

Battle Engineer (EPG)

From a +striker view, the draws are the AP feature (+1 to hit for two rounds, to the class that needs it least, but still not something you'd ignore, and +1d6 damage for the same period), and the daily utility power. The rest is either meh or doesn't function for you. That's ... black, all in all. The blue comes in from the +Leader possibilities. If your party has a lot of multiattackers, the e11 power is crazy-awesome, especially as an opener. Expect your DM to double encounter XP budgets, as your party goes nuts for the first round of every battle and slaughters everything in sight. But if you're the party's designated striker, look somewhere else.


(Hybrid executioner is interesting...)

Covenant Agent (D386,Assassin)

The powers actually have reasonable amounts of Dakka, for a shocking change... but don't have much else. The AP feature is nice, if not earth-shattering. Precision Gait is a decent utility. But the 16th level feature will very rarely be relevant, and while the 20th level power allows you to leave your lightsaber at home, that's only one encounter a day. The real gem is Shadow of the Gods , but I don't think it's good enough to rescue save-ends powers. Hybrid Assassin|Avengers like the fact that the PP powers qualify for both striker features. But I really don't think that rescues it. And this handbook is for pure Avengers anyway.


Cleric draws include Radiant Advantage , and cheesing BattleCleric's Lore out of the Divine Healer feat.

Divine Oracle (Cleric,PHB)

For followers of Tempus only. Prophecy of Doom + post-errata Righteous Rage of Tempus + a move action + a big {W} attack + Crit Optimization OMGWTFBBQ. Not really as much damage as your optimized crit fisher puts out, but all in one attack. I've seen this combo do 185 damage in a single attack in real play at level 14. Rolling twice for initiative is also incredibly good. Terrifying Insight won't ever trigger on your melee powers (because they don't target will), but it does open up ranged powers, as long as they target will.

Paragon of Victory (D400)

A nice solid PP, assuming your DM doesn't add the words "That you know" to the e11 or you're a half-elf. It won't power you up to silly levels, but it also will provide lots of support in more subtle ways. Off-action attacks rock, and the e11, d20, and f16 all give you one. The AP feature is "more dakka for 2 turns". The f11 can break up formations to help you select your next target. Only the u12 completely lacks any striker focus.

Tactical Warpriest (PHB)

A real mark, A feature and a utility power that trigger off of natural dice rolls, and a Wis based weapon power that targets non-AC defenses (if you roll enough, you'll crit even without any enhancers). And then add in the same Nova-on-AP feature the Pit Fighter has. The AC boost will usually be wasted, but the real mark helps you fulfill your defender secondary.


You're a Lycan here for Blood Moon Stalker , and may consider power swapping for an EoE buff power, but that's just about it. Feat notes: Stampede , Enranged Boar Form , Scuttling Crawler Form , Hunting Wolf Form , Stalking Panther Form

Blight Beast (D373)

The f16 gives Necrotic vulnerability, which has the usual abusability aspects, tempered by the detail that doing extra necrotic instances is harder than extra radiant or fire instances. And the f11 only works on Beast Form powers, of which you really won't have any. While the attack powers are both implement powers, they do have the good grace to be melee touch ones.

Blood Moon Stalker (PHB2,Wild Shape)

For Lycans (people with the werewolf/wererat/werebear themes), the f16 translates to "crit on 19+ for forever", which is pretty awesome. The AP feature is "Free MBA when you AP", which is pretty awesome. The f11 allows you to consider 2nd-wind boosters. The two attack powers are pretty useless though.

Coiled Serpent (PP)

Your f16 (again, assuming Lycans) is +2d6 static. As usual with Druid PPs, the power isn't that interesting.


Fighter draws include Battle Awareness as a lovely off-action attack, Battlefury Stance for +static for the multiattackers, Impaling Spear for increased accuracy for the Chasers/Chargers, Slashing Storm for more DPRz in Epic. and a lovely selection of paragon paths.

Blood-Crazed Berserker (Fighter,BoVD)

The key draw here is the f16 (expanded crit range while bloodied), and the d20(free attacks unless your oath target flees? Uber). This is a great +Striker PP, again given to fighters. The downside is simply that you have to be evil, it's from the BoVD, and your DM won't let you have it.

Draeven Marauder (Fighter,D365)

Strength based, so you can't hit with the powers. But shifty features, and weapon mastery with the spear (Warshovel?). Rain of blows works with a spear ... maybe you will be able to hit with the powers.

Dreadnought (MP,Fighter)

A good PP for a Retributive Avenger. If you get hit a lot, you'll get hit with effects a lot. Spending 10hp and a minor action to end anything a save can end? That's pretty good. And free DR to allow you to get hit is also spectacular. You're more likely to want to go Demigod than most avengers though, as you'll want to get some of your stat points back. Hurt by MM3.

Kensei (PHB,Fighter)

Accuracy and damage are always good, and the powers suck so badly that, when you dump str, you still won't miss them.

