Post date: Dec 05, 2020 6:54:54 AM

So first and foremost, WE MADE IT, a crazy year comes to a close and we go tin all our events, and most importantly we were able to play and complete The final event this evening, thanks for everybody’s patience and flexibility.

At 6:55pm cards were in the air and Jason Stuart, this year‘s host who at the last minute not only hosted the final event of the year, but also threw his hat into the ring as a Plan B for Uncle Bob if he was unable to host the Championship, sure enough Uncle Bob had to remove himself from the mix, JStu stepped up and did a spectacular job tonight hosting for us, won the first hand.

We played for 45 minutes, the First round of poker is in the books, not a lot of action, most players chip stack relatively OK - also the music tonight, excellent playlist.

At 20 minutes of level 2 though, Jay Fern and Mike Altilio find themselves in a battle with a flop of 10h 6d 4d, Fern fires 2000 into the pot Mike Altilio calls, on the turn in 8d shows up and Fern goes all in and quickly Mike Altilio calls, shows the nut flush which is good vs our 2019 defending Champion's pocket Aces and our first, previous champion is eliminated from the tournament and we have seven players left

Two more levels are played, of basically Eddie P, Augie and Jason Stuart leading the way with the biggest chip stacks and winning just about every pot, albeit not huge stacks, but as we approach the 20 minute mark of level 4, Tom Brucato finds himself on the small blind blind at 200/400. Tom raises to 1000 Jason Stuart calls - flop J-10-4 rainbow and Brucato bets 1500, Jason Stuart calls and we see a harmless 8 on the turn so Brucato, who unsuccessfully tried to bully Jason, the least experienced player on the table all night, goes all in for his last 2200 - Jason Stuart, not wanting to double Tom up but has no choice other than to make the call and shows QJ versus Brucatos A-10 we see a king on the river and we have now lost our second previous champions as 2008, 2009 and 2017 champion tom Brucato is headed to twitter.

At our first break on level four chip count

Aug 22,000

Jason 21,950

Scott Davis 11,500

Mike Altilio 10,900

Eddie P 8,450

Southard 5,200

With five minutes left at level 6, Richard Southard, short stack with under 2000, Scott Davis and Jason Stuart are in the hand and we get a flop of rainbow 10- 8- 4 , no action and we see a 6c on the turn which puts 2 clubs on the board. Rich bets, Scott Davis folds and now we see another club on the river, Southard shows the Flush and triples up for his first big hand of the night. For Southard will this will be the moment here where he rallies like he has done so many times over the years and goes on to win this tournament???

Next hand Rich goes all in with his 4200 chips Jason Stuart thinks long and hard and decided to fold 66, Rich shows QJ and I can see Rich is feeling a little frisky for the first time all night and has built his stack to over 5,000 in chips

We start level seven and Augie has a huge stack and Rich, who caught a little fire winning three hands in a row, goes all in, with a chance to get right back in the mix, Scott Davis calls quickly, pocket aces for Scott pocket kings for Rich, 5 meaningless cards come and now our third previous champion, winner of 2005, 2006 and 2007 events, Rich Southard has been eliminated

10 minutes left now in level seven Augie, playing with confidence and focus all night, bets $1500, and Scott Davis raises to 4000 Augie immediately goes all in Scott Davis with only 1700 remaining chips has no choice other to call - Augie shows KK Scott 88 and for the first time in Brooktown history the first 4 players eliminated from the final event are all previous champions as our 2014 and 2018 champion Scott Davis is eliminated and will have a new member of the Hall of Fame enshrined tonight!!

Chip count

Augie 34 750

Jason Stuart 28,580

Eddie P 12,000

Mike 4,750

Quickly though, Mike Altilio is all in Augie calls and Mike shows a suited KJ hearts and Aug with Q-J on the flop comes 8h, 6h 4d, Ac on the turn and now Mike is just looking to avoid the Q, but when it's going well, it's going well, and up comes the Q and now we have only 3 players left with 10 minutes left in level eight

Eddie P feels it’s time to make a move all in for 7500 chip shows Q4 Jason turns over pocket aces, and there is nothing that pops u to help Eddie P we are down to heads up between Augie (chip count 41,000) and JAson (chip count 39,000).

It does not take long for Augie to add 20,000 chips to his stack, then another 15,000 - Jason battles back now to get back to about 12,000 and we have an all in and a call - Jason shows pocket 7's but Augie shows pocket aces and at 12:23am, on December 5th Augie LaMalfa becomes a Brooktown WSOP champion!!!

What a night, and what a year! I know it wasn't perfect, but I KNOW we had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, we have a wonderful group of guys and I want to thank you all for indulging and supporting my ideas, not all of which are winners, but after 16 years it's something very special.