio’s. It’s gonna be a summer Friday. Remember let’s make the most of it. We don’t know how many more of those we have left


Augman hit the 4 of a kind for $150, and it also held up for high hand of the night.


The $ aces pot is now $550 and will surpass $600 at next months event


Also one other thing I failed to mention, Scott Davis has passed Rich and moved into 1st place on the all time earnings list for the time being ($28,583), a distingston Rich has held since December 2005



It’s late as we finished the event after 1pm.


So, considering I ended up playing in the Final 4, and it was a very involved and chaotic event, I didn’t have time to take many notes so we are just gonna bullet point tonight – thanks to Rich Jay and Pete for helping with the bounties and chips throughout the night. Thank you to Augie and Uncle Bob at the end of the night cashing in chips and putting everything away, and a HUGE thank you to our host Luke who, as always fed us well and gave us a great venue for out event.




Hope Springs Eternal, and tonight 12 young men (shut it Neil, yes I played) say down with the deepest of stacks and the highest of highs and the lowest of lows to see who would add a notch to their belt and take home the all riches and all the glory!

We had a Scott Davis and a Jay Fern table draft and at the Fern table, Pete won the first hand while at the Davis table Eddie P got a piece of the first 5 hands, but the question on everyone’s mind (aside from when would the ravioli be ready) was who would win the last?

Rich Mangine picks up a few bucks early with 4 Jacks and that set the tone for one of the “fourIest of a kind” nights ever with an unprecedented 14 four Of a kinds.

JStu won the post ravioli break 4 of a kind and then the real battle began.

In what would turn out to be the longest and latest event of the year, as the clock struck 1am, we still had 4 players remaining, JStu put on a grinding clinic that would make Scottie Davis proud and held on to 4th, until eventually being knocked out.

Rich, survived losing to 6 of the four of a kinds as well as a huge pot 2 outer but was still battling in the final 3, he finally lost to, yet one more "2 outer" as he was “ferned” on the river, whittling down his chips and at 1:35 in the morning he was eliminated and we were down to 2.

Jay Fern, the most dangerous of players when he’s drinking only his 2 big bottles of water, and Pete Costello who somehow managed to build and maintain a large stack while cooking 5 courses, making coffee, decanting wine, serving dessert were battling heads up, it was 1:45 in the morning and no one was really paying attention but I can report that not only did Pete Costello win the first hand of the night, he also won the last hand, ending a 48 consecutive event winless streak and finally sending everyone (only me Rich and Jay were left) home.

Rich Mangine wins the high hand of the night and our carry over for the 4 aces is now up to $390

Enjoy the beautiful weather and we are LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY FROM OUR NEXT EVENT 




It’s Multi rebuy NL Holdem night  - we had a mild 14 rebuys tonight, although it felt like half of them came in the first 10 minutes almost all of them from Scott Davis.


JStu, the winningest player, profit wise, in multi rebuy No limit hold ‘em won the first hand, but more importantly, the question on everyone’s mind was, who would win the last?


First, the good news, Scott Boles’ power held out for the night, and we thank him very very much for hosting and having us over. The bad news is, well, no bad news we got together, we shared some laughs, we loved, we cried, we are living our best lives. I have always appreciate that and I appreciate you all.


Again, happy birthday to one of our founding members Stan Federowicz, would this be the first time in Brooktown history a player would receive the ultimate birthday present  - a Brooktown victory?


Now for the game, for the first time in Brooktown history, we had a little wrinkle, whereas at the end of levels 1, 2,  3 and 4,we re-sorted the tables. I want to thank everybody for being prepared, changing their seats very quickly and not holding up the game. Unlike Jay and I who held up the game multiple times, talking on the phone about electricity, which we would’ve been better off going outside flying a kite with a key than talking to the electrician at the electric company on the phone (shut it Neil).


Overall solid play tonight, our host, Scott Boles connected on four deuces, to take that pot and the high hand pot, and also cashed with a fourth place finish.


Jay Fern, who came into the event today staying away from the devils liquid, with clear eyes, and a clear head and rode some strong cards, and some even stronger play, to a monster chip stack at the final four as well. Eddie P, a fan of the multi rebuy event, and somehow, Scott Davis, all those rebuys later was still hanging around in the final4!


Like we said Boles first man down at four and then we were left with Scott, Ed and Jay, suddenly the tide turned, Scott and Ed started picking away at Jay’s chip stack and for a while the three players were on even playing field, Eddie P ends up all in vs. of Scott Davis in a race, Scott Davis pocket eights, versus Eddie P’s two overcards,  Ed looking for the one card to get him heads up against Jay, but unfortunately for Ed, Scott Davis took the stack and took the chip lead into heads up with Jay. Two Brooktown Hall of Famers who have won three of the last five championships were ready to do battle.


Again, Scott Davis, first man to rebuy, second man to rebuy, God dammit he may have even been the third man to rebuy today, but there he was at the end of the night sitting pretty with all the chips, all the money his 30th career win and a two hour and 45 minute ride home  to replay every sexy hand in his head. Congrats Scott Davis congrats to Jay Ed and Scott Boles as well.


High hand and four of a kind for won by Scott Boles. We now have a carryover of over $300 for the four aces and another four of a kind pot with some cash in it.


Don’t forget Uncle Bob Live on Saturday at Union Plaza Liquors – and our final order of finish was:



Happy March, always a busy month with a number of events and birthdays, first and foremost, happy birthday to one of the best, Scotty Davis, as he turned 58 today, (shut up Neil).


Most importantly though, it was Omaha hi in Middletown, and for the first time in three years at my house we actually played indoors and it wasn’t hot and it wasn’t cold. It was just shitty because my cards suckled but I did get an excellent excellent T-shirt out of it, (Thank you Mr. Southard) and that certainly lessened the sting of my poor play.


So what happen tonight – well,  the first hand of the night was won by Jay Fern, but the biggest question of all - who would win the last???


We saw a number of 4 of a kinds, as Jay Fern and Augman put some money in their pockets today with their QUADS,  but it was Rich Mangine who ended up taking home high hand honors of the evening.


We had our second table draft with Scott Davis and Rich Southard as table captains, and both ending up with early exits. Overall , a very well played and solid evening. Our final four came down to Rich Mangine taking home 4th place money, Pete Costello with a strong 3rd place and heads up for the 3rd time in Brooktown history Neil vs Stan, and as happened the other 2 times, Neil walked away with the W




Brooktown poker….season 19….event number 2….. February 2023…..  back at one of our favorite venues for the first time in four years and it was worth the wait with a delicious spread, excellent wine and alcohol options, and some delicious bourbon to try from Eddie P and Pete Costello, AND THE MAN WAS SLICING LEMON RINDS FOR YOUR EXPRESSO COFFEES AT 11:00!!!


The atmosphere was very loosey goosey, and we were all in the Holiday spirit as the house was still fully decorated in the Christmas style. Thank you (almost) all of you for getting there by 6:12 as the big twist was revealed and instead of the computer picking our seats, we all had the choice of picking the player we want sitting two our left. I thought it was well received, and, our tables are set, and now it was time to shuffle up and deal.


Jay Fern won the first hand, but most importantly, who would win the last.


There was a terrific atmosphere at the tables tonight and with everybody playing at a feverish pace, by 10 o’clock we were down to final 7 and by 10:30 our final five were battling it out, only one elimination away from the money, and, for the 2nd month in a row, our bubble boy was Jay Fern, so that left us with a final four of Scott Davis sitting with 48,000 of the 78,000 chips in play,  Neil and Pete low stacked with less than 6,000 chips each, and Rich Southard with just over 20,000 chips and they way Scottie D was catching his cards, it had them all wondering (well probably not Rich) if they were just playing for second place.


Pete and Neil were first 2 out but Rich, winner of 4 in a Row at Mangine’s house and 6 of the last 7 would not settle for 2nd, even taking the chip lead momentarily, however it was not to be, as Scottie D was able to catch one last 2 outer to take a bunch of Rich’s chips and regain the lead and a few hands later close it out with career win number 29 and his 3rd against Rich Southard.


The final hand was dealt at 11:39, the earliest ever ending a Brooktown event!



 And we are back ladies and gentlemen.


January dealers choice event, a fan favorite at one of our best locations Augie‘s house  - excellent pizza, the very tasty chicken steak was a big hit and I got to take some tortellini home which I’ll have for lunch in a few hours!!!


But now business  - as we start our 19th season, it was Scott Boles who took down the first hand but the question on everybody’s mind is who would win the last.


No holdover or carryover from last year so  we started fresh with our four of a kind, and our 4 aces pot and it did not take long before Eddie P put $70 in his pocket with 4 aces (it also held for highest hand), and not too long after that Jay Fern scooped the four of a kind pot with four threes.


As is the January tradition, Jay received his trophy and had his picture added to the wall of fame as recognition for winning the 2022 championship, his second title. A beautiful presentation by outgoing champ Rich Southard.


With some minor adjustments to the blinds and starting at 6:30 sharp tonight’s event ended at a very manageable 11:55pm. 


Biggest hand of the night happened when we were still at two tables , dealing Texas hold ‘em Eddie P goes all in for his final 3,5000 chips, and Uncle Bob raises all in and Augman calls them both!!! Ed shows AK, Bob KK and Aug AA - the first card turned over was the case King giving Bob the trips and 2 eliminations in one of the craziest hands of the night, and maybe all year! Makes you kind of think it’s gonna be Uncle B’s night. 


The merge came out around 10:15 and we had our final eight of Rich Southard, Scott Davis, Jason Stuart, Scott Boles, Luke Lucash, Jay Fern, Uncle Bob, and Tom Brucato  - the was first to go was Scott Boles , Scott was also the first player to swap tables so everyone has the pleasure of some Boles banter this evening, and there isn’t a lot of value in that, I don’t know what is! But back to the eliminations, new man out was Brucato, and after some back and forth, up and down, and side to side, Luke was next out and then Fern got KOed and we were in the money.


Scott Davis, as always played steady, managed his chip stack and took home fourth place, literally taking it home as he got up quickly, said his goodbyes and began his long, drive home to Delaware.


