Ephraim Tinkham, Jr., (1649-1714)

We are descended from the Tinkhams by two family lines:

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

James Lewellyn Wilder, the son of

Francis L. Wilder, the son of

Hadassah Thompson Wilder, the daughter of

Asaph Thompson the son of

Peter Thomson, the son of

Martha Soule Thomson, the daughter of

Martha Tinkham Soule, the daughter of

Ephraim Tinkham, Jr.

Mom and Mim

Grandpa Wilder

Francis L. Wilder

Hadassah Thompson Wilder

Asaph Thompson

Peter Thomson

Thomas Thomson

Mary Tinkham (Ephraim Tinkham Jr.'s sister)

Ephraim Tinkham

Ephraim Tinkham, Jr., (1649-1714) Biographical Data

Ephraim Tinkham is considered an important furniture maker in early American history.

Ephraim Tinkham Jr. Chairs