2. Heroic Tier

Level 1, Encounter

Essentially Raging Tempest is pretty close to your autopick, because of the multiple damage instances. In campaigns that use the pre-errata version of RRoT, you might want to take one of the 2{W} powers, because a Critical hit from a Half-Orcs with a High Crit weapon is still very powerful at this level: that would likely mean Angelic Alacrity . Controllers take Day's First Light .


Angelic Alacrity (PHB2)

Your first approach power, and 2{W} at that. A Shift-2 has more use than you might think, as it also frees up your move action (to turn into a minor and use Fury's Advance at 3rd level). If you are pursuit, then the shift is much longer.

Avenging Echo (PHB2)

If you hit and someone stops next to you, or attacks you, they take radiant damage. More useful for the Chaser than the Martyr it's theoretically for. Chasers want to discourage people from staying next to them, and giving anyone damage for doing that works. The only issue with the power is overkill: if your group focuses fire efficiently, the extra damage the target takes or creates will not be relevant, because it will already be dead. Works best for Avengers who isolate a lot.

Compelling Blade (DP)

The idea here is basically a Shift+Slide Woodshed power, except that it's conditional on another creature triggering it.

Pass at Arms (DP)

Wolf Pack Tactics, the encounter power.

Raging Tempest (D383)

As per Hellish Rebuke , the "when it next takes damage" kicker is separate in time, and thus a separate damage roll. So it should get most of your static mods: your censure applies to damage rolls, enhancement bonuses apply to damage rolls, Iron Armbands /Dragonshards/ Battle Fury Stance apply, etc. So this power starts off as a two-tap power, which is really good.

If you're into rules-lawyering, the "+1d6 lightning damage" doesn't say "extra" like the usual text and is after the untyped damage, so maybe it's a separate damage instance as well... 3 damage instances would make this the best encounter power you'll ever have. Or maybe the extra damage when it takes damage is "extra" to the triggering damage and not a new instance. That would be a plausible reading that brings the power down to two damage instances. And if "+1d6 lightning damage" is just another way of saying "and +1d6 extra lightning damage", then it's down to one damage instance and you either wanted Angelic Alacrity or Whirlwind Charge. At least four different reading, with two different ratings. Ask your DM?

Relentless Attack (DP)

Would be better if the push were farther, since 2 squares isn't enough to really do it for me in an encounter power. But if you're a Unitarian and can push them into the middle of your line, you'll get good bonus damage against them next level. Then at 3rd level, retrain this to Avenging Echo because Fury's Advance does this as a minor action.

Rictus Grin (D380)

2W, plus a minor debuff. Chasers might be interested, if they can get some help. -2 isn't a big enough penalty to really modify monster behavior. -4 is... so if you can get the controller to drop a Chilling Cloud on your head, or the defender to mark the critter and move away... then you might get the monster to run.

Shielded by Faith (DP)

Bonus to AC against those creatures who are keeping you from getting your oath attack. For Martyrs, it may be A Trap

Speed and Stillness (DP)

1[W] is not worth a very conditional 5 temp HP. You wanted Angelic Alacrity.

Whirlwind Charge (PHB2)

Can use on a charge, in which case you get a nice bonus vs. OAs you provoke en route. You probably wanted Raging Tempest instead.


Day's First Light (DP)

It's an implement attack, but it's range Melee touch , so you should get your oath rerolls anyway. And some control ( Stay, or the light hurts )

Seeking Brand (D382)

Ranged, but comes with rerolls, so the only problem is keeping a magic implement. Slows on a hit, which is a decent property for a ranged power. Blue, because at this level the magic implement issue hasn't really sunk in, and slow really is a decent property for a ranged power for you.

Shared Madness (PHB2)

Ranged 10, psychic damage. Hit one, damage two, which is great for finishing off one guy while starting on another, except that you're losing your striker bonus damage: hitting. 

 Level 1, Daily

Aspect of Might is still the best power here, unless you have some multi-attacks, in which case Strength of Many will be a better Nova enhancer. If you are going to pick up the radiant package, Temple of Light is more in flavor, but those are higher level feats, so I'd still take something else.


Aspect of Might (PHB2)

3{W} is nice, as is +2 speed and damage for the encounter. That counts as Blue here.

Oath of the Final Duel (PHB2)

The teleport doesn't have range, but does require line of effect. Only does 2{W}, but that's hardly the point.

Steelsworn Oath (D382)

Refocus Enmity combined with a 3{W} attack. You get a limited number of daily powers, so I'd rather burn a utility power on Refocus Enmity than a daily, but you've got the option. There are higher level daily powers that keep this theme, so you can pick it up there instead.

