Post date: Dec 08, 2018 7:37:20 AM

The 2018 Brooktown WSOP championship started in Middletown with the top 6 point leaders and the 2 gentlemen that emerged from the Satellite.

Rich Southard, the overall point leader coming off one of the best seasons in Brooktown history and the odds on favorite to take home his 4th title, sat at the head of the table, was awarded his $100 1st place regular season prize started the 14th Championship and the deal at 7:17pm.

Going around the table, to Rich’s left were the 2 satellite winners, Stan and Mikey T, followed by Augman, Scotty D, Defending Champ Tom Brucato, Neil and Jay Fern.

The first hand was won by Mike, but more importantly, who would win the last hand?

Our First all in with action came from Stan with 42 minutes in Rd 4 and was immediately called by Jay - Stan showed A4, Jay QQ and we had our first elimination of the night. Stan just could not get anything going, his stack was slowly whittled away and saw very little action and absolutely no cards to play.

At the end of round 4, After our first break, the chip count was approximately:

Rich 28,000

Jay 21,000

Scott 12,000

Mike 8,500

Augman 6,000

Neil 3,000

Tom 2,500

Right out of the box to start round 5, and right after Shari called Tom a loser, Tom went all in with QQ, Rich called with JJ, the flop, turn and river were Blank and Tom doubled up.

20 minutes later it was Neil’s turn to try and double up, he went all in with K10 and got a call from Jay who showed 88 - Jay’s trip 8’s were enough to send 2 time champ Neil Martucci back to the RV with plenty of time to play 8 more hours of high stakes poker.

We played 6 handed for a while, with Tom and Augie both short stacked deep into level 7 - finally Augie pushed all in, and got 2 callers in Rich and Mike - Mike got the nut flush and we were down to 4 past champions and a 5 time runner up - there will no new inductees in the Hall of Fame in 2018.

5 minutes later, as we were entering level 8 Tom goes all in with AJ suited and gets a call from Mikey T who shows pocket 4’s , first card comes is a 4 but 2 diamonds give Tom some outs , but the turn and river come up empty and Shari’s Loser husband can go clean the kitchen and there will be no repeat champion this year.

Chip count to start level 8

Rich 30,000

Jay 22,600

Scott 14,350

Mike 14,050

A solid round 9 saw Rich continue to play smart and accumulate more chips and entering round 9 the chip count is

Rich 41,000

Jay 12,100

Scott 14,899

Mike 12,050

With more total chips than the other 3 players combined the questions was were they all just playing for 2nd place or would Rich make a mistake, someone catch a card, or someone make a strong play against Rich.

With 15 minutes left Scott raises on the button, and Rich pushes Scott all in and Scott quickly called - Scott’s pocket Q’s are strong, and double him up to 25,000 and suddenly we have a ball game.

5 minutes later we saw Rich and Scott heads up and all in again, Rich AK, Scott AA and all of a sudden Rich was out and Scott had over 45,000 chips. What would Jay and Mike do to catch Scott now?

Players battling hard as we begin the final level, suddenly Mikey T goes all in with a flop of A27 ( (2 diamonds) , Jay thinks long and hard says he knows he has outs, takes his time and finally calls and turns over 34 of diamonds, Jay catches the 5 gets the straight, and is now Jay is heads up for the sixth time in championship history.

We enter heads up Jay has a 48,000 to 32,000 chip lead.

Scott quickly won the first hand for 10,000 and had a 42,000-38,000 - Jay steals a couple of blinds and Jay retakes a slight chip lead. Scott raises pre-flop, Jay calls and with a Flop of 8-7-4 Scott pushes all in for his tournament life and Jay calls - Scott shows pocket 8's giving him trips and Jay turns over 7-6, and nothing comes to Jay's rescue and Scott now takes a commanding 78,000 to 2,000 chip lead - we play the last hand face up and Scott Davis pocked 10's are enough to give him the 2018 Brooktown Championship and his 2nd over all title.