Martha Isabel Hagerty (1823-1900)

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

Flora Gamble Wilder, the daughter of

Sarah Jane Hathaway, the daughter of

Martha Isabel Hagerty, the daughter of

Elinor Crawford, the daughter of

Mary Wiggins, the daughter of

Thomas Edward Wiggins, the son of

Alexander Wiggins, Immigrant from Ireland

Martha Isabel Hagerty was the daughter of

James Hagerty, the son of

Cornelius Hagerty, the son of

James Haggerty

Martha Isabel Hagerty (commonly known as Isabel Hagerty) was the wife of Samuel H. Hathaway, the mother of Sarah Jane Hathaway and the grandmother of Stella, Flora and Alice Gamble.

Martha Isabel Hagerty (1823-1900)

From the website, an entry for the wedding of Samuel H. Hathaway and Isabella Haggerty, from 1841.

Marriage notation for Samuel and Isabella Hathaway, 1841

Martha Isabel Hagerty Hathaway was the daughter of James Hagerty and Elinor Crawford. This is a link to information about the Edward Crawford family of

western Virginia and Ohio. Edward Crawford was the great great grandfather of Flora and Alice Gamble.

The Crawfords of Western Virginia and Ohio