Uncle Bob had a commanding chip snack but we found Rich Southard all in having flopped the nut straigh and feeling pretty good he was about to triple up and get back over 20,000 chips until Uncle  Bob hit runner, runner, runner flush and was heads up with a dominating 7000 to 20,000 chips stack over JStu and was just a few hands from Brooktown Win number 25.  The final 3 were all players from the satellite in 2022, putting everyone on notice this is going to be a different year than last year


So Uncle Bob won the first event of 2023, But the big Question on everybody’s Mind heading home was, , who would win the last?!?!?


The 2022 Brooktown WSOP championship hosted by Uncle Bob took place tonight.


First off UB always treats us well with meatballs, some of the best baked ziti you’ll ever have, outstanding cheesesteak and chicken Parm sandwiches, some pizza and all the good desserts, not to mention an open bar if you haven’t made it to one of Uncle Bob’s final events, I suggest making that a priority next year.


But enough of that, time for cards - seating around the table you had Scott Davis,  to his left, Augie and then Neil followed by Luke Uncle Bob Jay Fern, Eddie P and Tom Brucato.


First hand went off 6:30 sharp. The winner was Neil Martucci, but more importantly who would win the last??


Uneventful first 7 hands as no one was eliminated this year, and as a matter of fact at the end of level one everybody was still here, Jay is the chip leader with a couple of thousand extra he won from Eddie P, but for the most part a very gentlemanly first 45 minutes.


Level 2 in the books - we had  a couple of  of large pots with Eddie P in just about all of them, both taking chips and giving chips - Jay Fern might have a little larger stack Luke might have a little smaller but 90 minutes into this tournament. It’s still anybody’s championship.


Six minutes before the first break, we’re still 8 players strong, however, Scott Davis was issued the first ever yellow card in #BrooktownWSOP history. Smarten up Davis.


Just before the break we had our first all in, as Eddie P comes over the top to raise Tom $2,100 for Ed’s tournament life Tom thinks long and hard makes the call and turns over pocket 9’s versus Eddie P’s pocket jacks, no help on the flop, a third diamond comes up on the turn giving Tom the diamond flush as an additional out or a 9to take down Eddie P but it was not to be and  Ed doubles up taking 3000 chips from Tom and we go into the break with all eight players


Chip count


Davis 11,750

Tom 13,300

Jay 15,800

Ed 6,100

Bob 14,100

Aug 3,700

Neil 7,900

Luke 7,350


With 16 minutes to go in round 5 Aug  found himself low chip stack with only 1000 chips left and sitting at the big blind (250/ 500 ) - there was no action on the flop but on the river an Ace came and Uncle Bob raised to put Aug all in, who caked -  Bob turned over AK and Aug showed  KJ and our 2020 champion was drawing dead and first man eliminated


At 11 minutes in round six, in the middle of dealing,  Luke flipped over one of Tom’s cards  - a harmless 6, and replaced it with another card which unbeknownst to anyone at the table gave Tom pocket kings -  Eddie P, first to act moves all in for his final 4050, Tom quickly calls with his kings,and Ed shows A-8 but gets no help and is KOed in 6th place. 


As we head into the second and final break, our trip count is


Bob 16,750

Scott 13,500

Luke 6,000

Neil 11,000

Jay 18,0000

Tom 14,750


At 10 minutes in to level eight Luke finds himself all in for his last 4,500 chips and gets a call from Uncle Bob, Luke turns over A10 Bob turns over AK, no 10 for Luke and we are left with five players, all previous bracelet winners, fighting for the 2022 championship


The 5 previous champions battled, for the most part with no bad beats, no lucky cards, and level 10 started we saw Jay take down Uncle Bob, and with just 2 minutes left in the penultimate round Scott Davis takes down Tom Brucato, and with only 3 Brooktown Hall of Famers left, either Scott or Neil win their 3rd bracelet or Jay will take home his 2nd!!!


Fern quickly takes down Neil and for the 6th time in Brooktown history and the 2nd time at the final event, we are heads up Jay (52,000) vs Scott Davis (28,000).


At this later hour and with 1500/3000 blinds Scott didn’t have time to grind – he needed to win pots and was staring down a focused, determined and worst of all for us and Scott a sober Jay Fern. It didn’t take long for all the chips to get in the pot and Scott Davis, two time Champion, showed K8 and Jay showed A4 – the next 5 cards did nothing for Scott and gave Jay the 2022 Brooktown WSOP title, his 2nd, which he felt he needed to validate his first win but with or without it we all know Jay as one of the best players to ever sit at a Brooktown Table and no validation was needed (but sure great to have).


For Fern it was his 24th all time Victory, putting him in a tie with Uncle Bob for 2nd all time. It was his 9th cash in 13 final tables (second to Neil who picked up his 10th Final Table cash tonight) but most importantly is the hardware as he adds bracelet number 2 to his wrist and one more tremendous achievement to his long list of many.


Congrats Jay, and as always thank all of you for your support and taking this ride with me all these years – I love all of you, have a great Holiday Season (although I am sure I will see most of you, and talk to all of you at some point in the next 4 weeks – and speaking of 4 weeks, January event is right around the corner.


Tonight was Satellite Friday, for 5 guys it’s gonna be the worst night of the year for them, while 2 fine gentlemen will make history, let’s settle in and see what happened… 

Seating arrangement, Uncle Bob, Rich JStu Altilio Stan Eddie P, Al.

First hand at 6:31 was won by JStu, but more importantly, who would win the last and which 2 players will still have chips…

It’s now 7:07 and nothing has happened other than we all ate some peurrrrty gawwwwd pizza - thank you for having and feeding and keeping us (mostly me) hydrated Jay!!!!

As we sit here and wait for things to happen, a couple of house cleaning items(well, just one really), we’re going to start the events on time at 6:30 in 2023, I take accountability for meandering around, I will be focused on getting everyone seated, money collected, and clock starting at 6:30 so please plan accordingly for arrival and payment next year in a timely fashion.

Jay and Auggie just went out for a bit of an adult smoke, nothing happening in the game, so I’m sitting here left to my own devices - and I’ve been thinking of something, and I’d like to ask you, my fellow readers your thoughts, if you were naming your sports team after Bigfoot, would they be the Brooktown Bigfoot’s or the Brooktown Bigfeet?

Either way level two has begun ….. and still nothing has happened….

Finally. at 18 minutes of level 2, we get our first big hand of the night -  with a flop of KQ10 Mike Altilio fires 1500 into the pot and Eddie P comes over the top with a 2000 chip raise… Mike thinks and thinks and thinks a little longer, says “well,  there’s one hand that can beat me” and thinks a little longer looks at his watch and says, “It could be an early evening maybe I could check with Tara and get home in time for dinner” …he thinks longer and decides to call the all in and turns over J9 for the low straight and Eddie calls and turns over AJ for the nut straight. Turn card is 9 and  Mike Altilio is down to 3 outs needing an Ace to survive and the river is kind to Mike, as the ace hits, Eddie P is aghast, and all that for nothing, both players get their chips back we burn five minutes off the clock and level 2 continuous just as it was five minutes ago.

As we reach the 10 minute mark of level 3, we had a nice conversation about the game of  cribbage, have any of you guys play cribbage? Rich and I played  cribbage, many many times in our younger years… oh sorry to digress, it appears Richard Southard has put Mike Altilio all in, Mike turns over A10, Rich turns over A4 and on the board is A44, Rich has a boat on the flop and walks away with all of Mike’s chips, and we’re down to six players in the satellite.

Do you ever go to a restaurant and for lunch or have the 1/2 soup, 1/2 sandwich special? Please don’t do that, Cumon, you are a man get the whole sandwich if you want a little soup with it that’s fine but let’s stop with this 1/2 soup 1/2sandwich lunch nonsense grandma!

I had a couple of old fashions the cherries must’ve got to me, and as soon as I sat down in the bathroom, in level 4 with 25 minutes left people were yelling at me that we had an all in, I didn’t want to endure another bathroom accident so I took my time, came out at my leisure and what happened was, pre-flop, Rich raises 1500 and Al goes over the top all in 3700, Rich snap calls and turns over pocket Queens versus A6 suited,  flop comes with 344 rainbow then another 4 after that a no help for Al Queen om the river, and ladies and gentlemen at 9 o’clock we have five players left vying for the final two seats!!!

As we head into our first break, chip count leader,

Richard Southard 19,600

Uncle Bob 12,400

 Eddie P 11,500

Stan 7000

JStu 5500

Do you preheat your oven? Is it necessary? Can’t you just put the food in there and set the timer and even if it’s only 150° eventually I’ll get to 350° and cook the food  - why do I have to wait for my oven to get 350° and then have another step by inserting it. I think it’s an additional unnecessary step.

At a 10:15, and 20 minutes to go in level 6 we find JStu, the low chip stack all in and turning over AQ, and four time satellite winner Eddie P turns over AK, 5 cards come out, none of them a Queen and we are down to our final four. 


Now with 4 players at the tables battling for their poker life in one room, and 4 lazy bastards laying around in the living room talking about bagels, the glorious “all-in” is called , I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the table I flew like a flash, I tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash… Eddie P had 2 pair and Stan had a 2 Queens, Rich proclaimed man down, but was it to be? He had yet to turn over the river, thinking Stan was drawing dead,  but on the River comes Stan’s 2 outer  - a Queen, and Stan had survived and very unlike Rich, it was #FakeNews…however, five hand later the two men were at it again, and with the same hands, Eddie P shows 2 pair, and Stan showing top pair, but this time no magic for Stan and we have 3 players left for 2 seats.


Chip count as follows:

Rich 21,000

Bob 20,000

Ed 15,000  


And now we were ready for the TSTBBQ turning point of the night, Bob raises preflop, Rich calls and a “harmless” 992 comes on the flop…then another 9 on the turn putting 3 9’s on the board and both players check as Eddie P looks on, not in the hand, on the River comes a J and Rich happily fires 3,200 and Bob comes over the top and raises to 10,000, Rich calls and turns over QJ and the boat, but Bob shows the 9 for a Four of a Kind and a gut punch to Rich and his hopes to defend his 2021 Championship (All Time Leading 4th) are now seriously in jeopardy.