Strength of Many (DP)

A classic Big Attack. The Effect comes before the damage roll, so it affects itself, and you should be able to milk it for +6 per attack. If you take this, you have to take Fury's Advance as your level 3 power, and you ought to have Raging Tempest . Now we're talking a total of 4 attacks (or +24) before the Warlord hands out any more.

Temple of Light (PHB2)

Give yourself an extra 1d6 radiant damage against your target, or anyone too close to it (and, depending on your DM, its corpse). If you're just interested in damage, Aspect of Might's +2/hit for the rest of the encounter will probably end up doing more than 3.5/hit until the target dies.

Thunder and Echo (DP)

Like Raging Tempest , "X damage plus Y damage" might, or might not, be multiple instances of damage. If is is, then this is a nicely-keyworded multi-tap that has some battlefield arrangement ability. If "X damage plus Y damage" is equal to "X+Y damage", then this power has fairly poor damage (at least if you're using a real weapon), and would make a better e13 than d1.

Wings of Light (DP)

A 3{W} flying charge. You don't even get to stay in mid-air for the strike. Take something that will change the battle, not something that will change the round.


Argent Mantle (DP)

A small IFF close burst... but I don't like powers that prevent you from using the reroll. And if your damage die is so cursed you still want this, just crush it and buy a replacement.

Celestial Fist (DP)

Ranged power for the controllers. Should keep a melee brute away for multiple turns.

Renewing Strike (PHB2)

Ranged. A healing surge is the kicker? For a daily?

Level 2, Utility Powers

Lots of good powers here... I used to think that everyone would have to take Refocus Enmity, but D382 added enough other feats and powers that you can probably take something more interesting. Elder_Basilisk suggests that you look down here when selecting your 6th and 10th level utility powers, and I can't argue that point.

Avenger's Resolve (DP)

Resist 5 for a turn, as an Immediate Interrupt. Martyrs like. Retrain once Resist 5 is no longer relevant.

Blessing of Vengeance (PHB2)

A surge of temp HP as a free action isn't bad, but it's a daily. You wanted Avenger's Resolve.

Distracting Flare (PHB2)

Move to some place you have concealment, and now you're hidden. Or just waltz past the front line while invisible (and thus not provoking, even if they know exactly what square you're in).

Enduring Spirit (DP)

For the masters of Defense who got hit anyway. Not horrible, but most of the time Avenger's Resolve will be better at this level...

Holy Blessing (D386)

A free-action oath when your target dies. Saving your Minor means you can use it for Fury's Advance , and now you'll get CA for your spike turn as well. But Avengers really don't spike all that well, and there's only one minor action attack power that would replacing oathing your target. It works better once you have Relentless Stride though, as it allows Relentless Stride to act as both as a approach and an off-action attack power. There's a nasty encounter power pile up from 3 to 7 though, so that may wait until 13th level.

Loyal Sanction (DP)

Some leader-minor. This one's for the party's ranger. Primary stat to his damage for one round every encounter. Your ranger will love you.

Refocus Enmity (PHB2)

For when you realize you're picking on the wrong person, or the person you were picking on got away and your DM won't let you recover your Oath. No longer as crucial after D382, because there are other solutions (powers, feat). The value is DM dependent. You'll know by 2nd level if you have to take this, or you can take something else.

Righteous Pursuit (DP)

This will usually be used to move up to your new target after you've killed an old one, as with everything else Chaser related, monsters don't run as often as the designers of these powers think they do. But still, it's out of turn encounter movement. Retrain into Holy Blessing when you pick up Relentless Stride to serve the same purpose.

Resonant Escape (PHB2)

First you get hit, so you might get a nice bonus, then you teleport a short distance... like to the other side of your victim so you can continue to keep your oath. Just for the Martyrs.

Silver Shadow (DP)

Masters of Defense might actually keep this, (and use a higher level Utility slot for another level 2 utility power). Daily, which isn't so hot, but concealment (which helps you avoid getting hit) until the temp HP wear off... and the temp hp amount actually scales at a reasonable rate. Eventually though, it gets replaced by a very expensive ring, and you retrain it.

Level 3, Encounter

This is a level with a lot of nice powers. Chasers probably take Relentless Stride . Ninjas take Deadly Stride . Martyrs, Fishermen and Unitarians all take Fury's Advance (off-action attack).


Bound by Fate (DP)

The immobilize is the important part, double if you've got some damage field up (Avenging Echo?) or have a good spike-damage dealer in your line. Occasionally, the split damage clause might actually come into effect, but don't expect that.