Pitfighter (PHB,Fighter)

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. If you want Nova potential, look at Warpriest, it also has the AC bonus. If you're a critfisher, look at Kensei or Morninglord. The May nerf was brutal and killed the mighty Pitfighter.


Arbiter of Forgotten Justice (D381,Invoker)

The key feature is the level 16 "crit on 19-20 with Radiant Powers". (Thank you, Painful Oath ) Then a level 11 feature turns your criting into a free HP-granting fountain. And the AP feature lets you step in on someone else's turn (see: Painful Oath ) to stop team monster. (OAs happen before the triggering action, so it should negate a monster attack every time you use it). The attack powers are all implement powers, which is ... less than optimal. But at least thanks to Essentials changes to implement proficiency, you can use your holy symbol for them.

Flame of Hope (PHB2,Invoker)

Some of the Martyr powers have a leadership component. This PP can help emphasize that leadership angle... in particular Inspiring Action is pure gold. The attack powers are implement powers, so either have an implement or plan to Reserve Maneuver out of the e11.


Ghostwalker (PHB3)

For masters of Defence. An additional +2 to defences, basically (Deadly Draw/Cunning Stalker at level 11, encounter stance at level 12), another woodshed power, and a stunning d20. Look at that aftereffect on the d20 though: if your AC is unhittable, that's "dazed until we decide to stop ignoring him". Also interesting for Ninjas, in that you have combat advantage on things you're hidden from, and this gives you concealment when you have Combat Advantage. Concealment allows you to stay hidden. Hm. You end up being able to hide just cause you're hidden, which is trippy but also useful.

Radiant Fist (PHB3)

This is mostly a +resilience PP for censure of Pursuit avengers, but it also gives out some nice spike capacity. Combining the e11 power and the AP feature, you're looking at 1.5 rounds of +10 static damage. You got RRoT for free (well, I assume). Flurry of Blows will also add a nice bit of damage into your Nova turn. And the e20 is a nice encounter long damage buff. Then for durability, your AP feature also heals you, and the u12d gives you some really good damage resistance. If you're a hybrid Monk/Avenger, this is actually pretty awesome.


Ranger draws include Adept Dilettante , a couple of power swaps, Impaling Spear for the Chargers/Chasers, and Slashing Storm for more DPRz in Epic.

Darkstrider (Ranger,MP2)

The key here is major bonus damage while hidden (3+Wis!). Ninjas, take note. An encounter power with an effect of "you are hidden" is also rather nice: note the lack of LoS requirements or stealth checks in there. The main problem is the powers: Str required for melee powers. Bah. To use this as a melee class, you'll need a lot of movement baked into your attack, so that you don't lose stealth until after you hit. Look for some of your invisibility powers, and Shadowflow Armor to keep your hidden status as you approach.


Key draws are a power-swap or two, and Deft Blade

Daggermaster (PHB)

PP powers aren't wasted, but the 18-20 Crit range is (the May 2010 nerf). Look at Thuranni Shadow Killer or Darkstrider instead.

Daring Acrobat (MP)

This is a +Spike damage PP, but you've got to work to take advantage of it. Start with a Light-Blade Charger (Power of Skill, Deadly Draw, Surprising Charge, Deft Blade), MC Rogue, and power swap for Low Slash or Tumbling Strike depending on your level. Now your Nova round (assuming you've already oathed the target) can have 4 attacks, AP for the extra move->minor. Standard/Approach, Low Slash, Fury's Advance, Standard. At 16, you can make those two standards charges if you've got the boots to get an extra square of shift. But the fact that the PP powers require light blades devalues it until 17, when you can abuse Tumbling Strike's lack of a light blade requirement. But then you're giving up a very nice d20 to do so (and pushing Vengeful Parry off until level 23)

Jack of all Trades (MP2)

This is not a DPR PP. This is 3/4 a skills-challenge-rocking PP, and 1/4 a "your d20 did HOW MUCH damage?!?" PP. Despite it being a Rogue PP, all the powers are compatible with your manga weapons and work well with them. They are Dex attacks, but that's hardly a problem. The rest of the PP is just "better at skills", "trained in more skills", and the like. That's pretty nice, but that's not anything that makes you better in the other 3 combats of the day, so the overall rating suffers.

Master of Poisons (MP2)

Assuming you picked up a Spiderkissed weapon, +Stat to static. Add Int again by being a scholar for your Spike rounds. Unfortunately, the powers are less useful. The very powerful e11 requires a different stat than the f11, and thus never hits. The d20 suffers the same problem, but at least gets rerolls. The u12 will cause your mage to dance in the streets, if there's ever a Sleep, with the poison keyword power. But there isn't, so don't hold your breath.

Shadow Assassin (PHB)

The draw here is Riposte Damage to convince foes to run, and Dex synergy. But you should have gone Darkstrider . The other features and powers aren't beyond "hey, look. Damage", and don't do enough of that.