The tone at the table now has taken a serious turn, Rich has his back to the wall, feverously fiddling with his chips and Bob and Ed know at any moment this could be over – Rich grabs some blinds, then a small pot and suddenly, first to act, he moves all in, Eddie P checks his cards, takes a deep breath and calmly calls, Bob folds and players reveal KK for Eddie P and K10s for Rich, with now only a 12% chance to win, the flop brings no help, but the turn gives Rich not only a flush draw but a straight draw and his odds to survive have more than doubled..would the river be kind to Rich or for one last time in 2022 would he be River Fukked (yes, I know it really means the river screws you on your last card and turns a win into a loss, but can’t it also mean it Fukked you by not giving you one of your 13 outs??? For purposes of this tale, I say YES!) well for those of you who followed along on twitter @BrooktownWSOP or those savy readers who can see below that there isn’t much left to his narrative so the event must just about be over, yes that was the case, Rich did not get his card, Eddie P knocked him out and the Satellite was over by 11:05pm.


Congrats again to Eddie P on his All Time Leading 5th Satellite victory and to Uncle Bob on his 2nd Satellite win in 5 events.


As always thank you to everyone who came out to watch and support the guys and the league, and the guys who stuck around even once they were eliminated for a while to chat laugh and commiserate.


Our Final 6 is set…












Well, we put a bow on the Brooktown Poker regular season tonight , and what a night it was, we saw a straight flush 4 four of a kinds - thee four aces pot was hit for the second month in a row,  we saw a number of two outers hit, and we saw an epic heads a battle to close out the season at a very sexy time 12:03 AM.


But let’s start with the first hand, which was won by Luke Lucash, who, all he needed to do was survive one elimination to qualify for the final table. He won the first hand, but the question on everybody’s mind is, who would win the last.


People were giddy. It was very loosey-goosey. Stan was playing some Disney music. Fortunately I couldn’t see the video associated with it , Rich was monitoring his four team parlay tonight which I guess didn’t win since I didn’t get any updates about it, JStu, hoping for the impossible, a win, and an early Luke elimination to lock in his seat in December, was focused, and Scott Davis, Tom Brucato, and Jay Fern, battling for a 2022 points championship which, as you know is accompanied by Brooktown immortality.


So overall what did we see? What did we get? We got Rich Mangine, undecided about his Brooktown future first man out, which clinched the seat at the final table for Luke two years in a row. Luke will be at the final table, qualifying, showing up, ready to fight, ready to battle ready to see if it’s his year.


We saw Uncle Bob use a players challenge, very rare, but the challenge was to no avail and overruled  -  his issue, whether there was a burn or not as the final card hit the table (and didn’t help him) upon reviewing the cards on the table, the burn card was there and uncle Bob was out of challenges!!!!


We saw Scott Davis take 300 chips in eighth place and fight and claw and battle to seventh place opening the door for Tom Brucato to possibly take the points championship. What would it require… well it would require Brucato to win . (Spoiler, Brucato didn’t win, Davis win his 3rd straight points title).


But while all this was happening, Bob and Rich just kept accumulating chips and accumulating chips and accumulating chips until finally they were heads up at midnight, Rich versus uncle Bob in 221 prior Brooktown events, we’ve only seen those Two go at it 4 times, Uncle Bob, winning 3 of them Rich winning 1, although Rich’s was for a Brooktown championship in 2021. To no one’s surprise the battle did not last long, And uncle Bob, the career leader in heads up winning percentage, took down the career leader in wins, and in runner ups. Rich Southard and the 2022 regular season was over.


Luke and Eddie P were able to pick up some cash with a third and fourth place finish, Uncle Bob, not only had four of a kind he also hit four aces, but high hand of the night held up for the Augman  as he had a straight flush early in the night, which was good enough.


So that’s it, we enter the playoffs. It looks like we will have seven players for the satellite although 10 will be invited and the final table already has six players, which 2 guys will join that group?


Tonight, 13 of our finest, and arguably our most handsome gentleman got together for no limit hold ‘em deep stack at Scott Boles’s house.


As always a wonderful hostess job by Mrs. Boles, keeping the boys, fed, happy and laughing.


As we settled in, eager and ready to play,  our first hand of the evening was won by the host with the most, the charming Mr. Scott Boles, but the question on everybody’s mind who would win the last…


As you know with deep stack, nothing really happens for the first three hours and that was the case tonight, first level being 80 minutes and the second level being 70 minutes, we had one rebuy in the first round and 2 rebuys in the second round, and as we headed into the break, everybody’s stacks was reasonably sized and sexy. And who doesn’t love a sexy stack. (#boobs)


We did have some excitement tonight as Mike Altilio cashed in on a $615 4 aces carryover pot, congrats to Mike who also wins $65 for high hand of the night, that money will look , beautiful at the crisscross table in Atlantic City on Wednesday night!!!


Yes, that’s right this Wednesday coming up we’re heading to the Borgata to celebrate 2021 champion Richard Southard‘s birthday and his 4th Brooktown championship back in December.


But back to tonight, Stan Federowicz played one of his best tournaments of the year , repeatedly betting and raising in hand after hand and built a very impressive chip stack. Finally, upon the eliminations of Pete, Rich, and Mike, Stan was moved to the other table where we continued to battle and build up an impressive chip stack. He also hit, and took home the money from the (non-Aces) four of a kind pot .


As we rambled on and made it to the merge with eight people, Jay Fern was the first player to clinch and punch his ticket to the final six in December, followed by Brucato, Neil, Scott Davis, and Augie also locked in to the final six for December. Luke , finished eighth and moved on the cusp of the final table as well.


Back to the game, at the final table, Scott Davis, thinking about his long, drive home, got aggressive, and just like Jay Fern last month eliminated the final six players of the night  for his 28th career and also Scott put himself in position to become the first player in Brooktown history to win three consecutive point titles, it would also be Scott’s 5 point tile, no other player has more than three.


Great night everyone, as always good seeing the crew – and hope to see a bunch of you in AC next week,


Good evening men, on a night to rival all others, 14 fine gentlemen got together to play Pot Limit Omaha Hi, with unlimited rebuys for the first 2 hours and 20 minutes, buckle up boys because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


As always when we visit Scotch Plains we we eat like kings, steak sausage broccoli rob balsamic chicken salad shrimp not to mention delicious bread in a savory olive oil Parmesan cheese mix, there were cookies I even saw people have an espresso and bourbon  - who is better than us, and as always thank you Peter for top-notch hospitality.


And yes yes of course I would be remiss if I forgot to mention we had raviolis.


Bud back to the game, Scott Boles, who has missed a few events this year, always great to have him back in the fold, and he opened up the evening winning the first hand, the question was who would win the last.


We had a total of 22 rebuys, led by 4 from Neil, a prize pot of $1750, and a first place equaling $700, that’s a  hell of a take.


They were 4 four of a kind‘s Pete Costello and Jay Fern won the prize money and there was a straight flush as high hand which went to Bobby Camisa. The four aces has not been hit and that part will approach $600 in October.


Back to the game, as usual we merge at eight players, and our final six were Southard, Scott Davis, Neil, Tom Brucato, Jay Fern, and Mike Altilio. Brucato first out in sixth place, and then as predicted, the man with the longest drive home will end up playing for the longest amount of time and not cash, Neil Martucci, grab the fifth Place finish, but some very important points  on the season.


Richard Southard, who played solid, and aggressive and very frisky, unfortunately when he needed to catch a card it was not there and he goes home in fourth place. Mike Altilio tremendous job on the evening battling making excellent decisions as far as when to push and when to pull back, takes home $350 and 3rd place, so we would go to battle with two players who have the second and third most wins in Brooktown history they’ve been heads up four times previously, each winning twice, and tonight Jay Fern would win yet another multi rebuy tournament, his 4th in 12 events, nobody steps up his game more than Jay when the price pop is elevated, and he went home tonight $700 richer and a better man.


Hello gentlemen we were lucky to experience the polar opposite in August of the July event -  it was a crisp 68° inside, the Met and Yankee games, displayed for all to see regardless of where you sat on a crystal clear 80 inch screen. The sausage had pizza on it, there was pretzels, pretzles with hot dogs in them, there was chicken, hell even two kinds of chick,  they were cookies goddamn it there were even brownies and don’t even get me started about the playlist, there will be people singing Hall and Oats and Beastie Boys songs in their head all week thinking of the great JStu -  thank you as always for a tremendous job hosting.


But now, H.O.E.  - we started with two tables of 12 and as the game tells us, we started with Hold Em,  and Tom Brucato turns over AKs, takes down the first hand and some blinds and off we go, but more importantly who would take down the last hand?


A quick look at the standings ( Brooktown 2022 ) prior to the event, the top six spots are very hotly contested, but tonight, 2 of the top 6 went down early to eliminations Augie and Luke, who came into the event in second and third place in points were the first to go, so plenty of points were up for grabs and now everyone was wondering what the top six with look like when tonight‘s event was over.


As you know every level the game changes from Omaha Hi to Omaha Hi low and then back to No Limit Hold ‘Em, well Rich Mangine early did damage on table B causing early rebuys by Augman, Fern, Altilio, and Uncle Bob and amassing a huge chip stack early.


After the eliminations of Altilio and Uncle Bob we were at the merge with eight players left - Southard was the first to go then in seventh place JStu, and then quickly following him in sixth was the point leader Tom Brucato. We were on the bubble and with Al celebrating his birthday all in with AJ  versus Neil's AK, , Neil’s King comes quickly on the board and Al, one card away from elimination catches a straight on the river  to survive, and everyone was wondering if that would that be the turning point and Al’s birthday wish of a Brooktown win was going to come true……


Well, no, no, the dream did not come true, although Al did last an additional half hour or so but he was still eliminated in 5th place just out of the money and our final four of, Davis, Fern, Martucci and Mangine were ready to add to their victory list on days that the Yankees and Mets both lost (although the Phillies and BoSox did win).


Davis Fern and Martucci came into the event in the top six and Mangine came into the event at the bottom of the points list and, with only 3 months to go after this one, points are critical  - Fern who ran into Rich Mangine catching a flush early in the tournament and was first to re-buy battled all night long, and although he was first man out finishing in fourth place, excellent job surviving that long.


