Post date: Apr 22, 2021 5:26:48 AM

So, it was cold. Again. Sigh.

I hate weather. Most of us will wake tomorrow with PTSD from the wind aggressively BANGING on the “walls.” It was windy. It was cold.

Those of us who were early, before the sun set and the wind wasn’t at it peak, however, were treated to 2 delicious tomahawk steaks, followed by excellent, succulent, fall off the bone ribs and a bunch of meaty wings. Thank you Jay Fern for adding a bunch of sides, I am personally a big fan of the onion rings, but I thought the cauliflower was not only healthy but took my mind of the DAMN WIND AND COLD FOR A FEW GLORIOUS TASTY MINUTES!!!

But enough of that food, lets talk Brooktown Poker and Wednesday events!!! - 2 tables of 6 which included our first guest since Mikey T played way back in the corona free world of Feb 2020. Ralph Attanasio becomes the 53 player in Brooktown history, making his Brooktown debut. We always say the most important part of a guest or somebody to play in an event is not as much knowing how to play but knowing how to fit in, and no surprise at all Ralph was “one of the guys” right from the beginning, even winning the first hand!!! I was not at his table at all since I was the second man eliminated, and I suck, but I’m sure just like anybody’s first trip around the moon he made some solid and unorthodox calls he made some solid and interesting bets but whatever he was doing was working because at the break Ralph was our chip leader. Would it last? Was Ralph, who hadn’t played competitive poker in nearly 7 years, going to shock the world??? Read on boys, read on...

The first man to be paroled and get out of the cold, was our 2020 defending champion Augie LaMalfa, and trust me, he did not seem unhappy as said goodbye to the boys and left to go to the warmth of his home. Next man down was Tom Brucato who was knocked out at 9:30, however unlike Augie, Brucato was forced to remain in the cold, he was no longer allowed to play (which is what happens when you run out of rebuys and chips) so he chose to walk around, count the money, color up the chips and watch all the sports on 45 second streaming delay (Mets and Yanks stink, Nets are ridiculous with all the “resting” and the red hot Knicks are the toast of the town( for now)).

But enough about me, lets talk Brooktown Poker and Wednesday events!!! As we approach level six , it was windy, and Rich Mangine, who earlier in the evening cashed out the 2 month carry over 4 of a kind pot, couldn't hit enough flops and Richie and Eddie P go out on practically on the same hand and we are ready to merge the 2 tables with 8 players left.

We are in the heart of level seven and with about eight minutes left Rich Southard and Ralph decide to dance - Ace comes on the flop with a simple 7 and an respectable 8, Ralph makes a standard bet and Southard decides to push all in, Ralph thinks for a moment and says, “I guess I have to call” and turns over A 3 Rich turns over A A, and now Rich has a ton of chips, Ralph pops his cherry and we’re down to seven players.

It’s windy.

But enough about the wind, lets talk Brooktown Poker and Wednesday events!!!! Mike Altilio, who came with a nice assortment of Belford Brewery beers (and even left one lobster pot behind for our pleasure) got some points and ended his evening with a 6th place finish. I don’t recall how, it wasn’t all that memorial or exciting.

We are now one man away from the money, and we have 4 previous champions in Fern, Uncle Bob, Rich and Scottie D, and arguably our hottest player, Pete Costello remaining.

As we approach 11:30, 45 degrees, and level 10 Jay Fern pushes all in on a flop of 573 Uncle Bob thinks for a moment and calls - Bobby shows the A 7 versus Jay’s A 5 the turn and river don’t help Jay, and we are in the money.

But enough about the money, lets talk Brooktown Poker and Wednesday events!!!! Scott Davis, best known as the grinder did his best as always maximizing the good hands and avoiding the dangerous hands, and as he looked to his right and saw the HUGE stack from Uncle Bob and as he looked to his left he saw a similar stack of his and Pete, Pete Costello goes all in uncle Bob with the call, Scott Davis, the grinder, is outwardly rooting for Pete to get eliminated, but it was not to be as Pete’s pocket pair holds up over Uncle Bob’s picture cards, Pete doubles and now it’s Scott;’s turn to be all in, unfortunately for Scott, he doesn’t have Pete’s success and on the next hand the grinder runs out of chances and is out in fourth place.

Three players left and Uncle Bob sitting pretty with the lions share of the chips - Pete goes all in for his last 4500 chips blind and Uncle Bob calls Blind - Bob hits a seven on the board and only for the second time in Brooktown WSOP history Richard Southard and Uncle Bob will face off.

No one is expecting this to take too long as these 2 Brooktown Champions are not afraid to put their chips in the pot.

Uncle Bob, who comes into the heads up with a lifetime 20-9 record and the highest winning percentage heads up all time, has about 50,000 chips and Rich who is 31-20 all time heads up (most wins, most appearances, and one 2nd place shy of all time leader Jay Fern) has 13,000

First hand, Rich all in and uncle Bob folds, next hand, Bob all in rich calls, and Bob Shows us A Q versus Q 10 for Rich and five cards later Uncle Bob, who, after missing the first 3 events of 2021, who was maskless, who was cold because of the god damn wind, gets win #21 and now has a 1st place and a 3rd place finish his 2 events this year.

It was good getting together so quickly after the last event, even if it was windy! Hopefully there are many more Wednesday events in the future. Hopefully most of them are indoors.

We will see everyone, hopefully even Stan and Neil, as we prepare for our next event which is Multi Rebuy Omaha Hi on May 14th at Jason’s house.

Be well, stay safe guys!!