The Whites of Wenham and Lancaster

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

James Lewellyn Wilder, the son of

Francis L. Wilder, the son of

Hadassah Thompson Wilder, the daughter of

Polly Wood Thompson, the daughter of

Silas Wood, the son of

Lucy Hosmer Wood, the daughter of

Thomas Hosmer Jr. the son of

Thomas Hosmer, Sr., the son of

Sarah White Hosmer, the daughter of

John White, Immigrant from England and his wife,

Joane West White, immigrant from England.

The story of John White and Joane West family is interesting not only for their experience in colonial Massachusetts, but for their history in England. Through the Whites and Wests, we can trace our family back into English and European history, arguably for well over one thousand years. There appear to be well documented lines of descent from them to families of privilege in early England and Europe. Part of this documentation stems from the Whites and Wests descending in part from the powerful Plantagenet family. This link provides a meandering lineage as a case in point, although there are several family lines that are similar to this.