Post date: Feb 06, 2021 6:17:1 AM

Event number two in the books without a hitch. While the game play was a little losey-goosey and sloppy, the company was top notch and it was, as always a nice night, a lot of laughs, some great bourbon and terrific to see everybody. Spectacular job posting by Eddie P, I thought the food was delicious, I also heard the wings were very good, had our points leader (at the time) Mike Altilio not eaten all of them I might’ve even tried one.

But to the game, it was almost like playing, online one monster hand after another followed by river card after river card keeping people from getting eliminated. We had only 2 rebuys prior to the break and no eliminations. Finally in Round 5, last month’s winner and, at the time, point leader and wing eater Mike Altilio was first man down.

We got down to 5 handed play early in the night but our final 5 hunkered down, some may even say grinded and battled for almost 2 hours until finally Jay Fern ran into a bad spot (I honestly don’t recall the hand but I know Augman beat him and Jay had 750 chips left with 1000/2000 blinds). Our final four came down to Davis LaMalfa Brucato and Costello, Pete, who has already surpassed his 2020 point total, and is the only player to cash in both events in 2021, was first man out when Scott Davis’ quad nine’s took home the four of a kind pot, the high hand pot and all Pete’s chips.

Brucato, who was very short stack was quick to go, and we were left with Davis versus LaMalfa, who were also head up last time we played in Tinton Falls. The heads up battle was well played but ended with a 5 card flush on the board but Scott Davis holding the ace of spades to take down the wine for the evening. for Scottie D is it win number 24 of his illustrious career.

I am looking forward to next month’s event (HOE) at Pete’s house, and if you like old fashions, and I know you do, plan on getting there early we’re expecting at least 12 players and back to 2 table play.

Stay safe guys, hope we all hit our Super Bowl Box numbers – and don’t forget to tip the guys running the pools.