Post date: Apr 12, 2021 5:41:9 PM

There comes a time in every poker player’s life when they have to say to themselves, “Self, is it to cold to go on, do I have what it takes to dig deep, deep inside my core, ignore the elements and persevere to get what is mine, to get to the end, to make the sacrifice and accomplish the ultimate achievement” Tonight, in the frigid weather, with the horrible pizza, thirteen men climbed the mountain, but only one planted his flag, and left his seed at the pinnacle of history.

Tonight saw the return of a Brooktown legend, Uncle Bob, who after missing the first 3 events of the year, fully vaccinated, and all masked up, foggy glasses and all, tried to do what he did in 2020, grab a W after his layoff.

It was great to have the league back to almost full capacity. We await the return of Stan Federowicz to, as Renee Zelwiger so eloquently said, to complete us.

But back to April and deep stack Omaha Hi Lo. The event was one of the longest in recent memory running a solid 7 hours, and having 2 tables deep into the night. with 195,000 chips out there and blinds that were low early it gave players a great opportunity to hang around. and those that were lucky enough to hang around got the treat of the fire pit being turned on to get the circulation running again in our hands.

As a matter of fact as I type this I don’t have clear thoughts as to what happened, I’m just happy to be inside warm and with feeling in my toes again! So rather than a recap, in which I have little actual memory of who was knocked out, and why and when, I will say, as always, GREAT to see everyone, I am thrilled everyone is healthy and came over, and aside from whatever poker event Luke was inviting only Boles to, I love seeing everyone interacting and laughing and teasing each other. Always remember what matters the most, it’s not who wins, or how much money you get (which I just realized Augman won 4 of a kind and high hand with 4 kings) what matters most is the relationships you form with others, healthy relationships lead to happiness – I am very lucky and very happy and all of you play a huge part of that, and I am thankful and grateful, don’t lose sight of that.

But, to those of you who are still reading (Hi Scottie D) – we had a pretty tough final 6, Davis, Brucato, Southard, Darakjy, Costello and Fern, with Fern eventually besting Pete for win number 20 of his Brooktown career. Pete was runner up, and for Pete it was his 3rd cash in 4 events. Uncle Bob was able to grab some points and cash with a 3rd place finish and Southard, as predicted, also cashed and finished 4th.