Post date: Nov 06, 2017 3:18:29 AM

2017 regular season is in the books and Congrats to Scott Davis for closing out Strong and going back to back with wins in October and November. Scott won the first 4 hands of the night and the last four hands of the night.

Joe Savoia capped off a terrific season with yet another second place finish, his 5th of the year, and also the second in a row to Scott.

Final four for capped off by Stan and Luke.

Neil won high hand of the night with 4 Kings and Ace kicker, Luke also had 4 kings but did not remember his kicker and is confident he did not have an ace, Neil wanted to share the high hand, Luke wants Neil to have it. Excellent sportsmanship on both their parts, not that we would expect anything less from those two. So, to make it fair, Stan took the high hand money.