Post date: Dec 02, 2017 7:56:11 AM

The 13th 2017 Brooktown WSOP season came to end last night with our annual Championship Event

The event was hosted by Uncle Bob and catered by TST BBQ. We started at 7:30 pm, seated around the table were Neil followed by Uncle Bob, Scott Boles, Scott Davis, Pete Costello, Joe Savoia, Tom Brucato and Rich Southard.

Rich opened up the festivities by winning the first hand and away we went. Mid way through round 2 Rich goes all in, Joe Savoia decides to make the call and Rich shows Top Trips. Savoia on a flush draw, much to Rich’s chagrin Joe hits the flush, admits “It was a pure gamble” and Rich is down to 1600 chips.

We battled mostly uneventful through the rest or round 2 and all of round 3. At the 17:08 minute mark of Round 4 Pete goes all in with 10-10. Neil calls and shows AQ suited. The 10 comes on the turn but Neil catches the flush on the River and we have our first elimination.

We went to the break and our Chip count was:

Neil 24.,500

Bob 22,000

Boles 13,500

Davis 7300

Brucato 6750

Savoia 3900

Rich 2050

At 25:40 of Round 5 Rich is all in with A-K, Scott Davis can’t resist taking a “shot to take out a great player” and calls with his K-J, Scott hits the J on the flop and 3 time champion Rich Southard will not win championship #4 this year.

Round 6 saw Joe Savoia take his shot at a double up and with 25:11 left in the round he went all in with KK but Uncle Bob called and turned over AA and we were now down to 6 players.

A hand that will keep poor Scotty D up for the next 28 nights happened at 25:51 of level 7 when Scott pushed his stack in the center of the table, everyone foled except for Uncle Bob, always happy to be a little loosey goosey with his chips, and Scott showed 55 and Bob had KJ suited. Scott caught another 5 on the turn but Bob hit the flush on the river and the 2014 Champion was gone and we were 1 elimination away from cashing.

Scott Boles was the only non previous Champion remaining and he found himself in a hand with Tom Brucato. Brucato was holding AJ and sees a flop of J97 rainbow and Brucato fires with 2000 into a pot of 2000. Boles goes all in for his remaining 8400, Brucato does not hesitate and calls, but is not happy to see Boles and pocket Kings. nothing comes on the turn, but a miracle A comes on the River and Boles is gone and we have 3 past Champions left to battle for another bracelet.

As we started out 3 handed and Bob had about 40,000 chips, Neil 20,000 and Tom 20,000. Play was steady and slow and Bob started strong winning the blinds and adding to his stack as Tom and Neil tried to pick their spots. Neil hit a 15,000 chip pot from Bob and then it was Tom’s turn – with Blinds at 1000-2000 and the 3 players chip counts pretty close, it was time for Tom and Uncle Bob to tangle, the Flop comes and Tom bets 10,000 on his pair, Bob fires back with an all in and Brucato makes an immediate call – they show the Tom catches an 8 on the river to win the pot and eliminate Uncle Bob.

It will be Brucato vs Martucci for the title, both 2 time Champions. They had only met once before heads up in the history of Brooktown with Neil taking the win. Starting chip count was Neil 44,000, Brucato 36,000 - Blinds were 2000 4000 and both players were playing aggressively and raising each other’s Blinds. Brucato got on a little run and took about a 50,000-30,000 chip lead, and as Brucato raises 10,0000 with his A-10, Neil goes all in over the top for his final 18,500. Brucato does not hesitate and calls and is elated to see Neil turn over A5 – five meaningless cards hit and Tom Brucato closes out a terrific 2017 with his 3rd career BROOKTOWN WSOP Championship.

For Brucato is was his 4th win of 2017, tying Uncle Bob’s record of 4 wins in 2011.

As always I thank everyone for the support, 13 years into this and I still look forward to every event like I did in year one. I truly love seeing everyone every month, catching up, breaking each other’s balls and competing. Thank you all for being part of my life and for allowing me into yours.

I love you all – Have a great Christmas and New Year and look forward to defending my title Jan 5th 2018 as we embark on Season 14!!!