Obviously, those that MC seeker are going to be more of the archer builds, of which there is very little non-seeker support. So I can assume you have Distant Vengeance , and regularly make RBAs. Draws include Primal Eye . Well, that's pretty much where they end too.

Crimson Hunter (PHB3)

Expanded crit range. +1 to hit. Basically, +1 speed in combat. Good leader e11 that gives double-rolls. But you have to be all archer.

Moonrise Stalker (D413)

Your woodshed powers all slow, which you may be able to turn into "stun", depending on which powers and who you target. Your AP now slows (since you've got tons of decent forced movement powers that you can use to turn into teleports). The e11 and u12e each provide nice mobility. At 16, your are a feyslaughter weapon, which solves certain combat puzzles. And the d20 can provide just silly teleport range (ranged-weapon). The only downside is that, as suiting a controller class, there's naught to really add to your striker. And that is a real downside.


Soul Igniter (D385,Shaman)

When you crit, +2 to speed, +2 to reflex, and +Wis_Mod damage on attacks for the rest of this round and the next one. Nice, especially since it kicks in at 11th level. And you do the same for anyone else in the party. And the encounter power has the important bit on an effect. And the daily gives you (and anyone else who crits) a damage aura of Wis Mod. Good things on a crit. Now, crit, without using your paragon path to do so. The only downside is a wasted level 16 feature and a meh d20... and the level 16 feature can be salvaged with a second feat(Sudden Call)


Two MC feats, neither of which is decent. One's +1 or +3 to AC for an encounter, another's skill training in one of two skills you don't care too much about, and a flavor feature. (And Implement proficiency with your sword, to reduce MID. But since you don't actually TAKE any implement powers, that's not too relevant). One draw is Intelligent Blademaster for freedom of deities to worship. Another is Eladrin Swordmage Advance for a bonus off-action attack power. In Epic, you talk Corellon into giving you his blessing, and then take Quickened Spellcasting for a 2nd round of nova action. This will probably work better as a hybrid .

Anarch of Shyr (FRPG)

The AP feature is just about as good as it gets (Free Attack: This and ESA and your normal tricks can ramp your Nova round up to 5+ attacks). The u12 lets you tack on permafrost while keeping your Radiant Mafia, and keeping a real weapon. Unfortunately, for a single-class Avenger, that's all you've got. The rest of the PP is about helping assault swordmages, and as an single-class Avenger you aren't one.


Feytouched (PHB)

You are going to take the power-swap feat to grab Ethereal Sidestep , and you are probably going to get a couple of items to extend it's reach. And then you're going to teleport every round, getting Int_Mod autodamage as your +striker class feature. Shame the level 16 features and the powers are all wasted.

Student of Caiphon (D366)

Until the March 2010 errata, you could use a lightsaber and crit on 18+ with a real weapon. Now you can't, unless you're a Half-Elf or a Revenant (Half-Elf) and poach Eldritch Strike . And if you do that, then it's an at-will Spam PP, which is it's own limitation.


Bloodmage (PHB,Wizard)

Very nice spells, and the potential for some extra striker level damage from your class features.

Simbarch of Aglarond (FRPG,Wizard)

The Striker draw is the 11th level power, which is a really good striker class feature disguised as a power. You'll want to find ways to recharge that (Salve of Power). And the rest of the PP is for Martyrs and helps your survivability (but not much. You don't have that many surges to spend)

Wizard of the Spiral Tower(PHB,Wizard)

The draw is "The One Sword", which in your hands will be an extra-at will power that dazes. (Weapon attack vs. NACDs). But the class features are wasted. You don't specialize in an implement, so you don't get to use your longsword as one. Getting a Wizard MC power back won't be worth an action point, and your Charisma modifier isn't worth talking about. But did I mention the near at-will daze power ?


Son of Mercy (D370,Defender)

The Red rating is simply because you're not actually allowed to take it.] If you can talk your DM into allowing it, consider it blue to sky blue . (One approach that might work would be to take a Defender Theme. But only the themes from Dark Sun were marked like that...) Assuming you passed your Fast-talk the DM check, you need to take the "Oath Strike" feat (or the Half-Elf feat to mark with your Dilettante power), but then you have a great +Defender and +Striker PP. You then get +Wisdom to damage against your oath target, and you slow your oath target each time you hit them. Powers are strength based, which seems unfortunate until you remember that large modifiers to static damage favor multi-attack powers.

Traveler's Harlequin (D382,Any)

The training in Bluff is annoying, since most of the MCs you might take to get in won't give bluff. But some will, or you could use a background to get it. Either way, you get your MC feat investment back (do a retrain jig to turn that into a power-swap feat instead?), and the 16th level feature is again better for you than others. (If the d12 was a 5, for example, and your twin rolls were 5 and 8. Take the 5, then reroll both rolls). The key bit though is the 20th level daily power... Which is nearly any other PPs (20th) or class (19th) daily attack power you want. Um... You want Slayer's Ascendancy (Relentless Slayer's d20). Glad I could help.