The Edward Crawford Family of Western Virginia and Ohio

Edward Crawford was the ancestor of Flora and Alice Gamble

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

Flora Agnes Gamble Wilder, the daughter of

Sarah Jane Hathaway Gamble, the daughter of

Martha Isabel Hagerty Hathaway, the daughter or

Elinor (aka Ellen) Crawford Hagerty, the daughter of

Edward Crawford, the son of

Alexander Crawford, who may have immigrated from Ireland in the 1700's, but may have been from Virginia.

This is a timeline of events relating in part to the Edward Crawford family. The chronology is from most recent to earliest time as you read down, to help the knowledgeable reader gain context from their own place in the timeline.

Timeline of the Hathaway, Crawford, Hagerty, Wiggins, Teagarden and Pribble Families