Next man down, and finishing 3rd place Rich Mangine after Scott Davis caight a deuce on the river, and Richie was gone, Richie had a big stack almost all night long played really well to get to the final three and put some much needed points‘s next to his name.


Now it was heads up between two Brooktown legends for the 4th time, (Martucci holding a 2-1 edge heads-up) no limit hold ‘em Scott Davis versus Neil Martucci  - Neil, one of the best heads up player in the history of the league, was significantly chip defficient versus Scott Davis but you know neither player was going to quit and they went to war.


All in after all in , fold after fold and Davis had a 47k to 25k Chip lead but Neil drew first blood and was able to double up to take the lead for the first time all night, when his J10 caught a much needed 10 vs Davis A9,  and then a few hands later Neil is all in with pocket Sixers versus AK for Scott Davis,  and it was Neil who won the race and Brooktown event win number 17 without ever taking out his penis.


On a balmy July night, after a lengthy lay off, we were back to poker and what a wild night it was  - with 21 rebuys we were offering up a sexy prize pot, and the largest prize pool in regular season history and a record breaking $830 fir first place -  Jay Fern kicked off the night winning the first hand but who would win the last?

On night that saw 4four of a kinds (The two Scotts won the Pots) and a straight flush (high hand of the night goes to Neil) we also saw a prize pool of over $2,000.

Final 6 came down to Brucato and Lucash (short stacked) Augie, Uncle Bob, Pete and Scottie Delaware.

Brucato and Luke go all in and get called by Uncle Bob and Scottie D, Luke survives and Brucato goes home in 6th.

Augie was next to go when he was all in for his blind, didn’t catch anything and in the money were Pete, Bob, Luke and Scottie D

Pete was first man down then all three remaining players went all in and Scott Davis was eliminated and Uncle Bob winning 75% of the pot, Luke surviving but very low on chips and for the first time in Brooktown History Luke and Uncle Bob were heads up, bit it didn’t last long, as on the next hand Uncle Bob and Luke go all in and Uncle Bob gets his first win since June 2021


Well happy summer everyone, and we kick it off with a spectacular Brooktown turbo multi rebuy bounty tournament in exquisite fashion.


Luke opening up his house and his back YARD nice and early and everybody was in a good mood tonight. Love (and the smell of skunk) was in the air - The backyard looks spectacular, the dogs, except for constantly going in and out, were excellent, the food tasty, who doesn’t love a sloppy Joe what a nice treat, but, we couldn’t just sit around and chit chat and eat and drink (Luke only does that in the yard with his real friends), we were here to play some cards, and gosh darnit, cards we played - we started at 6:40, first hand of the night was won by Jay Fern but the question on everybody’s mind who would win the last hand!!!!


As you know, with the multi rebuys for two hours people get loosey-goosey,  and keep in mind, every forced rebuy puts 10 American dollars right in your pocket, and I will tell you what, Rich Southard was handing out some very crisp bills tonight, so players are not afraid to throw some chips in the pot and that’s exactly what happened as we had a total tonight of 16 rebuys -  we also had a straight flush which was good enough to take home high hand for Brucato and a few hands after that the four of a kind was hit with four queens again by Brucato.


At the break everyone did their add-ons and we had over 140,000 chips and play for the evening, so hunker down boys I have a feeling it was gonna be a long night. (CONSIDERING IT’A 2:30AM, CLEARLY IT WAS)


A huge thank you to Southard and Fern for helping navigate all the moving parts associated with the Rebuys and Bountys, and of course to Luke for the great hospitality.


But, I know all of you are asking what happened in the game – The first KO was Altilio taking down Stan and his $20 Bounty, Brucato then took out Mangine and Lucash who each had $20 Bountys – Scott Davis moved over to the upstairs table and got hot winning a bunch of hands early, but he eventually ran into his nemesis, Uncle Bob, who took Scott out and his $20 Bounty. Brucato then took out LaMalfa to earn another $20 and we were ready to merge to the final table. Eddie P was the first to eliminate a player by taking down Rich Southard and his large $50 bounty. Followed by Darakjy taking out Al to earn $40 and we had 6 left. 3 huge stack for Fern, Pascocello and Darakjy, and 3 smaller stacks for Stuart, Altilio and Brucato.


Fern, Pascocello and Darakjy went into aggressive mode while Brucato, Altilio and Stuart tried to grind, but ironically the first elimination was Altilio taking down Brucato and his $40 bounty and we had 5 players left. JStu who grinded to perfection back in April was right back to work and not only surpassed Eddie P’s chip count, but JStu knocked Ed out, and put his $40 bounty in his pocket for pontoon gas money and we had our final 4!!!


Altilio who also did a terrific job holding on, eventually succumbed to Uncle Bob and we were down to 3. Fern, who Augie predicted would win tonight as soon as he walked in the yard (with no cooler) – proceeded to eliminate Uncle Bob and then JStu and June was in the books – and Jay Fern, who won the first hand of the night, also won the last!


For Fern, it was his 8th cash and 3rd win in Multi Rebuy events, and for JStu is was his 3rd top 2 in 8 Multi Rebuy Events.


Excellent night boys, thanks again, and I will see you July 21st in  Middletown for Omaha Hi Lo (extra rebuy) event.


Our May event was held tonight at Augman’s house, one of our top venues, great layout in the basement, terrific pizza and some damn good music, thanks for having us tonight Aug. Due to graduations, vacations, family relations and constipations we started the evening with only 11 players. At the smaller high top table of Fern, Martucci, Pascocello, Darakjy and Brucato, Brucato opens up winning the first hand, but the question of the evening was, who would win the last hand???


As always with deep stack, there is alot of action, and tonight was no exception – Neil played every hand, but it was Fern who was the first to rebuy as some bad luck and unfortunate cards made it an early night for Jay and he ended up being the first one heading home. At the table of 6 with Aug, Al, Stan, Luke, Rich and Scottie D, we saw Augie with the first rebuy and upon Fern’s elimination Rich Southard took his large stack and aggressive style of play to the other table and immediately Rich and Uncle Bob went to work on each like no one else does and Uncle Bob was forced to dig into his pocket and rebuy having given Rich a large stack of beautiful chips.


We didn’t have out next elimination until almost 11pm, when Scottie Davis was unable to grind and down went Davis in 10th. At this point though Uncle Bob had taken some large hands from Rich and he was sitting as our chip leader, and at 11:33pm Eddie P and Stan were knocked out and we were at the merge.


We played for about a half hour 7 handed before Al ran out of chips, and then our host battled hard to stay alive but finally he succumbed to his big blind forcing him all in and he was unable to get any help and we were down to 5 players. Bob, Rich, Tom, Neil and Luke.


Less than 10 minutes after Augie was out, we lost Uncle Bob and we had our Final Four. The blinds now were large and with 5 players left and 165,000 chips on the table Rich Southard controlled over ½ of all chips in play.


It was a very strong and well played final four, Luke and Neil with almost identical chip stacks end up all in and heads up against each other, and with no low showing on the board and Luke well ahead, Neil catches a 3 outer to survive and basically KO Luke and our final 3 of Brucato, Southard and Neil were ready to fight for the W.


Neil was first out and we had Southard vs Brucato heads up for the 8th time in Brooktown history. Southard had a slight chip lead when the heads up started but Brucato got red hot, and down the stretch won at least ½ of every pot they played until finally on the last hand of the night Brucato scooped the pot and is our May event winner.


This month’s results write up, has been, admittedly a weak effort, I needed to get to bed early for a family thing, but I want to take a second to congratulate Jason on a outstandingly played final 5 to get career win #2 (oddly enough both in multi re-buy events). JStu has missed 2 events (and will not be with us in May) but sits in 10th place and only 525 points out of the top 6. 


Well buckle up boys it was poker night at one of our favorite venues, Uncle Bob’s and  tonight and history was made, or was it?.


We settled into a full house as all 16 league members finally were together and ready to play Omaha high. Neil Martucci would take the first 3 hands, and for a moment we were thinking he would win them ALL (he didn’t),  but,  more importantly, who would take the last?.


Early in the night Stan, playing very solid Omaha, gets the first payout of the night as his 4 Kings hits the carryover four of a kind pot, and that was just a foreshadowing of what the night would hold.


Eddie P continues his run of bad luck and is the first man out, and Uncle Bob, who is the only player with multiple victories in his own house, did not enjoy any home cooking (although it seemed to me the boys certainly enjoyed the food) and Bob was out very early in 15th.


JStu, finally back after a long layoff couldn’t knock the rust off and the 3rd elimination of the night took place at table B and we had 13 left. Rich Mangine did something special though, prior to his 13th place finish hitting the $650 4 ACES carry over pot and although he finished 13 he was the big money winner of the night.


Table B eliminations then cam fast and furious as Neil was first to go, and then Al was gone without even having a chance to take Rich out! Mike Altilio, who some picked to win tonight was out in 10th place and although he got some points he was not happy with the early exit. Along the way Jay Fern who had quite a stack hit a straight flush which would hold up and win high hand of the night congratulations Jay, but with one elimination before the merge and 3 low stacks, players refused to go as low stacks Southard and Augie battled until finally Luke got in a hand he could not get away from and we were down to 1 table.


Fern who entered the merge with a strong stack unfortunately (for him) was first to go, and then Pete followed Jay out with a 7th place. Rich, who earlier in the evening was down to 2 chips, and easily could have been out hours ago, was still chipping away and pushing his chips in the pot, and even built his stack back up near 20,000 but eventually ran into a frisky Stan,who is all in for his tournament but life catches a card against Rich that would’ve crushed Stan and make Rich a force to reckon with, but instead we were now on the bubble.


Scott Davis, who didn’t even have enough chips to post his blinds,   survived multiple all ins and ends up in the dream scenario having hit rips on the flop, goes all in and gets a call from Scott Boles who shows smaller trips, Davis positioned to get right back in the game and get to he final 4 with a strong chip stack, until Scott Boles catches a 1 outer and, leaves Scott with 500 chips and turns Davis’ dream into a nightmare.


But it was that kind night and that’s how Omaha hi rolls.


