
Holy Symbols

If you have a lot of implement powers (controllers, mostly), you might want a Holy Symbol that's actually up to spec. If most of you will want a weapon that's up to spec more. Some options, in rough order of preference:

I'm generally assuming you don't need an up-to-spec holy symbol, and take that last option. Remember that the difference in price between a +N and a +(N-1) symbol is 5x, so you can buy a only-slightly-old holy symbol for what essentially amounts to pocket change.

To hang around your neck and forget

Most Avengers should use the Holy Symbol slot for a property or power that doesn't require you to use the Holy Symbol. That also allows you to not keep the symbol up to par: you didn't have to hit with the symbol to use the property. Because of that, I'm including the lowest level symbol in the main description. Add 5 to get the level at which you should be able to purchase one with some left over change you found behind the couch.

Domino of Olladra (EPG,10)

Only use with Sage of Ages, Dice of Auspecious Fortune, or other situations where the roll is a formality, and you already know it will work. But them start asking your DM which god would give out RRoT in Eberron, and use on the Paladin of that god.

Symbol of Defense (AV2,18)

+5 bonus is a pretty wide range, so odds are you'll be able to use it on occassion. But it's rather expensive.

Symbol of Hope (PHB,3)

+5 bonus to saves will seriously shorten any given effect.

Symbol of Victory (PHB,9)

For non-morninglords, it's really hard to beat this for the symbol you don't use. Basically, an extra action point every day, although it won't let you spend more than one an encounter.

To Use

Symbol of Divine Light (AV2,17)

This one is for the Morninglord ... just in case 10 wasn't enough static damage. How's 15 strike your fancy? However, since it only works on implement attacks: pass. A Radiant Dragonshard will already do that with your weapon attacks, and doesn't take a slot.

Symbol of Divine Reach (AV,8)

This is your fix to "Bond of Censure's pull exceeds it's range". Fix the range.

Symbol of Divinity (AV,2)

For the RRoT abusers, or Divine Rage users. Do it again ... but you have to use the symbol to use the power.

Ki Focus

There's at least one theme ( Elemental Initiate ) that gives proficiency with a Ki Focus, or you can MC Monk or Assassin. Either way, this gives you a lot more flexibility in power selection, and some more flexibility in range with some of your at-will powers. Also useful for those that want to fluff themselves as beating monsters to death with their bare fists, although +2/1d6 is a pretty crappy weapon.

To Use

Abduction Ki Focus (4,PHB3)

A daily woodshed power, and Overwhelming Strike now slides 2 (and everything else slides 1). Handy for broom build chasers.

Blazing Arc (3,PHB3)

Tieflings can use this for basically +2 to hit (feat and theme), but now you're also locking in a specific MC feat.

Devastating (5,HoS)

Poor man's Brutal ain't bad, but it's expensive for what it gives.

Envenomed (2,HoS)

You don't have poison powers, so you'll never get the bonus damage. Obviously, if you're using Power of Poison , here's an item bonus to damage and you're suddenly much more interested here.

Hailstorm (8,D408)

As an avenger, you'll basically never eat the downside, so what should be a really poor item absent some weird dragonbreath stunt turns out to be Ok. Minor action nova enhancer... of course, unless your DM accepts certain readings of Raging Tempest , you're better off spending that minor on an attack instead of +1d6 damage.

Iron Body (5,D382)

Resist Enh vs. the guy you're soloing? Not shabby. Downgraded because it's expensive.

Left in the backpack, and forgetten

Elusive Action (4,PHB3)

+2 vs. OAs for a level 4 uncommon.

Hawk's Talon (4,D382)

Decent bonus to athletics checks during a charge. I don't think you'll need to use this for the resulting charge....

Shadowmaster Ki Focus (3,HoS)

Permastealth ninjas only: a nice source of extra damage. Of course, it's rather tricky to permastealth as an avenger, so let me know how you do it. ( Persistent Tail and some other source of concealment come to mind, but then you're running low on options)

The Ineffable Secret of Death (Rare,15,D404)

A Rare, so you'll never get one. Shame that, because it's a quite expensive item that's worth the cost. +Enh static with CA, encounter phasing.

Other Implements

Master's Wand of Thunderwave (AV)

Those that MCd wizard only. Turn it into a close burst, the better to get your rerolls later.