Post date: Dec 01, 2016 4:37:25 PM


It is with regret but warm wishes that Brooktown WSOP is announcing the retirement of an original Founding Father, a Hall of Famer, and an original member of the board of directors and rules committee, Jason Fern. Fern leaves an enduring legacy upon the league and was a key driving force in it's formation and early success. Brooktown would not exist today if it was not for all of Fern's passion, sacrifices, and help. With that said...

In 2004 Fern was instrumental in making the league a reality, he and I spent many hours spent in his Freehold office playing Hoyle Texas Hold 'Em to work out the kinks (and avoid actually working) and was critical as a sounding board for thoughts, ideas and overall structure. Unfortunately more times than not we didn't write down our really good ideas, drank to much, forgot all about it in the morning and had to start all over from scratch the next day, and, well, this is what we ended up with.

In 2005, the league's first season, Fern won 2 events and was runner up in the Championship Event - he opening up the 2006 season winning both the Jan and Feb event and, coupled with his Nov 2005 win, remains the only player to win 3 consecutive regular season events. It was also in 2006 that the term "You've been Ferned" or "Ferning" was coined (it's a thing, google it). We played heads up endlessly in the Wachovia Blue Claws box (again avoiding work) honing our skills, but again in 2006 Fern finished 2nd in the Final event.

In 2007 Fern created, and ran, the very successful and competitive sister FA poker league which lasted for 2 years and gave us some great memories (things to make fun of) and great poker (up until midnight when most of the FA's started to get tired and had to go home).

In 2008 again Fern had a solid season, he was the only player to record at least 2 wins in each of the first 4 Brooktown Seasons and again finished 2nd in the Final Event.

The FA league was merged with Brooktown in 2009 and we were very fortunate to add Luke and Pete. Fern won 3 times in 2009, cashed in 9 out of 12 events, and won the points championship for the first time - at least this year he didn't finish 2nd in the final event, he didn't win it, but didn't finish 2nd either.

2010 saw Fern again win the points title, again win at least 2 events (6 years in a row) and, well, again not finish 2nd in the final event.

2011 Marked the first year that Fern did not win an event although he did have 4 second place finishes, 6 cashes and got back to (almost) the top of the Brooktown World with another 2nd place finish in the 2011 Championship!!!

Anyone want to guess how he finished in the 2012 Final Event??? (uh huh, 2nd) - although this was the first time he had to play in the satellite to qualify for the finals and he finished, well, 2nd in the Satellite.

Fern stepped away from the game in 2014 but came back as a guest in 2015 to play in 2 events in which he cashed in both of them, becoming the only guest to cash in more than 1 event in a season.

Fern steps away with 14 wins, over $12,000 in winnings 30 heads up appearances and countless funny stories and memories, and will always be remembered as one of the best, most dangerous, and most respected (for his game at least) Brooktown Players ever (and quite the snazzy dresser).

I'd like to say it won't be the same without him, but it will be like 2014 and 2015 when he wasn't around, but in all truth I will miss him. In the early years I always looked forward to my Saturday morning phone call with Jay after each event, whether we both did well, or both did poorly, we both got on the phone to go over hands and strategy, and while we were both totally different players and people, I know I learned alot from his style and thought process and that helped me become a better player and have more success. Sometimes I miss those calls and those days but the reality of The Wine Loft, and having older kids and the responsibility (yes, Jay and I do have our moments of actually being responsible) forces us all to adjust our priorities and grow up once in a while, as much as we don't want to. Fortunately Jay and I have a million other stupid things to keep us connected and occupied and of course as a Hall of Fame Member and just over all special poker player Jay will always have a seat at any event and open door to come back wherever he chooses.

And thank goodness Mangine announced his retirement publicly to all of you at Pete's house in person and I didn't have to type one of these for him.. do you think I have nothing else to do with my time than sit around and come up with this stuff --