Finally upon Scott Davis‘s eventual elimination we had our top 4 - Brucato LaMalfa Boles and Federowicz.


LaMalfa and Brucato very low stacks were out relatively quickly  and we settled in for what may be coming the new Brooktown rivalry,  Stan after a two month hiatus back heads up against Scott Boles who I thought, defeated him in November, and was all excited to share how the last time Stan and Boles played together they were heads up, but that wasn’t true at all – in November it was Southard defeating Brucato, Boles wasn’t even there, and October Altilio defeated Stan, and September Boles bear Scott Davis. In essence this was the first time Stan and Boles ever met in the final two. They started out relatively even stacked but Stan pressured Boles and forced him to make decisions he didn’t want to make and just before 1 in the morning Stan avenged the November loss that apparently never was, with his first win since 2018, and a spectacular night comes to a happy end for Stan.


There is a $75 carryover on the four aces pot but everything else got paid out tonight  as Stan had four of a kind, Scotty Boles had four of a kind, Richie hits the 4 aces, and Jay Fern had high hand straight flush.


Great job everybody getting there will see you in April at Mike Altilio‘s for a multi rebuy no limit hold them tournament stay safe be careful out there and keep cashing in those tickets


The February event, which I have to be honest, once I saw there was going to be #weather, I did have some concerns we were going to be able to play, but, we made the trip north (south for Neil)  and we were able to replace 3 missing players with 3 guests (an almost unprecedented number) but in the end we had 16 excellent guys, and  a full night of action, fun an dlaughs - let’s see what happened.


Luke coming off a 10th place in January won the first hand, but, more importantly, would he win the last.


Table 1 saw all three guests, Bobby Camisa a previous Brooktown event winner, Mike Abate and Jim Cassidy, both attending their first ever Brooktown events. Also at the table were Uncle Bob Tom Brucato, Scotty Boles, Jay Fern and Luke/Lance Lucash.


At the main table  we had 2020 Champion Augman, who earlier in the night gave an emotional speech as he presented Richard Southard with his 2021, beautifully newly engraved, championship trophy, Neil Martucci, much to the dismay of Scott Davis, as everybody knows, is back in the league again full-time, Mike Altilio who missed last month but got some points tonight, Eddie P, who always does well at Hold ‘Em,, Al, better know as the mercenary, the grinder Scott Davis, and our chef extraordinaire and host of the evening who, as always did a tremendous, job Peter Costello.


Some things to mention…


Lance seems to be a better player than Luke and is a son of a bitch in my opinion.


Jimmy’s tooth hurt so he went home to “spend some alone time with the cat” was first out and didn’t even bother with his add on.


Eddie P made it to the Ravioli break but shortly thereafter his chips were gone.


Grinder was unable to grind


The Southard Slayer (Al) Strikes again, taking Rich down with a 3 outer.


Our first 4 a kind of the night as always it seems, went to Luke/Lance however Jay Fern with the high hand of the night, had a larger 4 of a kind. There was no winner on the 4 aces which is now over $500


Our final four came down to Camisa, Neil Luke/Lance and Pete.


First man down with Neil as his pocket sixes are three outed by Bobby’s A-6 and a few hands after that Pete Costello goes all in K-9 versus Camisa who shows J-10 and Camisa is able to hit on the turn and we take Pete out giving us the show down we were all waiting for,  heads up Luke (notice I didn’t say Lance) versus Bobby Camisa – first hand Luke goes all in with Q-10 and Bobby Calls and shows J-10, Flop is J-10-3, turn is another J and Bobby Camisa becomes the first guest in 13 years (Jim McCarthy 2009) to win a Brooktown WSOP event. For Camisa it’s his 2nd career win.


Welcome back to Brooktown Poker, season XVIII, 18 years boys, pretty amazing, as Luke and I were looking over the glut of Championship photos on Augie’s pool table it is quite impressive to see there sheer amount of photos and years we have been at this. I am hoping for a great 2022!!!


Lot’s to get to, but first and foremost I want to commend the guys who make the decision to not come tonight. I know we all look forward to the event each month and to miss one always sucks, but the guys that chose to play it safe, and play it smart and not possibly put anyone at risk are the real superstars tonight. Thank you all.


As for the event, we welcomed 2 new players this year, bringing the league back to 16 for the first time since 2019. Al, dubbed the mercenary, has been brought in to take Rich Southard out each month – they did not play any hands against each other tonight, but I’m going to roll with this theme for a few months and see if it has any legs. On the other hand, Al Gave new meaning to Pete O’clock because as the clock stuck 11:30 and Al was out of beers, he couldn’t give his chips away fast enough to begin the long ride home to Jackson. Speaking of long rides home, returning after missing all of 2020 and only playing two events as a guest in 2021, 2 time Champion Neil Martucci returned, and he started out with a bang, winning the first hand of the night, and of the year, but who would win the last hand….


Last year these writeups got pretty wordy, but really I was only doing them for Neil since he wasn’t with us to see, to experience, to partake in the action, so knowing he was eagerly awaiting the results each month I went into great great detail…well now that Neil was there, and he was there until the last hand, I can just get the nitty gritty…


Jay hit and won the 4 of a kind hand.


Luke won high hand of the night


There is a $50 carry over in the new 4 of a kind pot and a $460 carry over on the 4 Aces pot. One slight adjustment, if you win 4 Aces you will not also win the 4 of a kind pot. They are two separate pots now.


So who won you ask? Neil had an almost insurmountable chip count at the merge, but inevitably his cards went cold, but we all know Neil is quite the cardsmith and was able to ride his chip stack into the final 4, once Scottie D was Ko’ed joining Tom, Jay and Augie. Augman was very low chip count for a number of hands, but managed to survive, picked his spots well to avoid elimination and eventually was able to get a cash and take home 4th place money. So we were left with the 3 surviving owners of the Wine Loft, tom Neil and Jay, Neil was first man to hand over his chips and we were left with Tom and Jay heads up for the fame and glory – only the 4th time these two have gone head to head, and, as we know Jay is quite the cocksmith so for the 3rd time in 4 matches Jay Fern takes home the win. It was also the 2nd time Fern started off his January with a Dealer’s Choice W, the last time being 2019 when he ending up also winning the championship event…


So that’s a wrap on January – next event is Feb 4th at Pete’s house. Stay safe and stay healthy and hope to see all of you in 4 weeks!!


As we sat around the table tonight, getting ready to deal the cards and compete for Brooktown 2021’s Championship, I looked around and saw a record 12 bracelets proudly worn amongst 5 previous champions and thought to myself, this is going to be a tough well played, hard fought event, and I wasn’t wrong!!!

The firsthand was Dealt at 6:27 and was won by Jay Fern but more importantly who will win the last…

Seating around the table was Davis, first to deal, then Uncle Bob followed by Boles, Fern, Southard, Luke, Pete and finally Tom

Uncle Bob takes hand 2, and Jay will not win all the hands tonight! 

On the fifth hand of the tourney we see a “harmless” 449 flop with three players in it, Rich and Luke are betting and its followed by a “harmless” 3 on the turn, Luke bets 500 Rich calls and another 9 on the river, Luke bets 1500 Rich goes  all in and Luke calls, it’s the 5th hand of the night, there are no addons or rebuys and we have an all in and a call – someone is in trouble -  Rich shows quad 4’s Luke shows a Boat and while Luke is  not eliminated he’s now left with 50 chips and Rich has nearly 20,000 chips. Will this be the year Rich ends his 13 year winless final table streak?

Two hands later at 6:38pm Luke ends up all in for his 50 chips vs Jay and Rich, Mr. Fern gets the KO but Rich got most of Luke’s chips a few hands ago, and after seven hands and 11 minutes Luke is gone.

On hand 15 Scott Boles had his first misdeal in 13 years, by not dealing himself cards. 

At 7:02 PM with 10 minutes left in level 1 Scott Boles takes a hand from Jay Fern and immediately looks at Luke and dedicates the rest of his tournament to Luke. Will it be Boles who is able to make good in his promise to Luke and enact revenge for Luke’s early departure?? Very thoughtful and kind of the debonair Mr. Boles.

A lot of nothing, other than Rich winning a lot of hands for 2 hours, until finally the chip leader Rich got into a hand with Tom and his solid stack of 15,000 chips, slowly but surely Rich whittled about 12,000 of Toms chips from him with another boat vs Toms straight and now we had 3 players (Tom, Jay and Pete) under 5,000 chips with 80,000 chips in play, most of the chips sitting in front of Rich. 


Anything is possible as we have seen but at 8:45pm Rich’s chip lead seems insurmountable…


With 36 minutes left in level 4 Brucato is all in showing QJ gets one caller and Uncle Bob turns over AQ , no Jack for Tom, and we are now down to six players.


Pete, who was folding K2 and K4 all night long , with 20 minutes left in level 4 gets pocket kings and happily fires all in for his last 3000 and get a call from Uncle Bob who turns over pocket 3s , unfortunately for Pete here comes the 3 and as predicted in the ‘Twas the night before Christmas story, Pete is eliminated with kings and we are left with 4 past champions, and the incredibly handsome Scott Boles. 


Buckle up boys and girls I have a feeling this is going to be great final 5. 


And now - with a few minutes before the break and the small blind (Davis) and big blind (Darakjy) in the hand, we see a flop of 9-8-3 and we get the grinder going all in with 4500 and a snap call from Uncle Bob  - Scott Shows A9 to Bob’s J9, 2 more Aces come on the board and Scott Davis doubles up and gives him some chips leading into the break. 


Chip count at Break


Southard 35100

Darakjy 17500

Davis 8400

Fern 5500

Boles 13500


We experience a quiet level 5 with Southard accumulating a couple of thousand chips from pretty much everybody - aside from Uncle Bob’s stack, Fern Boles and Scott Davis are all under 7500 chips and are either fold or all in at this point. Rich not giving anyone any free cards or free looks.


With 20 minutes left to go in level 6 Scott Boles is forced by the blinds to go all in with 10-3 Scott Davis turns over AQ and ladies and gentlemen we are down to four players, all previous bracelet winners - somebody will get an additional bracelet tonight and the Hall of Fame will remain as it was this morning. 


