Post date: Nov 02, 2019 3:13:1 PM

Where do we start on a night where so many historic things happened, I guess you have to start at the place where so many emails over the years have started, congratulating Richard Southard on yet another BROOKTOWN poker win. Rich, coming off recent surgery was told by his doctors not to Be driving, not to be up and out late, but priorities are priorities and Rich made his trip well worth it, for Rich not only is it his second win in a row, and his third of the season, but also win number 28 of his legendary, and unmatched BROOKTOWN career.

Speaking of unmatched, huge congratulations go out Jay Fern for closing out easily the greatest regular season in BROOKTOWN poker history, shattering the previous points record, becoming the first man ever with 4 regular season wins, and closes out the season with the highest earnings in one year ($3, 219) as he went heads up, but lost for the seventh time in nine battles with Rich Soothed

Now the crazy stuff, Luke Lucash and Neil Martucci were sitting in the top six coming into the night, Luke had a great season and was comfortably in the top three most of the year, but his wife needed him with her so Luke put his final table in other people's hands. Brucato and Federowicz were on the outside looking in and needed, first off to finish ahead of each other, but also to finish in the top 4 to pass Luke, as we merged and entered eight player mode both Stan and Tom (along with Neil) were very short stacked.

Neil was the first to go, but still had hope that Tom and Stan would be out soon and he would grab the 6th seat the championship table. One by one players got eliminated and Stan and Tom got closer and closer to catching and passing Luke. There were six separate occasions where Rich Southard had an opportunity to knock off a player only for that player to catch their card and survive and rebuild their stack, on numerous occasions Stan and Tom certainly thought their opportunity had ended but finally Rich Southard took down JStu, and Jay Fern took down Uncle Bob putting both Stan and Tom in the top 4, cashing in qualifying for the 2019 BROOKTOWN championship.