Deadly Stride (DP)

Your first walk-through-walls power. Shift half your speed through enemies and walls before your strike. If you don't find this incredibly useful, you're not thinking hard enough.

Deflecting Thunder (PHB2)

Poor damage, and a highly conditional a free redirect of the next attack against you. Bound by Fate's better.

Fury's Advance (DP)

Minor Action Attack . If you're a leader type, you punt someone a nice long distance right into the middle of your party (but that means you left the line). If you're not, you just look at the words "Minor Action" and smile anyway.

Halo of Fire (PHB2)

You can hurt someone that stays next to your target, but it hits at the end of each of the enemies' turns so it doesn't work well with forced movement. If you're in the middle of a line you'll increase your odds of getting your oath, and if the targets are immobilized it can do decent multi-target damage.

Intervening Blades (DP)

For when a chaser has based the enemies controller. At least that's the only time the "can be used as an opportunity attack" clause will kick in.

Relentless Stride (D382)

Another off action attack. As an immediate reaction, for your target not being adjacent to you, Teleport 5 (10 if chaser) next to your target, smack it. Fury's Advance is more predictable at this level, but does just as much for your damage-per-encounter. Come 7th level, you can have both.

Sequestering Strike (PHB2)

You and your target take a nice long range teleport, off to a quiet corner (between the Fighter and the Ranger) for some serious conversation. Don't teleport them 10ft (for the free prone) above the ground unless you're ok with them not making the trip at all.

Sparking Wounds (DP)

A lot like Halo of Fire, except that it does a bit more single target damage if your target is alone (but less single-target damage if it isn't, and significantly less control damage) and has more keywords. It's also more confusing for the monster you hit (Do I run away from my team and take 5 damage, or do I stay near them and deal 5 fire damage to them...)


Enmity's Reach (PHB2)

Close burst that pulls and slows. Not bad, but not really in theme.

Level 5, Daily

The Barbarian Rage Strike power indicates that 4W would be a good pure-damage power at this level. Most of these are 2W, but some go to 3 and Living Death Strike goes to 4 (or more, depending on reading). Controllers take Glaring Admonition. Most of the rest of you take Menacing Presence , or Living Death Strike depending on your DMs reading


Bond of Foresight (PHB2)

"The monster thinks you're a fighter: save-ends". You do have Power of Skill , right? Basically counts as a double-tap once you've got some other support.

Dance of Flame (DP)

Ongoing 5 fire damage as the daily kicker. Yay. There's also some stuff about it spreading on failed saves, but there won't be enough failed saves for that to matter unless you're a controller. And if you are, you took Light of Truth or some other Implement power, not this.

Dawn Fire Sigil (PHB2)

+1 to hit the target for the rest of the encounter is pretty weak, and the no-concealment clause is pretty situational.

Executioner's Cloak (PHB2)

You don't really love CA, but Ninjas do like the 2+ rounds of the target not knowing where you are and hopefully attacking someone else. With a little teamwork, you should get your censure bonus for at least 2 rounds. (one on a miss).

Living Death Strike (D372)

I'm a little unclear how "additional" damage in an effect is supposed to work exactly. By straightest RAW I can figure, it will do 4W+Stat+Mods on a hit, and 0.5*(2W+Stat+mods)+2W on a miss (which really should work out to just 4W+Stat+mods. You're an avenger: don't miss). That's the biggest {W} in sight, but after the RRoT nerf, pure damage powers are overrated. On the other hand, if has two damage instances, once of which is an effect? That's much better. Especially if you have some Censure bonuses to double up on.

Menacing Presence (DP)

For the encounter, anyone you stand next to is 2 easier to hit. And it does damage.

Nine Souls of Wrath (DP)

For the encounter, anyone that stops next to you holds up a big sign saying "Apply multiattacks here". In general, bonuses to hit are better than bonuses to damage, so Menacing Presence is slightly better. Not that this is bad, especially if your DM tends to swarm you to turn off your Oath.

Oath of Righteous Fury (DP)

Free big shift when you drop someone. Not bad... but not as good as some other options.

Storm Father's Favor (D383)

Only 2{W}, but gives a damage aura until the target dies (or you give up.). However since it only affects monsters other than your target, won't get your target to run and won't really help your DPR.


Glaring Admonition (D382)

This is a power tax for any controllers. If you want to use a lot of ranged powers, you have to take this. There are higher-level versions of this power, for those long dark adventuring days, but it would work better if you could talk your DM into a feat tax to do this always.

Light of Truth (DP)

A penalty to saves equal to the number of allies surrounding it? Lets get some OrbIzard on early! (Oh yeah, also does some damage. If it matters). Remember that since it's still a melee attack, you get your Oath rerolls. Controllers cry because they can't easily refresh this. But controllers may have to take this with their 9th level slot, as Glaring Admonition is the power-tax at this level.