Estimated Chip Count 


Davis 6000

Fern 6000

Rich 49000

Uncle Bob 19000


Five minutes into level seven we get our first all in with a call as Scott Davis A10 goes up against Uncle Bob’s AK for Scottie D’s tournament life  - the flop comes blank but on the turn comes the 10 and nothing on the river and Scott Davis with a huge double up and survival, Uncle Bob stack goes to 12,000 and Scott Davis’ Stack grows to 13,500. 


Rich and Bob looking to become the first player to get bracelet number 4, Davis looking to join the elite 3 bracelet team and Fern looking for the career defining number 2 - going to be an amazing run to the end. 


And just as an aside, other than water and coffee I was alcohol free but upon my elimination I opened a bottle of wine, was going to have only 2 glasses but I’ve been out so long I’ve now poured glass 3 and have to figure glass 4 isn’t too far behind. DONT JUDGE ME, at least I’m still here, Luke, Pete and Boles all left!!!


I am watching, statistically the 4 top players in Brooktown History, Fern playing textbook small stack poker, fold or all in, but in not getting any callers, finally, post flop Jay goes all in and Bob is quick to call, Jay, show shows second pair and fully expects to see Bob turn over top pair when Jay asks Bob , “do you have the King”, (top pair) which Bob replies by showing it to Jay  and Jay now knows he needs a 2 outer to survive, but it was not to be as Jay goes out on the bubble and we have our final 3.  


Scott Davis’ chip count probably has not gone over 15,000 at any point all night but here he is, coming off a terrific 2021 with a point title and 4 wins, her is still playing with a shot to go home with win number 5 of the year (a feat only ever achieved by Jay Fern) and bracelet number 3. Don’t ever count the grinder out.


Rich and Scott now match up as Scott throws 2000 into the pot after the flop and Rich calls, the turn comes and both players check but on the river, Scott likes what he sees and goes all in, Rich calls immediately, and Scott shows the straight he just caught on the river but Richs shows what feels like his 100th full house and ladies and gentlemen, we are now heads up!!!!


Bob and Rich have met 3 times heads up in the past with Bob winning all 3, also Bob has only played in 7 final events, winning 3 of them, while those number favor Bob, the chip count does not. Rich will take a final chip count lead of 58k-22k to the heads up final as one player will go home with bracelet number 4!!!!


We are all expecting this to be over in a few hands, but 5 hands go by, than 10, now 20 hands and a few chips go back and forth but both players are still alive, and Rich still maintains a strong 53k-27k chip lead, until finally we get some action – 3 diamonds on the flop a bet and call, on the river the 4th diamond comes out and Uncle Bob is all in for his tournament life, Rich calls and shows a King high flush, will this be title #4 for Rich – NOOOO, Bob shows the Ace of diamonds, and for the first time all night Uncle Bob has a chip lead over Rich 54,000 to 26,000, Rich who has lead since the seventh hand of the night, and maintained a chip stack of between 45k and 55k for hours suddenly finds himself behind and shaken, let’s see if he could withstand this crushing blow from Uncle Bob or will this end Rich’s dream, who has not won a title since 2007 even though he has won more regular season events than anyone else.


6 or 7 hands go by and while nothing of interest happens, Rich seems to have lost his swagger – The trophy is brought out to the center of the table, the prize money is on the table along with the trophy, the champagne is on ice (which reminds me Auggie, if you are by any chance still reading this you owe me $7 for the champagne)


Bob now looking for the kill takes a couple of stabs but Rich doesn’t bite, nothing happening here for 10 or 11 hands Bob with a 60,000 to 20,000 chip lead, finally Rich grabs about a 6000 chip hand to get up to 26,000 chips, and now we get an all in with a call -  Rich turns over A6 uncle Bob turns over JJ, and Bob is 5 cards away from the title, but no, an Ace hits the flop and suddenly Ricks takes back the lead 56k-24k, and no sooner than I am able to write this they are both all in again on the next hand, this time Rich shows A-10 while it is Bob with the A-6 and we see a 6 on the flop, Bob now about to take back all the chips he just gave Rich, but here comes at 10 and Richard Southard wins an amazing hand, in an amazing evening, and an amazing event and an amazing league with an amazing group of guys.


What an absolute magnificent performance by our final 4 tonight, especially and obviously Richard and Uncle Bob who, if this was a no limit hold ‘em event in February and the two of them were heads up they probably would’ve played two or three hands been all in each time and we have been done in five minutes but we saw them play 40 heads up hands at midnight for the Brooktown World Championship and it was a clinic, it was intelligent poker, magnificent chip management and I was proud to watch it witness it and I’d like to say I’ll never forget it, but unfortunately by Wednesday I’ll have very little memory of the specifics of it at some point next year when I resend this email to everybody as we take a trip down memory lane 2021ish. and read it I’ll go oh wow that was a heckuva night.


So, with that we put a cap on 2021 what can I say other than thank you all as always for participating indulging me, opening your homes and being part of something that means so much to me. I think alot about legacy  and what we leave behind, and think about it often especially at this stage of my life, when mortality becomes a reality, and any day, any moment can be our last, I have an amazing family, and couldn’t be prouder of my kids, hopefully they carry on the values and priorities I tried to show them,  I have great great great group of dear friends who I consider family, and mean the world to me, who, if any of you bastards outlive me, will sit around and laugh about the times we shared and tell funny stories of the things we enjoyed,  and in this little corner of the world I have this silly little website with all my spreadsheets and all my emails, that I can honestly say mean as much to me as anything I’ve ever done, the laughs, the good natured competition and the camaraderie we have are hard to find, I am proud of what we have, I thank you all I love you all have a great Christmas and I can’t wait to see you all January 7th at Augie’s house (no way he is still reading this so I will have to ask him next time I see him if he can host)!


Well amazingly tonight season 17 of Brooktown Poker came to a close and as always the November event saw a number of players very relaxed very loosey-goosey with nothing on the line, it always makes for one of the best events of the season and who does not love Hi Lo.


Not a lot to unravel tonight as we had Richard Southard very early in the night taking 3,500 of Tom Brucato‘s 4,000 chips immediately putting Brucato on his heels and knowing an early exit means enduring  the wrath of his wife calling him a big loser and not wanting to sit around in his own house for five hours and watch his friends play poker, it was time to dig deep.


Uncle Bob having secured his spot in the finals, so we knew he was either gonna double or triple up early or head to TST and listen to some country music, the latter happened as Uncle Bob was eliminated very early in the evening and will have a few weeks to rest up before the finals!!!


Jay Fern having also secured his spot in the final six by not breaking any ankles today and showing up, ended up all in a hand with Eddie P and the Augman, with Augie taking both players down and very very quickly and early in the evening, we were down to nine players.


Rich was still accumulating chips and causing rebuys at table A, and next Stan was eliminated and we were ready to merge before 9:30 PM.


At the break Southard was sitting with 40,000 chips versus 32,000 chips for everyone else at the table combined. After having a monster chip count in last months Saturday event was there any chance Rich would give all these away again, and not close out the victory?


Luke was eliminated then Rich Mangine and finally the grinder, fresh off a 17 hour and run in his first World Series of poker appearance in Las Vegas, battled but he was gone and we were down to 5 -  Richard Southard with a monster chip stack and a cast of characters, all with less than 5000 chips barely staying alive, just a pick up a couple of points or a couple of bucks.


Eventually Mike Altilio, coming off his best year ever, was the first player eliminated and last year‘s Brooktown Championship’s final 2, Jason and Augman, edited and the oldest tenured Brooktown players Tom Brucato and Rich Southard. Rich played wisely forcing players to repeatedly make decisions, and eventually Augman was out of lives and we had a final 3.


Rich repeatedly tried to take JStu down, he had him on the ropes and all in multiple times, body blow after bold blow, Jason would not go down, do we have the makings of a new grinder???


JStu and Tom tried to double up a few times Vs. Rich but it wasn’t to be, Rich played masterfully tonight, maximizing his cards, avoiding bad hands, and even getting a little lucky every once in a while for win number 33 and his league leading 7th cash of 2021.


Congrats to Scott Davis on his 4th Points title, he wins $100 and a free entry into the final table. He will also have his name engraved on the trophy and 2021 photo placed in the Hall of Fame – congrats and great year. Much more to come on the stats and recoreds in the upcoming weeks.


Hey, we played poker two days ago and just getting to the recap now… Thanks to all of you who are concerned and reached out to make sure I had gotten home safely on Saturday and wasn’t stuck somewhere under a big rock and that’s why the email was delayed.

But onto the good stuff.  exciting event the multiple rebuys usually are, and we had a tale of two tables. With one table having 15 rebuys, and the other table having 1 rebuy, is that even accurate? I’m looking at the numbers now,  Al had one rebuy while Scott Pete and Ed had four and uncle Bob had three….

OK well either way one table had a lot of rebuys and the other table did not have a lot of rebuys…more to come on that later.

Unfortunately JStu still had some sand and doggy issues so he had to leave early, although not before losing his chips and hopefully at least having a bagel. Scott Davis, getting ready for Las Vegas and looking to make history (IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD THE CHANCE TO, AND ARE STILL INTERESTED IN TAKING A PIECE OF SCOTT’S ACTION $100 WILL GET YOU 1% OF HIS WINNINGS, PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME, WE HAVE A FEW LEFT)  and not wanting to waste any of his luck or skill at all on a Saturday morning,  was second man down and “the table with all the chips” had to send uncle Bob and all his chips over two of the “non-rebuy” table.

Scott Boles who stepped up on a Saturday morning with a lot of food, a lot of beer, and as always I appreciate when somebody let us make a mess of their bathroom, ran into pocket aces in the big blind with his pocket kings in the small blind and Scott miserably, in his own house, at 1:30 in the afternoon was done playing poker  - and soon thereafter at the table with all the chips Pete Costello, coming off his best year ever, and having clinched a seat at the final table in December, was eliminated, and then right after Pete.  Tom Brucato also clinching a seat at the final table in December, was gone and Richard Southard had a fortress of white chips that (fill in your own inappropriate joke here, I don’t want to be the John Gruden of Brooktown Poker)…

Mike Altilio, also coming off an excellent year with two wins including one last month was low chip stack and while he battled and survived a number of attempts by players to take him out, inevitably he was unable to hold on, Mike was knocked out in ninth place and we were at the merge.

