Post date: Jul 11, 2020 4:45:34 AM

It was a historic evening tonight in Marlboro, as we saw a little bit of the future of Brooktown poker with a 6pm starting time, and a lot of the past of Brooktown poker as a familiar face took down the 5th event of this crazy season.I want to thank everyone, tremendous job, in these unprecedented times, showing up early, and being in place and ready for a 6pm starting time, again due to the national pandemic we start with one table of 10 players just as we did last month.

As predicted almost to the minute By Eddie P, the event ended at 11 PM with Rich Southard avenging his heads up Marlboro loss from 2018 over Scotty Boles, with a dominating performance, Rich played often (88% of the hands), Rich played aggressive (57% raise ratio) and Rich caught card after card after card down the stretch to walk away with career win 31. Brucato finished third and JStu, coming off last months victory, finished up with a very solid 4th place finish.

Lots of positives here for Southard, as it’s his 3rd win in 5 events this year, as he set some loftly goals for himself in 2020, going hard after Jay Fern’s record-breaking 2019 season with 4 regular season wins and a 5th in the championship. Also for Southard he has now cashed in the last 5 Omaha HiLo events and won 3 out of the 5. Omaha hi low had been one of his worst events, now one of his best.

Great job hosting Scottie Boles, thank you as always and we look forward to the August event at a new venue in Mile Altilio’s new home. Mike is excited to have us over, he asks everyone to get there a little early and socialize and enjoy the grounds prior to the event, but more to come on that as we get closer.

At one point we had 3 consecutive 4 of a kind hands, with Brucato taking the 4 of a kind pot and Augman taking the high hand of the night. We also have a $40 carry over for the new 4 of a kind pot.