Oath of Consuming Light (PHB2)

An Implement power. More bonus striker damage until the target saves .. but not enough more damage to add up. Save-ends powers last on average 1.5 rounds, less for Elites/Solos. If there were more Multi-attack powers, this would be better... but since Warlord granted attacks won't count without Power of Skill, it's only 11 extra damage or so over the duration of the effect (assuming AP and Fury's Advance), and that assumes you hit with it ... and you're not as accurate with ranged powers. Controllers: Take Light of Truth. Really.

 Level 6, Utility

I think most take a second level 2 utility power, except Controllers. Controllers powerswap for "Fate Spurned Foe" (FRPG)

Aspect of Agility (PHB2)

Decent mobility, but hard to justify.

Aspect of Majesty (DP)

This may be the lowest level reach enhancing stance in the game (and it should stack with other reach enhancing non-stance effects). But you need to be adjacent to get your oath re-rolls. Great power... for someone else.

Cloaked Steps (D386)

The warlock's trick is a good one, but it's only good if you can build around it some. If you can stealth with just concealment, or you get bonuses while concealed. If it's just this by itself, well, +2 to all defences against targeted attacks for an encounter is nothing to sneeze at, but it's also nothing great.

Fortifying Chant (DP)

A stance for Masters of Defense. Shame it's only +1 most rounds... it's be great if it were even +2.

Harsh Lesson (DP)

I love the flavor of this, but mechanically it's garbage. If you had multiattacks, it might set up a nova... So really, you're just giving away hit points for no good reason. If you want to do that, go find a Darklock and ask him/her to join your party instead.

Oath of Enduring Wrath (PHB2)

Bonuses to saves are always good.

Oath of the Relentless Hunter (PHB2)

Put a GPS button on someone (target, teammate). Worthless in RPGA . Might be great in a home game . I dunno.

Prayer of Sacrifice (D386)

For that one encounter a day where you only hit the monster on a 16+, spend 10 hp to turn an encounter power reliable. Or you could try some teamwork so that you don't miss.

Soul Seeker (D372)

Give yourself a flank buddy, and some surgeless healing for the encounter as if you were a warlock. The surgeless healing is probably the best part of this, but the near guaranteed +2 to hit isn't shabby.

Step of Fate (DP)

"Shifty" for an encounter per day, although you do have to chase your OoE target with it. Still great.

Wrath of the Divine (PHB2)

Martyrs that get surrounded a lot may get crit on occasion. Once a day, pass that pain on to your oath target. But as it's an Immediate Reaction, you have to survive the crit first

Level 7, Encounter

You take Inexorable Pursuit, or Splinter the Formation. For the Unitarians, it's a mighty unfortunate thing that Splinter the Formation requires the Censure of Retribution, because it's the perfect power for you. Try fast-talking your DM into changing it?


Blade Step (PHB2)

Teleport 10 on a hit? Nice... But it's not Inexorable Pursuit.

Celestia Endures (DP)

Poor Poor damage, and the kicker looks really conditional. So don't use the power until you've already fulfilled the condition, and then it's not conditional. And it makes up for some of the lousy damage by giving you more damage on your next attack. But it's not Splinter the Formation.

Chains of Censure (DP)

Hit one guy, immobilize either your target or another enemy too close. This should help you get your oath in future turns, and does a bit of extra damage too. But it's not Inexorable Pursuit.

Dismiss the Unworthy (DP)

Another "Punt enemy large distance" for the leader type. Except without the nice bonus damage the last one had, and with a "not off a cliff" restriction. Bummer.

Inexorable Pursuit (PHB2)

Shift lots, with phasing before the attack. The choice of the Chaser

Light and Darkness (D372)

One of those stylistic exercises that simply doesn't work. The kicker damage is too weak, and the main attack doesn't do enough damage to give you any feeling the kicker will kick in.

No Respite (D382)

Divine Rage, the 2{W} encounter attack power. Not a horrible idea.

Splinter the Formation (PHB2)

Hit one guy, teleport everyone else near him 5, 6 squares? And you're not even a warlord. The choice of the Retributive. Obviously, you'll want to clump most of them together (for the Controller, AoE Striker, or even defender), and while teleporting them into the air may be tempting, it reduces the chances they'll actually get positioned the way you want.


Avenging Winds (PHB2)

Can be very fun tactically, if you can convince the target to run, but you've only got one round to convince it to move and monsters know the effects they are under.