With 154,000 chips in play, Richard Southard had at least 50,000 of them, Uncle Bob Stan and Eddie P, all with solid stacks of about 30,000 each, were picking their new seats for the final 8,  while the table consisting of Jay Augie Al and Luke limped on over and had a total of 30,500 chips IN TOTAL!

Scottie Boles, clearly bored at this point, was eagerly hoping for an Augie elimination to install something on his wall that had to do with wires, Mike Altilio decided this should be easy and spent about an hour doing something, now that I think about it I did text Scott at night to make sure all is well and I have not heard from him so I’m hoping the house didn’t burn down or explode or cave-in, but I guess we’ll find out in November.

 Eventually Augie was eliminated then followed by Eddie P and we were down to 5 players, just one out of the money… Richard Southard, who got unlucky early in the tournament when a card he didn’t want to see came on the river and he lost a hand,  but then played solidly to accumulate a ton of chips, but eventually ran into some trouble he couldn’t get away from against Luke and we had our final 4 for the event.

 Stan coming off a second place finish last month was taken down, and amazingly, incredibly, shockingly, the 3 remaining players all came over from the table with hardly any chips, maybe there’s something to learn from this, maybe there’s not, maybe I’ll over analyze it, maybe I’ll make a spreadsheet, maybe at Augie and Grace’s Halloween Party Friday (more to come on that) I won’t get into trouble from Shari,  but what we do know is Jay Fern, after having been thrown out of last months event, while almost having Mark throw him out of the league entirely, needing a second place finish to clinch a seat at the final 6, would not be denied -  It seemed like these three would play forever, and it had it not been for Luke’s focus and keeping the game moving it may have, however Al went all in Luke took his chips Jay Fern got his seat at the final table in December and one hand later after pushing all in, with the joy of second place, the joy of a seat at the final table, the joy of four of a kind, the joy of high hand, Jay said screw you Covid I’m all in, and Luke let out a hearty laugh like only Luke can and called -the all in the best I can remember is the flop, turn and river were all duds, an  ace high ended up being the winner for Luke the $600 first place prize and career win number 7.

NOTE REGARDING FINAL 6 CLINCHING DECEMBER SEATS ; There is a scenario where Luke, coming off his October win can catch either Jay or Uncle Bob, it would require another Luke win and Bob or Jay to come in 12th (or lower) – considering we already have at least 2 no shows for November and 12 players max all Jay or Bob have to do is show up, get their 75 points and the final 6 is set. Hmmm…Has there ever been a November event where a player pretty much had a seat locked up and there was only one wild scenario that could knock him out and he didn’t make the vent and the impossible happened and he didn’t make it….


Well happy October everyone it’s the month of the pumpkin spice and LaMalfa Halloween parties,  but October 2021 will always be remembered (until the Saturday event in three weeks)  as the month of Mike Altilio.

In an event where there were no multiple rebuys,  or short tables, or large tables,  or fast blinds or slow blinds or deep stacks,  it was just old-school Omaha Hi Pot Limit poker and there is nobody more old school then Mike Altilio to bring home the victory heads up versus the Pink Panther, better know as Stan Federowicz. For Mike it’s his 2ND WIN OF 2021, and first heads up vs. Stan

As always thank you to Pete for salmon and steak and sausage and of course raviolis at the break. Pete also took home high hand and some fourth place money as he and Jason Stuart both were knocked out on the same hand but Pete had more chips going into the hand Jason got fifth Pete grabbed fourth, the extra points and the cash, and even high had of the night, as there were 7 four of a kinds on the evening, buy none higher than Pete’s.

Our third-place winner was Eddie P coming off too very solid months. Abandoning his Joe Appio style of chip (lack of) organization and dominating the dining room table for most of the night.

Luke, hit both four of a kind pots one before the break and then one after the break and was able to parlay that into a sixth Place finish and a solid solid night.

Quick turnaround as most of us will be in Atlantic City on Monday at the Borgata  hopefully everyone goes home a winner that night.

And then again, don’t forget,  the second October event of the year, we tried it last year and it was a huge success Saturday morning, October 23 at Scott Boles house hopefully he knows how to make eggs, and as always remember to bring your bathing suit. 


Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages it’s no limit holder multi rebuy turbo bounty tournament time (and a Summer Friday, enjoy them while you have them!) and we go back to one of our favorite venues in Hazlet - Uncle Bob‘s poker den where the stanwhiches are always bold the drinks are always cold and the music always pretty old.


13 players tonight, as we were missing Augman and Scott Boles both down south, one helping settle his middle child at college and the other playing with his children in the outer banks,  but, we were blessed with a Brooktown legend, Neil Martucci who cashed last time he played, would he be able to do it again? #PeopleWantToKnow


Surprisingly, not a lot of action, as we had only had 13 rebuys, led by uncle Bob with four. But there were bounties aplenty, and it wasn’t long after the break that Scott Davis and JStu decided to put all their chips in the pot  - Scott, unbeknownst to Jason, had flopped a boat but Scott bet a little,  and Jason called, the next card came, Scott  bet, again Jason called, finally JStu was all in and turned over a boat but Scott turned over a bigger one and JStu was the first man down, then  moments later on the other table Neil took out Jay Fern,  two of our larger Bounty’s were collected as Fern was worth $50 and JStu at $40 and they were both gone.


We continued to enjoy music we continue to eat stanwiches-have some delicious mozzarella and some fresh basil from the yard as Pete grabbed a $30 bounty with a smooth KO of Stan.  The guys continued to battle, as you know, these guys have no quit in them.  We turned on the fan, we turned off the fan, I had another piece of mozzarella and left a tomato on the plate by only taking the piece of mozzarella, I don’t know if that is the proper etiquette but I like the mozzarella and I didn’t really care too much about having a tomato, it’s not good for the heartburn and you’ve got to take care of yourself, but anyway I looked up and uncle Bob was cashing another $30 bounty by taking out Eddie P.


I was lucky to be able to get up and have some onion dip with some very fresh and tasty potato chips, but as I was doing that, Luke went all in with pocket 5’s Scott Davis, with no choice other than to call with 10 7, and 4 cards in, Luke was looking good when but suddenly, almost out of nowhere, on the river the board paired again, which put two pairs on the board both higher than Luke’s fives Scott’s 10 played and  Luke’s $30 bounty immediately went in the pocket of Scott Davis.


It was time to merge and only two hands in, Uncle Bob (everyone’s Uncle), cashed in a quick $20 bounty over Altilio and shortly thereafter, his pocket deuces , who were very loosey-goosey deuces, held up against Tom’s AK and Bob had another $20 bounty in his booty, and he was quickly earning the nickname bounty king.


Since I was now eliminated, I went inside had another piece of stanwich, I always prefer the oil and vinegar over mayonnaise or mustard with those kind of heroes so that’s what I had this time. I am sitting on the couch and I say to myself, “self, I’m gonna get up shortly and go have another piece of mozzarella and this time I definitely have the basil” but much to Pete’s  chagrin, Bounty King Uncle Bob took care of business and put another $30 bounty in his pocket by knocking Peter out.


Beatles were singing about Rita the meter maid, which is very simple song, but I mean that’s what the Beatles do, they’re telling you how much they love you yeah yeah yeah I love you yeah yeah yeah I love you yeah yeah yeah not a lot to that song, they just repeat the same words over and over, even a song like let it be, think about the words they say let it be let it be oh let it be, again, not a lot going on there , I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand sing it what are they say, I wanna hold your haaaaaaand, but you know what, good for them, good for them.


Back to business though, just as the Yankees were walking it off,and we were getting ready to watch France USA basketball, Rich Southard grabbed a $30 bounty and took Mangine out and we were down to four players, all brooktown past champions.


I took the time to color up some chips and I walked inside and had an absolutely magnificent chocolate chip cookie as the boys were playing - With 140,000 chips in play rough count,  Neil  6000 Rich about 8000 Uncle Bob the Bounty King and Scott obviously the lion share of the rest. Third-quarter France USA basketball, France hanging in there down by two, Johnny Walker was singing a little Coochie coo on the radio. I think everybody liked Bobs new  kitchen I know everybody liked the foods, I mean hell, in addition to chocolate chip cookies and double nut oatmeal raisin cookies and macadamia cookies there were even black and white cookies  - you don’t get black and white cookies all the time, and they were from Joeys and there’s luv in every bite.


But back to the tournament huge huge chip stacks for Bob and Scott, Rich and Neil though, putting on a clinic in short stack poker  - inevitably Rich was all in on his big blind Scott Davis matched up with him KQ versus two under cards for Rich, nothing helped Rich and he was out in fourth place with Scott Davis collecting his $30 bounty


I picked on some potato chips with onion dip, inevitably spilled some onion dip on my birds aren’t real (excellent read if you have the time  by the way  tee shirt, just as France hit a three-pointer to close out the third quarter and now trail by eight.


Neil, who finished second to Rich Southard in the May event, continued to manage the short-stack magnificently and stay alive  - is he gonna catch a few double or triple Ups– or watch uncle Bob and Scott push each other around, and catch a sexy second place, well, I’ll tell you what, we’re gonna find out!!!


USA was about to close out basketball Neil went in with 87 and uncle Bob called with Q8,  nothing came for anybody and Uncle Bob the bounty Hunter’s Q8 holds up, . Uncle Bob put another $20 bounty in his pocket and Scott and Bobby are going to go a heads up for the 6th time in their magnificent history.


I was coloring in all their chips as Bob and Scott were playing a bunch of “nothing happening hands”  when I decided to head to the bathroom, but, whenI came back it was over -  so let’s see what happens Scott had 10-3 Uncle Bob had 93 -  I see some aces on the board a couple of tens and a nine and that’s it Scott Davis on the precipice of history winning his fourth event of the year tying Jay Fern‘s regular season record with still 4 events* to go!!!


Scott takes 1st place he takes home $20 bounty on Uncle Bob and since no one knocked him out he’ll keep his bounty as well -  tremendous event and an excellent night. Great to be at Bobby’s.


