3. Epic

Blind Fighting (PHB)

You qualify for it. I don't know how much it comes up.

Divine Mastery (DP)

Same as Martial Mastery, except Divine. Like most everyone else, you've got some really good encounter powers you'd like to recharge ... (Shame there's no Arcane Mastery for the Symbarch's of Aglarond)

Enmity Shared (DP)

Is CA for two turns really an Epic feat? Ok, once I get over that aspect... the question is "How optimized is my party". If your party is decent, and they can follow handy laser pointers, then this is a better Perma-CA feat, and you should retrain your existing perma-CA feat into it. Nothing will be alive after the CA would fade, and there are no conditions. And it saves some setup for the rest of the party. If the party is more defensive, and you're not at the 1/2 KPR line, then skip it.

Epic Resurgence (PHB)

In Epic, you really ought to get at least one crit per encounter, so you'll get one encounter power back. For Critfishers, can I suggest Hurricane of Blades? The downside is that it might happen before you've expended any encounter powers.

Epic Will (PHB2)

Not a feat bonus, so stacks with anything.

Fist of Heaven (DP)

The controllers just found their 21st level feat.

Flanking Maneuver (PHB2)

Moving through enemies is the real draw. But you can get this through powers, or the Inexorable Pursuit feat above.

Glorious Channeler (DP)

Divine Rage and Divine Guidance in the same encounter. But that was two feats.

Halo of Tethering (D382)

A free shift isn't bad... but you have such great maneuvering powers for this exact situation that this feat seems rather underpowered.

Halo of Warding (D382)

A nice porcupine power to help you get your oath. Combine with Power of Skill for some nice maneuvering.

Hand of Divine Guidance (D382)

You Take This. Period. Crits are how you prevent high-level grind. The raw math indicates that the expanded crit range isn't that valuable. So make sure you've got some other things that go off when you crit. War Rings, High Crit Weapon, Rending Weapon, Punishing Radiance, that sort of thing.

Heavenly Torrent (DP)

Allows the Unitarians to trigger a nice spike of damage/crits. If the Warlord has Relentless Assault up, the target just died.

Indomitable Will (PHB2)

Take Superior Will (HotFL) instead. A bigger bonus, and another save is better than +2. Especially when it comes at the start of your turn.

Long Step (PHB3)

All those approach powers? Have one more range. Overwhelming Strike now lets you move sufficiently far away to charge again. Good value for the feat slot.

Mighty Enmity (PHB2)

Since the usual value here is to just save a minor by getting more oath more quickly, Vengeful Declaration is strictly superior. The only other use would be in an oath-centric feat package to spread out the boons.

Punishing Radiance (DP)

You said you were a Lightsaber wielding Fisherman? I think the entire board just became vulnerable to Radiant damage...

Righteous Focus (DP)

Unitaries really don't like the current target surviving more than two rounds, apparently. How about everyone gets +1 to hit it?

Robust Defenses (PHB2)

Obsoleted by Improved Defenses

Vengeance Recalled (DP)

As much as I pretend otherwise, you won't get your oath every attack, especially if you've got your DM annoyed at you. So how about you get 5 more damage for the few times you miss? Only black because you still should be focusing on not missing, unless you're a Eternal Seeker and you're about to chain Low Slash, Rain of Blows, and Hurricane of Blades in the same round. Then feel free to take this feat and close your eyes before you swing the first time.

Triumphant Attack (PHB)

For a Master Of Defense, can be an additional +2 to defenses. For more high-damage builds though, Isn't "Dead" the ultimate debuff?

Two Weapon Flurry (PHB)

Makes your OAs more potent. Odds are, you'll only ever use it once or twice though, because the DM will never allow you to trigger an OA after that.

Vengeful Declaration (D382)

How important this is is a function of how optimized you are. If you're a Firewind Blade wielding Morninglord/Radiant One with Pelor's Boon , and you've loaded up on minor actions, you need this feat to oath anything so that you can use your minor action attacks. Because otherwise your oath target died already. If your teammates actually religiously focus fire (and you have multiple minor action attacks) then you'll need this to be able to use your minor action attacks because, again, you'll start every turn with a dead oath target.