Thomas Hosmer Sr. (1672-1754)

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

James Lewellyn Wilder, the son of

Francis L. Wilder, the son of

Hadassah Thompson Wilder, the daughter of

Polly Wood Thompson, the daughter of

Silas Wood, the son of

Lucy Hosmer Wood, the daughter of

Thomas Hosmer Jr. the son of

Thomas Hosmer Sr., the son of

James Hosmer Jr., the son of

James Hosmer Sr, immigrant to Concord Massachusetts from Kent, England.

Thomas Hosmer Sr. was the ancestor of the family of James Lewellyn Wilder. He was the son of James Hosmer Jr. and Sarah White Hosmer. Thomas was born in Concord. When he was small, his father was killed fighting Indians during the King Phillip's War.

Thomas's mother, Sarah White, was the daughter of John and Joan White, originally from England. John White originally settled in Wenham, adjacent to Salem, Massachusetts, but moved to Lancaster, Massachusetts. In his lifetime, John White was considered the wealthiest man in Lancaster.

A Brief Synopsis of the Life of Thomas Hosmer, Sr.

In this excerpt from the Hosmer memorial, written by George Washington Hosmer, the story of the death of Thomas Hosmer Sr.'s father, James, and the life of his mother Sarah afterward are described. (Pages 7-10)

A Vignette from the Life of Thomas Hosmer, Sr., as a Boy

Thomas Hosmer's aunt, Mary White Rowlandson, is well known in American literature, as the author of the book the Captivity of Mary Rowlandson, which

detail her experience as an Indian Captive in the 1670's. A prominent event in the story is the mortal wounding of Mary's young daughter, Sarah, who according to George Washington Hosmer, was the namesake of Sarah White Hosmer. According to one tradition, Mary Rowlandson spent time with her sister Sarah after her release from captivity, writing her book at Sarah's house. Here are links to Mary White Rowlandson, the aunt of Thomas Hosmer, Sr.

Through the White side of Thomas's family, also, there is a very long lineage into English history, that seems to stretch back well over one thousand years. Here are links to this lineage.

Thomas Hosmer Sr. married Hannah Hartwell, whose family have very old ties to Concord and Lincoln, Massachusetts. A cousin of Hannah Hartwell built and operated the Hartwell Tavern, which is a well known focal point on the Battle Road National Historic Park in the Concord area.

Link to Information about Thomas Hosmer Sr.'s Wife, Hannah Hartwell Hosmer