Dark Moon Strike (D386)

Implement power that can switch OoE targets. If you need to switch targets, you need to do it unconditionally, not if an attack hits. There's a 2nd level utility power. Don't use this power.

Excoriating Call (DP)

Two powers in one (either a push or a damaging pull if it's your oath target). But it's not a huge distance, and both powers are still implement ranged powers where you don't get your oath.

Inexorable Summons (DP)

Teleport your target next to you? You're an implement user, why do you want them next to you? At least the damage aura (that might be big enough for someone to care) is unconditional.

Peal of Thunder (D383)

What Focused Fury should have been: Immediate reaction to push away the wrong monster, and pull in the right one. But it's limited to the "Right" target, in a build that tends to not care about oath so much.

Level 9, Daily

The Barbarian Rage Strike power indicates that 5W would be a good pure-damage power at this level. These all do 2-3W. Ninjas take temple of Shadow. For others, take Blade of Repulsion, look for MC powers, or just take lower level powers you like.


Aspect of Speed (PHB2)

Good mobility, poor damage, no ongoing effect.

Blade of Repulsion (D382)

For one encounter, always get your oath, and slow your targets. And perhaps push some other enemy into someplace interesting, but that's not really the point of this.

Blade of Guilt (DP)

Save ends slightly-less-than-immobilize, so it won't last long. And the damage is weak too. There have got to be better options than this.

Enduring Strike (PHB2)

Free Saves can come in handy. The highest damage PHB2 power here.

Fated Doom (D372)

If it happens to kill something, you get regain a healing surge. Since the odds of any given blow killing a non-minion are rather small, I'm rating this as a strict 3W. Which is to say, not interesting. You don't get to immediately spend your new found surge, you just get it back.

Holy Ardor (DP)

If you can apply save-end penalties, you can get really nice damage for a few turns while the target is taking even more damage. If you can't apply save-ends penalties, don't take this power because it will only give you once instance of bonus damage.

Shadow Tricks (D386)

A 3{W} power, which is pretty weak. But the effect is to cause your allies to stop focus firing for a turn. Do. Not. Want.

Temple of Shadow (PHB2)

Dark shadows allow you to hide, Right next to your target. It will hopefully move cause it can't see you, and you stay hidden anyway. Repeat as desired. (atk, hide, chg, repeat). The choice of the Ninja or chasers who trained Stealth.


Glyph of Agony (DP)

Weak weak damage, even including the save-ends effect. At least until level 16 or so.

Oath of Pursuit (PHB2)

Follow your target as an Opportunity Action, not an interrupt. Good for Chasers.

Winds of Woe (DP)

Still does poor damage for a 9th level pure damage daily, but it might clear out some space around you. I'd suggest Divine Rage instead, personally.

Zealot's Call (DP)

For Flex-attackers only, because it's an implement power that boosts your melee powers. But it should make everything Overwhelming Strike , which is pretty nice.

Level 10, Utility

Chasers and Defenders take Leading Step. Martyrs take Avenger's Resolve (lvl 2), and then look to retrain it at high levels. Others look to Perfect Sight (another perception based skill power), or powers from other levels.

Avenger's Readiness (PHB2)

Not a you-go-first, and not game-changing movement. Not worth a daily.

Channel Endurance (PHB2)

This isn't bad, but Avenger's Resolve is usually better. Take that one instead, unless you want multiple uses of the trick or need protection on your own turn (baiting OAs). Hurt badly by MM3.

Decaying Presence (D380)

If you depend on one damage type (usually radiant or cold), you'll be hosed by enemies that can be resistant to it. This removes that issue for an enemy each day.

Ever Onward (DP)

+2 speed for an encounter is nice... Let's ignore the nominal purpose of this power though... that's not something that should be a 10th level daily utility power.

Eye of Justice (PHB2)

See Invisible, for 2 turns. How frequently are enemies invisible anyway? On the other hand, there's a Skill power below this level that's even better, if you know Dungeons.

Leading Step (DP)

Out to the Woodshed with you, as an encounter out of turn action. Since the chasers will be wanting to replace Sequestering Strike soon, perfectly timed.

River of Life (PHB2)

Its a good power you won't take, cause you're either a longtooth shifter, or worship Mellora. Better regeneration, but it doesn't scale and it's a daily. If you do take it now, retrain it later once regeneration 5 no longer matters. (As with most other damage mitigation techniques, hurt by MM3)

Shielding Symbol (DP)

Gives those 20-Wisdom avengers a chance to avoid a hit each battle. Remember though, if you're fighting monsters much higher level than you are, their hit rolls are typically higher than yours.

Wings of Vengeance (DP)

Good fly speed for two turns, and it's an encounter power.