 Four of a kind was hit by Stan, but we did start a new pot and have a carryover, and high hand of the 4 kings goes to Tom Brucato.


It was a Brooktown WSOP Summer Friday and who could ask for more!!! We got to experience, and spend some time at one of the best backyards in the league, we were fortunate enough to have some beer and sunshine, some burgers and sausage, tasty hotdogs and pizza and I am still not clear on what the bacon and pineapple food was but can you ever go wrong with that combination? No, no you can't - thank you JStu!!!

I can tell the guys we’re getting excited for a new fun event Omaha hi lo with multiple rebuys,  there was always some discord around the levels and the blinds but overall the timing worked out well,  plenty of action for everyone, blinds didn't come into play until late in the event when the short stacks were hamstrung, as they should be, and a tough solid battle at the end culminating at 1:30 in the morning. That's a hell of a tourney!

We were missing two players Pete Costello and Mike Altilio who, well deserved, took some time to themselves Michael down with some family on vacation and Pete enjoying a summer Friday, however Pete put his stamp on the event with an early prediction, of Luke with a W, let’s see if it would hold up.

Even though they were multiple rebuys in an Omaha hi lo game available, we did not have nearly as many as we would have expected  - table A had three and table B had 6 for a total of 9, all players made it to the break and were able to add on, however Scott Davis tried to push all his chips in right before the break figuring if he wins the hand great, but if he loses it he’s able to rebuy and start over with 5000 chips, unfortunately for Scott he only got called by Stan, who did not have Scott covered, Stan won the pot and Scott Davis began round six very short stacked.

In some exciting news, well not exciting for all of us, but Uncle Bob finally hit the four aces pool which netted him, between the carryover on the four of a kind Aces, the regular four or a kind carryover, and high hand of the night, almost $800. Congratulations Uncle Bob.

As for the event, I thought the atmosphere tonight was very enjoyable, all players made it through the sixth round, unfortunately we lost Scott Boles first then followed by our very gracious host JStu’s who was the next man out.

Eddie P, who is never a fan of this game finish 10th and did have the honor of being the only player with 3 rebuys. Ninth place went to Luke (sorry Pete) and we were at the Merge

Blinds were small and slow moving with eight people at the table players are picking and choosing their spot, it took a while to finally take someone down, and Stan was the first to go followed by defending world champion Augie Lamalfa who must’ve had ace duce 10 times and never ended up winning a hand.

Final six battled hard and long, until finally the first man down was Rich Mangine, and that left uncle Bob with a huge stack lead. Brucato and Southard basically all in on every hand but they both kept surviving, and as always and Fern and Scott Davis were playing smart and solid.

Finally Uncle Bob took a couple of shots that missed, and all of a sudden went from chip leader to eliminated in three hands and we were down to our final four.

As always the case with Hi lo, the hands you fold hit on the flop and you kick yourself,  it happened one time too many Richard Southard and finally he was eliminated in fourth place with $135 and we were down to our final three Brucato, Fern and Davis, Davis sitting solid now after having taking significant chips from Uncle Bob. Jay Fern made his move and was all in Brucato and Davis and now upon Fern‘s elimination, Brucato and Davis  are about to settle in for the heads up match.

,For Brucato and Davis it was their 6th overall heads up match up with Davis having won 3 of the previous 5. Scott started out with a nice trip lea but Brucato got lucky pushed all his chips in the pot and ended up doubling up, and we were practically tied and ready for battle.

Unfortunately for Brucato and fortunately for Scott Davis that was the highlight of a heads up match as Brucato folded down a couple of hands, Scott made a few raises and finally, when they were both all in, it was  Scott Davis running away for his third win of 2021 and career win number 26


We will see everyone in August for our favorite event of the year bounty rebuy turbo no limit hold em


Good evening boys just getting home a little bit after two in the morning busy day tomorrow late night tonight I don’t have time for a full write up plus nothing really overwhelming happened.


One thing I did want to mention  is the beautiful symmetry and coming full circle, last June, 10 of us got back together after a couple of months off and played our first coronavirus event at Luke’s  - it was great to see everybody, we  had a terrific night and we were off and running and salvaged the 2020 Brooktown season. Well tonight we regrouped at Luke’s and if not for a last-minute cancellation unfortunately from Eddie P, we were 14 strong and the league back in full force as Stan returned and I’m sure I’m speaking for everyone when I say how great it was to see him again.


With regard to the event, until just a few months ago Richard Southard and Uncle Bob had never met heads up, well tonight they faced off for the second time this season and again Uncle Bob took on the win.


Richard Southard second, Tom Brucato third and Rich Mangine with a solid fourth Place finish.


Hi hand was won by Rich Mangine with his quad 10s, there will be a carryover on the second four of a kind hand as well as the four aces still has not been hit.


Hopefully we see everybody in July on the 12th have a great night I’ll get the website updated this week and send out more information


So many good things to talk about today, aside from the beautiful weather, the mask mandate finally being lifted and spectacular job hosting by Mike Altilio we also had an early morning, laser focused Scott Boles,  and the return of Brooktown legend Neil Martucci!!!

As you know, from either reading the previous emails this week or actually being there tonight, the game was Pot Limit Omaha with unlimited revise for the first four levels -  historically  this tournament brings the largest prize pool and the most action of the year -  let’s see if that would hold true again for 2021…

People were happy to see the beautiful weather there was fun there was frivolity, people eating like kings, even before the food was ready!!!  They were drinking like prohibition had just been lifted, we were so loosey goosey the first card wasn’t even dealt till 6:50pm

We were fortunate enough to have 13 players this month and as we all settled in for Omaha high everyone was thrilled to see Brooktown legend Neil Martucci make his first appearance in 524 days, since losing heads up in the 2019 championship to Jay Fern. Neil Martucci returns in grand style as he wins the first hand of the night,  but the question on everybody’s mind is will he win the last?

As expected rebuys were fast and furious to the point where, dear reader, I can’t even give you too many details as to how why what and when things happened because all I was doing was getting up, going on the computer to register the rebuy, collect $35 and then get 3500 chips from Jay, who by the way thank you very much for your help.

At the break table A led by Rich Southard had 16 rebuys, while cable b Led by uncle Bob had 11 rebuys. The 27 rebuys are the most ever in a Brooktown Event.

We took a break, we did our add-ons , we ate some pizza, and there were 185,000 chips and play with blinds of 250-500 to start level 5. Buckle up boys,  we,ve got a long way to go.

We did have a bit of excitement when the first player eliminated was Scott Davis, for some people like JStu this was the equivalent or seeing a unicorn, Jason didn’t think it had ever happened, and in Jason’s 3 year career in Brooktown, it hadn’t, for Scott it was only the 6th time he has been first man out, and the first time since 2014. Rich, who was the one to take him out, properly poked the bear enough until Scott had enough and went into a spectacular rant featuring his high voice imitation, anger, some hooting and hollering and most likely shock. Plus Scott had no ride home since he carpooled. The good news is, only 3 weeks until the next event!

After that next man down was Eddie P and Scott Boles, I don’t know who or how they were knocked out, but based on what I have seen, I am betting Eddie P was ahead and someone caught a card on the river and that ended Edward’s evening. Boles, who was laser focused at 8am, was 3rd man off and on the way home to get some sleep as he has an early kid sport Saturday. This forced table A to send their chip leader Rich Southard over to mix it up with Uncle Bob, Fern Augman, and Pete. In the meantime table B, after losing Scottie D to elimination and Rich to unification, saw our host Mike Altilio, who did not have many good cards all night, run into a situation he could not get away from (ok fine, I have no memory or idea who or how he got knocked out), and we down to 9 players and 1 elimination away from the merge. It didn’t take too long for Rich and Uncle Bob to do what Rich and Uncle Bob do, especially in Omaha, which is put all their chips in the middle of the pot and down went Bobby and to the merge with 8 we went.

At the merge, it was all about the haves and the have Nots as Rich, Fern, JStu and Neil sat down with the big stacks and Pete Tom Augie and Luke were a bit “chip stack limited”  but the 8 players battled and players hung in there and grinded it out until finally, after a number of trips around the table, the first man to go was Augie then, one of the big stacks took a hit and we lost Mr. Fern and we were suddenly down to six.

Our men went round after round after round refusing to be eliminated Brucato, with as little  as 750 chips left hung in there and finally quadrupled up and then doubled up. Finally Luke an JStu go to battle on a big pot, with JStu betting and Luke calling, finally with 40,000 chips in the middle of the table and Luke down to his last 6000 JStu checks and Luke pushes it all and Jason just shakes his head and throws his pocket aces in the muck, and Luke turns over nothing and takes to 46,000 chip pot from Jason, who couldn’t get that out of his head.

The blinds were eating us up and eventually Pete had no choice but to go all in on his big blind, he gets three callers great opportunity for Pete to get some chips and get back in the action, and Petey had a chance,  but on the river Neil catches his flush and we were down to five. It didn’t take long for Brucato to be all in on his big blind and he is unable to get any traction and for the 4th time in 6 events, Brucato finishes 5th and we’ve got our 4 money makers Luke JStu Neil and Southard, who will take home, most likely, a share of the biggest pot of the year.

After my elimination I was meandering around the house a little bit so I didn’t see exactly what happened I think maybe Luke was on a straight draw and Rich called, caught a flush and we lost Luke.

Next we had Jason short stacked and still annoyed over losing to Luke was next man to go and here it was ladies and gentlemen Neil Martucci, a fan favorite no doubt, coming off his year and a half hiatus facing off heads up against  the most decorated player in Brooktown history. The 2 Champions had only met heads up twice before but we were settling in for a battle of the ages, Neil one of the all time top percentage heads up winner of all time versus Rich the winningest winner of all time.

Neil getting ready for the uphill battle rich 165,000 chips versus Neil’s 20,000 chips just as we settle in to watch a lesson in Heads Up No Limit Poker, Neil is all in on the first hand with a chance to double up, but alas, there will be no fairytale tonight as Rich Southard dominant throughout, takes home Brooktown win number 32 and Neil is this month’s Humpty Dumpty.
