The Andrews of Colonial Long Island and New Jersey

Marian and Agnes Wilder were the daughters of

James Llewellyn "Lew" Wilder, the son of

Anna H. Wile, the daughter of

Rebecca Vaughn, the daughter of

Elizabeth "Betsy" Andrews, the daughter of

Edward Andrews, the son of

Peter Andrews, the son of

Edward Andrews, the son of

Samuel Andrews, the son of

Edward Andrews, the son of

William Andrews, immigrant ancestor from England.

Below are links to a previously forgotten branch of our family, the Andrews who lived in colonial New Jersey, and before that, colonial Long Island, New York.

Particularly interesting is the fact that they were prominent Quakers in this area. The memory of Quakers in the family is faint, but I myself remember mom saying in passing that some of the family ancestors were Quakers. On two or three researched as of September, 2016, there is actually a good amount of information available.

The first link is a synopsis of the Andrews family. How it was determined that they are our ancestors was by basically triangulating the family surname with the two known places they were or were have likely lived in the late 1700's and early 1800's. In one of the branches, was an Elizabeth (Betsy) Andrews, who was believed born about 1772, in Deptford, New Jersey, who had married a man named Edward Owen of Philadelphia. We have a sampler created by a thirteen year old girl named Betsy (short for Elizabeth) Andrews, aged 13, who created her sampler in 1786, which would put her birth year about 1773 or possibly 1772. She married a man named Edward Vaughn, a prosperous farmer of a "plantation" in New Jersey across the Delaware River from Philadelphia in the 1790s and early 1800s until his death in 1806. He also served two terms as high sheriff of Gloucester County in the 1790's and early 1800's..

One of Elizabeth's children was Rebecca Vaughn, who married Rev. Benjamin F. Wile. One of their daughters was Anna Wile who was mom and Auntie Mim's grandmother.

Some time after Edward Vaughn's death, Elizabeth Andrews Vaughn married Edward Owen, and was married at the time of her administration of Edward Vaughn's estate about 1810.

The Andrews seem to have been a large and close knit family, with several brothers living in or near the village of Woodbury in the Township of Deptford, at this time. Deptford in 1800 had a population of about 2500.

Below are links relating to the Andrews family

The first link is to a synopsis of the Andrews family. Betsy Andrews' reference is under her father, Edward Vaughn who married Tabitha Richardson. The daughter Elizabeth who married Edward Owen would be Betsy Andrews. The synopsis begins under the title "Andrews" about three or four inches down in the article.

Synopsis of the Andrews Family

Added September 8, 2016

Who Was Betsy Andrews?

Part I

Added September 17, 2016

The link below is to information about the Betsy Andrews sampler.

The Betsy Andrews Sampler

Added September 8, 2016